---Chapter 6

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My vocal cords are knotted inside of me and my mind refuses to untangle them. His merry eyes inflame my cheeks. I don't know what to say to anyone anymore.

I simply nod back and run inside. I just need a bite to eat and a nap, and then maybe my head will clear. I've complied with Traugott's wishes. What else is there for me to do except sit here and try to stay away from all the fighting? Oh I wish I could just go home!

But who am I kidding? The only people in my world who even missed me were my aunt and uncle and probably a few frustrated teachers. I've already been there again. There's little to go back to. Even my tree seemed to have bidden me goodbye when I drew the dagger. Uncle Rob and Aunt Adalynn said their forever farewells. I, truthfully, said mine as well.

What about this place repulses me so? They like me, they need me, and they missed me. What more must I receive? What is wrong with me! I want to both tear down the walls inside me and reinforce them. The war with oneself is the hardest to fight.


A knock on the front door drags me from my discovery and devouring of Lady Carys's sweet biscuits. Still wiping crumbs off my cheeks, I turn the latch. Hiltraud stands broad and tall, practically already over the threshold. I jump backwards as he ducks his head and enters the atrium.

"Lady Kaitra! I trust you have recovered somewhat from your fright. I'm sure world-traveling is a bit stressful on the nerves." I nod, but he gives me no room to speak. "I've been to see Master Hulderic. He told me the whole story."

I swallow my words a second time and only stare back at him. I have yet to become accustomed to his imposing figure and horse-half. My most vivid memory of him is being sandwiched between his rolling back and Traugott's arm when they dragged me to Llyendal in the first place. Could I have gotten away from Traugott if Hiltraud weren't there?

"Go find a backpack. We leave in two hours. Pack food for a week, everything else for three. I'll be back to pick you up. I have arrangements to make in town."

"Who travels with us?" I ask quietly.

He shakes his head, "No one. Such things must occur in times of war."

I duck my head and rush off to make heads or tails of the situation in the supply room. I don't want to go on another journey. Am I doomed to get only one decent night of sleep at a time now? I'm sure most Yuragwynian girls don't spend their lives on the trail. Surely this could wait for a day or two.

But where on earth is he taking me?


Cyneric came to our door again and beckoned for us to follow him, and now we are blindfolded and stumbling after his harsh voice. Calanthe bumps into me, but she refuses the hand I offer for her stability. I have hurt her deeply in the past, and this latest wound with Briallen's banishment has driven the cut deeper.

A hand embeds itself in my stomach, and I stop abruptly and stand very still. Hands take the blindfolds off of us, and we are in a dank hall with puny cages on each side. I wait for some explanation, but no key is turned in the lock and no word is said. We only look around and wonder.

"Oh, Briallen!" Calanthe screams, falling to the floor by the bars. She reaches her hand through and takes hold of her sister's. "Briallen!"

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