Cinder Fall

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Upon learning that Cinder is not truly dead, I am disappointed. She, in my opinion, is easily one of the worst written characters in RWBY. She is a one dimensional, bland, generic character who we only know three things about. One) she wants to be strong. Two) she wants to be feared. Three) she wanted to be powerful. That's it! We don't have a single clue about her backstory, or motives, for now that is. Maybe that has changed since volume six came out, which I haven't seen yet. Her lines are very bland and boring. Surprisingly, in Volume Four, things actually changed! For most of the volume, she is in a much more weakened state. She lost an eye. She was clearly in pain. She was afraid. She was struggling to make recovery. The poor thing even lost her voice. I even found myself sympathizing with her situation. This was a great thing for the character! She had so much potential and I was honestly beginning to like her! She wasn't sexualized like the earlier seasons. But then something terrible happened. She got better, only because she had no dialogue! The only reason she had any range, because she lost her voice. We got angry Cinder, scared Cinder, disappointed Cinder, and even shocked Cinder. Holy Moly! She was an actual person this entire time?! Not a robot?! I'm shocked! And all they had to do was shut her up! How amazing! Now, this would've been a great time to give us more information about her. Like her backstory, or motives. There is no way she can be Miss Little Cocky Underpants after this. Right? There isn't any reason to change anything about her at that point!but this is RWBY we're talking about. Volume five came, and I was quite shooketh. Everything about her from Volume One to Three had returned! She was the exact same as before!

When More the Merrier was released, I was very excited! We've been seeing the revenge arc for Cinder against Ruby being built up for a while. But when she got there, what the heck happened? Like, I know her vision might be a little off, but the girl was right there! She doesn't even acknowledge Ruby whatsoever. Like, girl, what happened to your revenge? Did it disappear like your potential to be a decent character? Another thing, Salem not Cinder are aware that Ruby has been a stupid head! For all they know, she could be a full blown silver eye master who could light her a*s up like a Christmas tree! Cinder isn't even suppose to be in the same range as Ruby! She is flatout going against Salem's wishes and jeopardizing the mission! For what? to get a hit on Ruby?! If anything, the writers should have leaned into this. Cinder should have been like "F*ck whatever Salem has to say, this bish minnneeeeeee" but she instead began to taunt Jaune! What even?! I cannot believe, for the life of me, that she is behaving the same way as before! Volume four basically doesn't matter.

At this point, I don't even care about Cinder anymore. I mean, why should I when the writers don't? They must really love wasting budget and time. If you're going to keep a character static, don't give them an arc! Don't make characters go through a struggle, if they are going to be the exact same!

When the battle between Cinder and Raven happened, it was a full on repeat of Volume Three! Cinder gets smug when killing Vernal, just like she did with Pyrrha. Cinder delivers a fatal wound to both characters. There is a witness, Ruby is Volume Three and Raven in Five. Cinder falls, Ruby silver eye blasting her and Raven sending her to the abyss. and the fandom is left to wonder if she is alive or not!

Guys, gals and non-binary palls, Cinder is in the EXACT same spot as she was before in the end of Volume Three! EVERYTHING she did between these two points were just a waste of time and budget! The writers made the character even worse! She didn't kill anyone... important. She didn't accomplish anything! You have to -try- to make a character that bad! It is an art-form, on purpose! They're doing it on purpose. But the question is, why? I want answers! Dear writers, just end her suffering! Don't bring her back! It's only betting worse!

In conclusion, she is easily the worst character even. Good luck changing my mind

 Good luck changing my mind

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Woke. 👏

I can just feel every Cinder stan's blood boiling right now.

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