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Hey, if your reading this I'm so happy because this is my first story ever on Wattpad. I just wanna say, that I would love if you read this all the way through, and I am super happy to make this!!

Nico was just wandering, when suddenly, he heard a growl. He paused, but when he heard no more, continued trudging along. He wasn't paying attention, and was suddenly met with piercing blue eyes.

Nico stumbled back in the dark, tripping on a root and fell on his behind. The creature slowly approached him as he shook with fear. Apart from the shocking blue eyes it had, it was a golden yellow, like the sun. The wolf finally stopped about a yard away from him. Nico felt a weird attraction to the wolf, like he wanted to go up to it and introduce himself.

He held back because talking to a wolf was stupid....right?

All in one motion, he turned and sprinted the way he came, tripping and stumbling on roots and stones. From the size of the wolf, he doubted he would get far, but it was worth a shot. He heard the wolfs paws slamming the ground as it chased him. Nico felt claws scratching at him, and he tripped over his ankle and fell. He looked down and saw a giant purple bruise on his ankle.

'That had to be broken' He thought, as he laid there, waiting to be ripped to shreds. He whimpered quietly, silently praying to whatever god would listen, that this wolf wouldn't kill him. 'There's nothing to live for. Not after Bianca.' Nico's brain was whispering things about how there was nothing to live for, to just let the wolf kill him.

The wolf slowly approached him and... nudged him. Then it plopped down on the dirt next to Nico and began to lick his wounds.Nico smiled at the wolf and petted it.

For some reason, his ankle was already feeling better than it did about two minutes ago. He wasn't paying attention when he suddenly was shocked by a blinding white light.

Nico covered his eyes just in time to not get blinded. When the light faded, he looked at his ankle. There was no sign of a bruise, or that there had ever been one.

Nico looked back at the wolf, who was giving a weirdly, human-like grin.

"Did you do this?" He asked the wolf. He had no idea why he was talking to a wolf, but it just felt right. What surprised him even more was when it nodded. As in literally nodded at him.

"Huh, that's interesting" he said, deep in thought.

For some reason, Nico felt weirdly comfortable with the wolf, a feels he hadn't felt in years. So he began talking to it.

He started with, "Hello, my name is Nico. I'm a wanderer. I just wander around the woods, not knowing where to go, or where my destination will be. It's a fun lifestyle, but kinda lonely sometimes. Speaking of loneliness, where is your pack?" He hadn't seen the wolf with any others. It was completely alone. "Like me" his brain said. Nico didn't bother answering.

The wolf stared at him for a few moments before slowly shaking its head. Nico took this to mean that he had none, or they had died. Nico nodded at the wolf before continuing. "I have no pack either, just wander, alone. Hey, wait a minute, since we both have no packs, why don't we be each others!!!"

The wolf nodded rapidly, as if happy with that. "But first, I have to name you." He looked off into the distance, thinking.

"Hmmmmm, how about Cielo. It means sky, like your eyes." The wolf seemed to glare at him with such an intensity, that Nico shivered. "No, okay.......what about Luce del sol... or Sol for short. It means Sunshine." The wolf nodded happily and wagged his tail. "Okay, Sol it is. Wait.... your a boy, right?" Sol nodded like he knew exactly what Nico had said. "Silly dog." He thought while rubbing Sol behind the ears.

"Well, how about we start moving?" Nico offered while he stood up and dusted himself off. He tested both feet to make sure he was alright, then started the long walk home, with Sol trotting happily beside him.

So, this is the first chapter. I wanna hear all your feedback and criticisms. leave nothing out, except for negativity. If you wanna be negative then leave real quick. I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!

Wandering (Solangelo AU) DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now