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This is probably the last chapter of this book. But again, it may not be. Anyways, just read on, vote and comment!



"But I do, Zach. I challenge you, M-U-R-D-E-R-E-R." Dorso smirks.

Zach turns at me and I look at him through the fluorescent light of his glow-in-the-dark jacket. "May, if I live, then it'll be me who'll take you home. But if I die, promise me that you'll never marry him. Please." He says. He looks at Dorso with a frown.

I pat him on the shoulder and he glares back at me. "You're not gonna die, hero." I giggle. He sneers at me and kisses me on the cheek. "I love you," He shrugs, "and you can't change that truth, girl!"

He winks at me and I start day dreaming once again. Gradually, I feel sleepy and notice a glowing cream on my cheek. He kissed me a sleeping medicine!

I pass out and fall on the ground....

I unhook my eyes and find myself in a car. I look at the driver's seat to gaze at a guy with a gun in his pocket. I gulp as a scary thought ground me. Is Zach really dead?

Then I notice something- a heel in his coat pocket. The heel which belonged to my sister. And only one person knew how I hated them but need them....

"Awake, princess?" he looks at me through the rear mirror with a well-known smile.

A grin grows on my lips. "Hey, Zach Shazz."

"Now look out where we are," he giggles. I sit with a little difficulty and gaze out of the car window. It was the place where I was kidnapped from. There was a party going on, just a different one (not the same party I was abducted from) and people were still drinking whiskey.

Zach opened the car door and lifted me up in his arms. "Why're we here, boy?" I interrogate.

"You'll see. C'mon now, wear this heels, Cinderella." He helps me wear the fucking heels. We enter the bar and he puts me down.

"Stay here, I'll be back in a sec." Says he.

"Wait, what if someone comes to kidnap me and make me his slave?" I reply, worried.

He grins and whispers in my ear, "Then tell them that you're married to a boy called ZACH SHAZZ."

I giggle and nod my head. He winks and leaves. I stare around to find people shaking their butts like my family had been doing that day. Then I notice Adam's senior girlfriend.

"Suzy?" I mumble in disbelief.

"Oh, hey May. Adam's with your family outside. They're playing cards with my family. Where have you been these days?" she retorts.

"J-just chilling, ya know. With my..." I pause and smile as I think of him, "bridegroom."

She winks and leaves. I wait there thinking about what I had just said.

"Ahem." Someone calls. I look beside me to find a masked waiter. I grin at him realizing who it is.

"Shall we dance?" he asks.

"Sure!" I playfully reply.

He giggles and takes me to the backyard. "It's nice to meet you again, girl." He says as he connects his phone to the speaker.

"Yeah, I'm glad to meet you again too, waiter."

He grabs me by the waist and drags me closer. I wrap my arms around his neck and smile at him. He leans closer.

"I'm Zach Shazz." He whispers.

"I'm May Blake," I whisper back.

"And I'm a bad boy."

"I don't care."

"But I keep on falling for you."

"Me too, Zach." I pull myself closer.

He smiles and tilts nearer, and finally, we lock our lips. I smile between his lips as he grabs my hand from his neck and push a ring in my finger.

"And, I love you, my bride." He mumbles, glued to my lips.

"I love you too, my groom..." I grin. Boys like Zach Shazz are my heart and love. We dance to the music, with our lips locking: This is a perfect LOVE STORY.

Thank you for reading this beautifully craved story, readers. I appreciate y'all very much.


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