The AI

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Disclaimer: I don't own Lab Rats Elite Force.

Marcus and Douglas were in Mission Command planning how to get Marcus into W.I.R. and what to do once he's in.

"If you can find Gabe, it'll be easy to get in," Douglas said.

"Yeah, but we can't count on it." Like Marcus, Gabe was the son of a villain who tagged along with his dad on missions. The two had become somewhat close friends. Although he wouldn't admit it, Marcus kinda missed him. They had many similarities and understood each other.

Their discussion was interrupted by an all too familiar voice.


"AHH!" the Davenport boys screamed. (Although if you asked them about it, they'd fiercely deny every second of it.)

"I'm back!"

Indeed, he was back. And along with him was the taunts and miserableness that he brought with him wherever he went.

"Eddy, what are you doing? And how did you get here?" Douglas asked, regaining his composure but not his dignity.

"Once I learned where you bozos were, I got through all the firewalls that Donnie put up. Now I'm away from Tasha! Haha!" The AI laughed evilly, then gave Marcus a funny look.

"Who's the new one?"

"Good to see you, too, Eddy," Marcus said with a scowl.

"No, really, I'm confused."

"The name's Marcus."

"Wow!" Eddy exclaimed. "You went through puberty!"

Douglas stifled a laugh while Marcus crossed his arms, annoyed.

"I remember when you were tiny! And your voice could go higher than Leo's! Now look at you! You're freakishly tall and your voice is like a football coach meets Spike meets--"

"We get it!" Marcus yelled.

Just then, Oliver, Skylar, and Kaz ran in with a muscular man tied up in a wheelchair.

"Look! More bozos," Eddy said.

"Who's that?" Skylar asked.

"Who's that?" Marcus asked in return, looking at the man in the wheelchair.

"That would be Clutch, Oliver's hero. Oliver accidentally shattered the bones in Clutch's foot so Skylar abducted him from the hospital so Oliver could fix him," Kaz answered.

"Good to know," Douglas said. "This is Eddy, Donnie's smart home security system."

While Oliver tried to figure out how to heal Clutch, Douglas and Marcus got back to planning. (Marcus also imagined various ways to use the industrial brain drill on Chase, but that was beside the point.)

Soon, Clutch was all fixed up, although after he gave Oliver a hug, the group suspected that Oliver was now the one in need of medical attention.

Everyone went upstairs, where Bree and Chase were just getting home. The two groups discussed what had happened, then Eddy popped up and scared the living daylights out of Bree and Chase. (Clutch and Bob had since went on their way.)

"What the-- How the--," Chase stuttered.

"Ah, Chase. Still a shell of a man. If that," Eddy laughed.

"Anyway!" Douglas said. "We think we got a way for Marcus to get into W.I.R."

"What's W.I.R.?" Eddy asked.

"I'm not explaining this to you," Marcus said.

After Marcus explained, Douglas carried on.

"If we can hack into their network, we can find an old friend. Since nobody knows that Marcus is good now, we shouldn't raise any alarms."

"What if you can't hack into it?" Bree asked.

"Trust me. We can hack into it," Marcus grinned.

"Why can't we just go through the tunnel again?" Chase asked, hoping to find a flaw in the plan.

"Cuz that would raise alarms since they don't know anyone's comin'. After we let 'em know, that's how I'll get in," Marcus replied.

Everyone nodded. It was settled.

"What are we gonna do with Eddy?" Bree asked.

Douglas sighed. "I guess he stays until Donnie's involved."


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