3. Home Sweet Home

Start from the beginning

"I know. She caught me working downstairs before coming up here." A beep from the computer caught everyone's attention. They all gathered around Barry's desk as he explained the evidence found at the crime scene. The Mardon brothers, who Brea found to be the bank robbers mentioned earlier, were hiding in a farm because of some disgusting cow manure that were left at the scene.

"Dad, seeing as how Barry solved your poop problem, how about letting him go to S.T.A.R Labs?" Iris suggested.

"Fine, go." He agreed. "You can take your sister with you, too."

"Dad, I'm not a kid anymore. Besides, they weren't leaving without me anyways." The three ran out of the room like little children on Christmas Day.


The sun was beginning to set when they neared the laboratory. Barry and Brea had the chance the catch up on the latest chaos they had experienced the day before. "When did you find out about Oliver?" Barry asked.

"I sort of helped saved his life. One night, he had gotten shot and I just so happened to be at the right place at the right time." Brea remembered how angry the billionaire was when his identity was exposed to someone he didn't know, despite the fact that she helped save his life. Oliver was never one to let people in, but for some reason, after a little persuasion, he allowed her to join the team.

"So why come back here? If it were me, I'd stay and help fight crime."

"Because of you." She answered truthfully. There was some part of her that showcased the feelings that she kept bottled up, for the sake of his predilection for her older sister, and Barry wasn't an idiot to not notice. Eyes wide and red rushing to her cheeks, Brea corrected herself. "No...not like that... I mean, you being in Starling reminded me of how much I needed to be home. Fighting crime was great and all, but my dad, Iris, you... it's all here."

She was able to hear what happened to Barry as well. Him staying behind a little longer to help out the team for awhile. She wanted to mention how close he had gotten to Felicity, but Iris was calling them to get ready to go. Brea's phone rang in her back pocket and she told the two to head in without her, catching up with them when she was done. "Hello?" she answered.

"You could've at least told us you were leaving. We would have thrown you a going away party. I don't know." Felicity said on the other end.

"I'm sorry. Things sort of got crazy yesterday night and I didn't have time."

"Didn't have time? B, as crazy as our lives has been, there was always time to tell us this. Now, we lost a set of useful hands and might I add that I am back to being the only female on this team. Do you know how devastating that is? That is a rhetorical question because I'm pretty sure devastating is an understatement to what I am feeling right now." She rambled on.

"Come on, you guys will be fine without me. Barry told me what happened. Is Oliver okay?"

"Wouldn't be an ordinary day without him nearly dying then pretending as if nothing is wrong, am I right? I think we're getting close to solving this Mirakuru business, but you know things are never that easy."

"That is true." Brea said about both of the things mentioned. "I have to get going. I'm supposed to be watching this particle thingy turn on with Barry. Tell the team that I'll miss them and will hopefully be back soon so we can kick ass together again. I'll keep in touch." They gave their farewells and ended the call.

Suddenly, people were running towards Brea away from the building. She overheard a nearby reporter broadcasting that the scene needed to be evacuated immediately. As much as she wanted to follow suit, she wanted to find her company before doing anything. Heavy rain began to invade Brea's vision, making her mission much harder. Giving up on searching, she decided to call Iris.

"Oh my, God. I forgot to tell you, Some guy tried to steal my laptop. A detective that works with dad caught him so Barry and I went back to the police station. How's the science thing going?"

"I wish I knew. I was on the phone with a friend and out of nowhere, everybody started running away. I think something has gone wrong."

Iris took notice of the alarm in the background. "Brea, you need to get out of there now. Where...you... I'm...right now-"

The connection was starting to fail as the phone kept breaking up. A loud explosion erupted from S.T.A.R Labs. An orange glow sparked into the air and overwhelmed the city. Brea was instantly knocked into the ground, falling into unconsciousness. Meanwhile, back at CCPD, Barry saw it all from the window in his lab. He saw the chemicals rising in the air as if someone turned off gravity, the same way it did when he was 11. Lightning broke through the ceiling window and struck Barry, sending him flying through the shelf full of those chemicals, also knocking him unconscious.

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