Letters to your future self

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Aura sighed, taking her letter from the staff, careful not to drop it considering they were 40 meters in the air.

"Be warned, it's quite cheesy and in English." She said with a small smile before unfolding the sheet of paper.

"Dear Aurora in the future,

Tis' I, Aura from the past, writing to you.

I have a saying that I like to follow and I don't know if you still do but it's one that's helped me over the years till now.
'It takes a great person to make someone happy but an even greater person to be happy as well. '

How are things going there? Are you still with your 7 brothers who helped you through it all?

You haven't been there for them for their day one but they've been there for you eversince your day one, and I couldn't be more grateful.

Dont let your anger get the best of you, its something you need to control. Yes there are times where you want tk snap and break everything in sight, but anger turns your blood dark, the negativity flowing to every part of your body.

You have a good life, a good family, a good childhood, a good everything, so why is it so hard to remain happy? There's something in the back of your brain that just tells you the opposite of what you are and I hope you will realize that in the years to come.

Dont overwork, your wellbeing is way more important than anything. Don't forget that even if you dont love yourself, there are people in the world that do, even when it doesn't seem that way.

Your brothers have always been there to guide you, so now you should guide them. Dont be afraid to talk to them about anything because they're always there for you.

Keep these in mind during the days that you feel everything's going wrong. Don't forget to love yourself no matter how long it takes you to.


Aura Kim from Malta."


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Aura Kim of BTS | 8th Member Imagine | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now