Sounds Like A Plan

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I fiddled with my glass, refusing to look at Alastor while I said, "How does anyone come to Hell? I was obviously a bad person." My answer seem to amuse the red demon, but he took the hint. My death was not a subject I wanted to discuss. At least, not yet. And definitely not with a stranger I had just met. 

We sat in silence for a moment before Alastor broke the ice, "Well you certainly made an entrance." He grinned, referring back to how I had just turned some demon's throat into a pin cushion. 

"He shouldn't have grabbed me." I retorted, bringing my gaze up to meet his. We lapsed back into silence, assessing each other. The red demon was tall and lanky, with a psychotic smile and red eyes. To be completely honest, he wasn't bad looking. In fact, he was rather cute. 

"Another round?" Alastor once again broke the silence, holding up an empty glass. I nodded, flagging the waitress down. We ordered another round and when that gone, we ordered another. 

My mind was starting to blur after the third glass of whiskey. I was always a light weight, but damn. Alastor seemed to be feeling the effects of his drink as well, though not as much as me. 

"So what's your plan now?" He asked, slurring slightly. His fingers played with his empty glass, and my eyes followed the movements.

"I dunno." I said flatly, my own words slurring like a sailor's. My answer seemed to amuse him.

"Well, that's not much of a plan." He scoffed, a smirk tugging at his lips. Damn, his lips looked kissable. 

I leaned forward. We were inches from each other now, neither one of us daring to move away. We remained like that for several minutes. 

Fuck it, I was always a cautious person in life and I still died a premature death. Throwing propriety to the wind, I grabbed the demon's collar and kissed him hard. Alastor stiffened for a moment then relaxed. One hand, wound it's way through my hair, holding my head so he could deepen the kiss. Our tongues explored each others' mouths, whiskey and wine mixing into something sweet and bitter at the same time. Too soon, Alastor broke the kiss. We panted, catching our breath as we stared into each others' eyes. 

"My place?" He asked breathlessly.

"Sounds like a plan." Was my reply.

A Match Made In Hell | An Alastor x Reader Lemon SeriesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora