Chapter three

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The rest of the day went by as fast as the morning did. I didn't have English today so I managed to survive.

And now for the worst part of my day, taking the bus. The bus was just as disgusting as I remember it, there were stains everywhere, the seats were falling apart and there was a very strong and very unpleasant smell, gas station bathrooms smell better than this. plus the only seat left was by a very large very sweaty guy that does not know the meaning of personal space.

A little less than an hour later I was diving out of the bus, soaking in all the fresh air. "I need a car." I said to myself as the bus pulled away.

I started walking towards the building, it's been a while since I was last here but I still know my way around. I bought I cup of coffee and kept walking to the building when I was stopped by one of the campus patrol dudes.

"Excuse me." He said, he looked like he was about twenty years old, but I couldn't be sure.

"Yes." I said back.

"I'm need to see your ID."

"Oh yeah." I said pulling my wallet out of my pocket." Here."

"Thanks." he said looking at my ID. "Gabriel Trudeau, so your professor Trudeau's son."

"That would be me." I said awkwardly. I hope my mom doesn't talk about me to her students, some of the professors know who I am but none of the students do besides Parker and I would like to keep it that way.

"Sorry about what happened." people have been saying that a lot lately.

"Yeah, what up with the extra patrol, I don't remember this much the last time I was here?"

"Well after what happened with your moms class they increased patrol so it won't happen again."

"Ohhh, we'll anyway I got to get going."


I made my way inside, man the school is taking this seriously.

I found my mom standing out side her class room talking to some old guy.

"Hey mom." I said coming up behind her. normally my mom looks professional when she goes to work, but today she is wearing a plain t shirt and old jeans, her dirty blonde hair is pulled back into a loose pony tail, even though I'm not extremely tall I'm still six inches taller than her.

"Hey Hun." She said.

"So this is your son." the old guy said.

I gave him one of my best scowls, I work on those for moments like this. I don't know why but something seemed off about this guy.

"Yes, Gabe this is professor Morgan, professor Morgan this is Gabe."

"Oh call me josh."

"Okay." I said back awkwardly, like that will happen.

"We'll I better be going." professor Morgan or josh said.

"Okay." mom said not even looking at him, she seemed to be lost in thought.

He looked her over. "bye." He said, my mom didn't say anything back as he walked away.

When he was out of an ear shot i leaned down and whispered to my mom. "he was totally undressing you with his eyes."

"Gabe!" she said snapping out of whatever trance she is in.


"He obviously isn't."

"You weren't even looking at him."

"No, but I do know that he is married."

"Well that doesn't seem to bother him."

The Loner GirlTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang