Second Eliza

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Chapter One


They were not like us.

That was clear enough.

But somehow, they were not as strange to me as they were to my friends. Somehow, they reminded me of something. It felt so familiar to me, yet I couldn't really figure out what it was...

"Liz, they kind of creep me out," Cassey said. "Is it only me?"

I eyed them suspiciously. They looked like normal high school pupils to me. Well, not completely normal, but it's not as if they're royalty, right?

"I don't know why you are so obsessed with the Aeriz's," I whispered as they walked past our cafeteria table. But I felt the black haired boy's eyes on me.

"We all put on pants the same way; it doesn't make us different from them," I said, taking a bite of my apple.

See, my name is Eliza.

Eliza Limescotch. My friends call me Liz.

People were always confused when I told them my name. They never heard the surname Limescotch.

But they always told me that it suited me. This bothered me. I knew they always were hypnotized by my eyes.

The colour of my eyes are lime green. No, not just any green, really bright neon lime green. It didn't look natural.

I hate it.

But I do know people who would trade their souls for my eyes. They say it's so beautiful. Every time a new guy comes in the school, he would immediately just stare at me. And then, eventually, ask me out. My mother, Irina, says I am blessed to be so 'beautiful'.

Cassey said "But, Liz, they look as if they lived long ago or something! Mean, the people in my History book look like them. Not that they're not beautiful. They look almost as pretty as you."

I immediately felt awkward.

"Wh- what do you mean by that?"

She looked at me for a while.

"I don't know. The features.. well, I've only seen them from behind. There's a red haired girl with a bob, very short and looks like a fairy out of Neverland. The other girl is tall, and she has straight brown hair about as long as yours. Then there's the boy with the blonde hair. From what I've heard, he has hazel eyes, baby boy smile and chubby little cheeks. Perfect for our lovable Dana. But the one for me is -,"

"Looks like you have a whole report from what they look like behind," said Dana.

She is very sweet, and I named my cat after her.

"Yes. Now as I said before I was so rudely interrupted, the only one I saw from the front is the black haired guy. He's kind of cute, you know. Blue eyes, as if it was a swimming pool." Cassey got that look on her face as she was staring into space, dropping her fork back into her bowl.

"Do I hear wedding bells? Cassey and Blue eyes, sitting in the tree-,"

"You shut your mouth, Limescotch. It may become reality and then... QUICK! Act as if you're eating! The red haired Aeriz is coming this way!" she said as she took a big bite of lasagne.

I laughed mentally. Good old Cassey, getting all worked up because of some new addition to the student body. But I was a bit curious, too. Although I might not want to admit it.

I formed a curtain with my hair and secretly glanced through it, seeing the back of the girl, now looking at the Homecoming Dance posters.

Then, as in slow motion, she turned around.

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