This Is Me, year, 2010




  The year is.... oh I can hardly remember.


   I don't know when I was born even.


   I was told it was a rainy, cold night in.... come on, you, remember for cripes sake!

  Oh, they said in... no, on....

   May 11th, 1993

    That's it.

   Don't mock me. I do know my name.


   I live with 3 people. Sophie, Shane, and Cale.

  They're a lot of fun though they all deny being my parents. So I'm an orphan, found in the middle of a rainstorm.

  Anyways ....


  Footsteps. Quiet ones. I bolted upright from where I lay; from my nap.



They were getting closer. I pulled myself together, and quietly stood by the door as flat as can be.


  The footsteps stop.

   I hold my breath. And then..


  I did the only thing I could. I screamed.

   "It's just me, Cyl." a male's voice said, and laughed quietly.

   I slowly unfolded myself from my crouched position,  and, cutting off my scream, I looked at my intruder.

  "Cale!" I yelled at him.

"Now, calm down little deary." he said.

  "I'm not little, Cale." I sad defensively. Its true.  For a year now I've been taller than him. He was skinny with stark blonde hair and dark green eyes. My light strawberry blonde hair went halfway down my back, and my eyes were a dark blue with a gold ring around the pupils. Cale loved to mess with me.

  "Cale," another male voice said, "What did you do now?" Shane said as he came into view. Shane is taller than me and Cale with red-brown spiked hair a deep brown-black eyes.

  "I did nothing." said Cale with a sly smile across his face.

  Before either Shane or I could say a word, a loud crash resounded from downstairs. Shane and Cale froze where they stood. Cale's smile was gone.

   "Its all good!" Sophie's voice floated to us, and the guys visibly relaxed.

  As if saved by the bell, Cale took off downstairs. After a moment, Shane sighed, and, with a look that said 'stay put', he too left.

   I, myself, sighed and plopped onto my bed and stared glumly out my window to the outside world. I never was allowed to leave. Not for anything. I don't know why exactly either except for what Sophie says is 'there's too many creepers in the streets'.

  I need to leave, I told myself as I sat there, watching the rain patter on the window.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2018 ⏰

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