The Realization

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"What do you mean, Sebastian, Lexi, and Tank never escaped?!" Bree exclaimed. "We just brought them to jail!"

Chase didn't say anything, but instead ran to the fireplace, pulled the secret lever, and went to Mission Control.

"You people are way too rich," Marcus said.

"Your house had a spinning spike thing that shot fire!" Bree combatted.

"It was there when Dad moved in."

"And you?"

"I was a pile of metal parts in a box! It wasn't my fault!"

Oliver, Kaz, and Skylar all gave Marcus a weird look.

"What was that about?" Skylar asked, walking up next to Bree.

"Oh, Marcus is an android."

They all let out a collective cliche gasp.

"That's weird. He looks human," Skylar said.

"So do you," Bree replied.

What does that mean she is?

Suddenly Chase was back from the elevator.

"The villains we fought weren't them."

"Huh?" everyone said.

"They were androids, programed with personalities, memories, and fake emotions. Just like someone we know..." Chase stared hard at Marcus.

"Really? Who?" Kaz asked, intrigued. He eyes the people in the room. "It's Bree, isn't it?"

After six pairs of eyes rolled, the conversation started back up again.

"Roman and Riker must've somehow learned about the villains we've faced and built android versions of them. It explains how Krane was still alive after me, Bree, and Adam blasted his spaceship," Chase went on.

"And how everyone willingly teamed up. I mean, Giselle wants to eliminate bionic humans, which is what Krane wants to rule the world," Bree said.

"It was just a trap to have them defeat us," Douglas said. "But it didn't work. They're gone, now we just have to worry about Roman and Riker again." Everyone nodded in agreement. Everyone except Chase, who was eyeing Marcus warily.

"After we throw him in jail, we'll be fine."

"We're not throwing him in jail, Chase. I thought he could stay here," Douglas said.

"Why would he need to go to jail?" Oliver asked. "Isn't he the one who helped us with the villains?"

I like this guy. But he's gonna like me a lot less after this.

"Where to start!" Chase exclaimed.

"The beginning?" Marcus offered. "And they call you a genius."

"I AM a genius! I'm the smartest man in the world!"

"And yet you still couldn't see into my act. Or Sebastian's."

Chase growled. "How do you know about that?"

"I have my ways."

"I have my own ways, too. Ways to kicking your butt!"

The whole room face palmed.

"That was the worst comeback I've ever heard," Bree said. "And I've been around Adam for pretty much my whole life."

Marcus smirked.

   "Oh, it's on!" Chase yelled.

   "Yeah, O-N-N on!" Bree said, remembering hearing about that certain Adam quote. Marcus gave her a raised eyebrow, but stopped when he was shot across the room. He jumped up and glared at Chase, who was grinning.

   So that's how he wants to play it.

   Marcus got out his electrokinesis and the it in Chase's direction. Quickly dodging, he got out his bo staff.

   "What...?" Marcus asked.

   "Aww, is the little baby android sad that he doesn't have one of these?" Chase mocked.

   "I'd want a giant glow stick because...?"

   Bree, Kaz, Oliver, and Skylar was impressed at Marcus's comeback. Kaz went so far as to clap. "Woo! Go random stranger! Take him down!"


   That seemed to shake something into Douglas. "Okay you two, take it easy," he said. Chase huffed but obeyed, and Marcus leaned against the wall, like Douglas did in his and Mr. Davenport's first meeting in sixteen years.

   Suddenly Skylar gasped. All eyes were on her.

   "What?" Oliver asked.

   "The android replicas. We may've defeated those, but what if they make more?" Everyone became silent. They hadn't thought of that possibility. Kaz usually didn't think at all, Chase and Marcus were busy fighting, and the others were busy watching.

   "This is bad, this is really, really bad," Chase said, pacing.

   "Calm down, Brainiac. All ya gotta do is find their lair and shut down the process," Marcus said.

   "Easier said than done. We can't get past their black swarm, and even if we did, we have no idea where their lair is," Bree piped up.

   Chase groaned. "I've been looking for it for a long time. I just can't find it. I even tried using the cyber desk. Nothing."

   "Well now you have him," Douglas said, putting his hand on Marcus's shoulder. "You both have super intelligence, so you should be able to find something."

   Chase folded his arms and glared at Marcus, who did the same.

   "You have to. Who knows what they could be up to by now. Mighty Max can't hold them forever," Skylar said.

               ~~In Mighty Max~~

   "Rested up?" Roman asked his brother.

   "Yes, and ready to get out of this filthy place." They touched each other and they turned into their black swarm. Going right through the bars, they headed home.

   "Where are they?!" Rodissius boomed.

   "We had your androids ready, but we thought another one was yours. Turns out he was a double agent on the Davenports' side," Roman explained.

   "He helped them escape, and we couldn't beat them," Riker added.

   "I WILL HAVE THEM!" Rodissius roared. Roman and Riker flinched.

   "We'll get them," they both said.

   "And when you do, bring the double agent to me. I have special plans for him," Rodissius said with an evil grin.

   So Marcus is now living in the penthouse, he has to help Chase, and Rodissius wants revenge on him. Not bad for one chapter, eh? (Wow, I sound French.)

   Also, I just wanted to let y'all know that I started a Lab Rats one shot book, and I have the first chapter up! The book is called Lab Rats One-Shots. (Super creative, right?) I'd love it if you guys would check it out!

   Jesus loves y'all!

   BionicallyChristian out!

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