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Prepare yourselves because this is going to get emotional 😭😂

Thomas is now close to his nineties.

He can't say he didn't had a good life. He did. On his own way, with a lot of ups and downs, but he did.

The loss of his best friends was something that he would think about every day. But the loss of the person he loved the most, the only girl he ever loved, was something that kept him awake more often than he thought it would.

He smiles at the old woman sleeping beside him. He knows she would never be Teresa, but he cared about her and loved her as well.

He lays down on his bed, closing his eyes slowly.

He feels a sudden wave of peacefulness wash over him, and he takes a deep breath.

He knows his time has come.


His eyes open with a sudden bright white light shining on his face.

His eyes adjust to his surroundings, and he gets confused when he sees a place similar to the Safe Haven he was in, the only difference being that this one is brighter and softer.

He also feels something different on him. He doesn't feel old. At all.

He feels and is his sixteen year old self.

"Boys! Wake up! It's Thomas! Thomas has arrived!"

He hears a childish voice yell, and he searches for the source of it. The voice does sound familiar.

He sees a figure running towards him, and Thomas is starting to get his features.

Brown hair, curls all around his chubby face... Chuck...

"Chuck?" He mumbles, still not believing his eyes.

The boy throws himself at Thomas, hugging him tightly around his neck.

He never thought he would miss the kid so much, and he still doesn't believe he's actually there with him.

"I'm sorry buddy..." he can feel the tears starting to form on his eyes, but he fights it.

"It's okay Thomas. Really."

"Where am I?" Thomas asks as the two pull away, Chuck with the biggest smile on his face.

"We're in Heaven. Everyone who has died is here with us. We missed you a lot shank, but we wanted you to take your time, live the life you deserve." Chuck explains, as a group of people start forming around them.

"Are you saying that everyone who died is here?" Thomas asks, still unsure. Does that mean he can see-

"Tommy?" He hears a British accent coming from behind the crowd, and he doesn't even think twice before pulling his best friend into a hug.

"I'm so sorry, Newt. I'm sorry I couldn't save you..." Thomas pulls away and looks at the older boy in the face.

Newt smiles, patting his friends shoulders.

"Don't worry about that now, Tommy. We're all safe here." Newt replies, pointing at everyone around him. "And look, I'm better than ever!" He exclaims, pointing at himself and Thomas gives out a small chuckle.

Thomas saw all his friends he lost when he was younger. He saw Alby, Ben, Winston, and he never understood how much he missed them until he saw them again.

But there's still one person he needs to see.

"Hey, Chuck?" Thomas whispers when everyone goes to sleep on their hammocks. Thomas got one close to Chuck, just like in the Glade.

The boy turns his head to Thomas, humming for him to talk.

"Is Teresa also here?"

Chuck tries to contain himself but he can't help but smile. He's been waiting for him to ask it since he arrived there.

"She's probably sleeping. Her hammock is more distant, since she sleeps with the girls." Then Chuck points behind of him with his thumb, making Thomas follow him.

There in the distance, close to the trees, stand some hammocks with people sleeping on them.

"You can go there if you want." Chuck smirks, winking at his friend.

Thomas gives him a genuine smile before thanking him, and starts walking towards the trees, careful not to awake anyone.

Once he reaches there, he catches a glimpse of a dark haired girl sleeping peacefully on the last hammock, and he gently walks over to her.

She looks just as beautiful as she did when he last saw her. Pale skin. Dark hair. Skinny, but strong. Teresa.

Thomas fights the urge to wake her up. He wants to see her eyes, talk to her, hug her. But he can't bring himself to do it since she's sleeping so calmly.

He takes a strand of hair out of her face softly, smiling as he does so. He could stay like that all night.

"Tom?" He hears a sleepy voice call him, and he looks down to the girl who has now wide, bright blue eyes.

Next thing he knows, he's been pulled into a hug he never thought would be so tight.

He doesn't hesitate on hugging her back, holding onto her with the same intensity she is to him.

His eyes get watery fast, and soon the tears start falling down his cheeks. He isn't the only one crying, he can hear sniffles coming from Teresa.

"I missed you so much..." He whispers through her hair, holding her a little bit tighter.

"I missed you too Thomas... so much..." He hears her say from his shoulder, and he pulls away gently, wanting to finally get an answer to what he's been asking since that happened.

Surprisingly, nobody as woken up yet.

"Why didn't you jump?" Thomas asks as he cleans the tears from Teresa's cheeks.

It takes her some seconds to answer, but she does.

"I thought I didn't deserve to." She smiles sadly, making Thomas' heart ache with her answer. She deserves the best the world can possibly give.

He hugs her once again, closing his eyes as he does so. He missed her terribly.

He had a beautiful family, yes, but Teresa was always crossing his mind. She wasn't there physically, but she was for sure always with him mentally.

"We have each other now." He whispers, before kissing the top of her head.

And the two of them stay like that, embraced in each other's arms, taking in everything they missed for so long, for as long as their souls will let them.


Here it is!! I wanted to write this for some days now and I finally did! Just thought it would be sad but cute at the same time 😊

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