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"Hi excuse me

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"Hi excuse me." Katrina pushed as she tapped on a young woman's shoulder who had an apron around her waist, the man she was chatting with exited awkwardly.

"Pardon my interruption. But I'm looking for someone, I was told he comes here a lot?"
"What's his name?" the woman, Rachel asked sweetly.
"Chandler Bing." Katrina answered, Rachel's eyes widened in surprise a girl looking for Chandler? That's a first she thought to herself Rachel cleared her throat awkwardly.

"I'll go get him, You just sit over there." Rachel suggested pointing at the counter, Katrina shuffled over awkwardly and took a seat on one of the chairs.
"Look out kids, he's coming!" Chandler exclaimed as Ross left his head down in disappointment, and Rachel approached.
"Chandler!" Rachel exclaimed sitting on the arm rest of the couch.
"That's me, don't wear it out." Chandler joked.

"There's a woman over there asking for you."

Joey broke out in laughter at Rachel's comment causing everyone to turn to him confused.
"Sorry. I'm just picturing a woman asking for Chandler." Joey snorted
"No, i'm serious she's over there." she pointed out the woman sitting at the counter who had the same color hair as chandler.
"Woah. She's hot." Joey commented quickly looking at Chandler, "how'd YOU get her?"
"I didn't GET her, she's my sister." Chandler said standing up Monica grabbed his arm in protest, "Wait sister?"

"Yeah. I've told you guys about her, right?"
"No, I always thought you were an only child." Phoebe answered truthfully.
"Well should I go say hi?" Chandler asked having second doubts.
"Yes!" Monica and Joey exclaimed at the same time, Chandler walked over to his sister and his friends watched from a distance.

"Kat?" Chandler asked as he approached the women.
"Oh! Chandler!" she exclaimed standing up and wrapping her older brother in a hug.
"Long time no see, what happened to Sam?"

"Oh," Katrina sighed. "He cheated on me. I didn't know where else to go.. I knew you lived in the city.. Oh i'm sorry this was a bad idea.. I shouldn't interfere with your life."
"No, No don't worry about it." Chandler assured her.
"Where's all your stuff?" he wondered
"At the hotel i'm staying at until I find an apartment."
"Here why don't you come meet my friends." Chandler smiled and led Katrina over to the couch, "Everyone this is my sister, Katrina, Kat this is everyone, Rachel, Monica, Phoebe, and Joey."

Joey took in Katrina's beautiful appearance. Her glowing skin, plump lips, sparkling eyes and wavy hair. She was petite compared to Chandler yet he couldn't keep his eyes off of her. He felt his heart skip a beat, he's never felt like this before.

"And I gotta go sell some Christmas trees." Joey quickly said standing up, as the others greeted Katrina.
"Have fun. Oh wait no, don't! I forgot I am totally against that now." Phoebe said.
"What? Me having a job?" Joey asked.
"No, no, I am against innocent trees being cut down in their prime, and their, their corpses grotesquely dressed in like tinsel and twinkly lights. Hey, how do you sleep at night?" Phoebe asked Joey.
"Well, I'm pretty tired from lugging the trees around all day. Hey, Phoebe listen, you got this all wrong. Those trees were born to be Christmas trees, their fulfilling their life purpose, by, by making people happy." Joey explained making Katrina smile slightly at the sight of this.

"Really?" Phoebe asked unsure turning to look at Monica, as Joey motioned to Chandler for help,
"Yes. Yes, and ah, ah, the trees are happy too, because for most of them, it's the only chance to see New York." Chandler said causing Katrina to slightly roll her eyes.

"I'll see you guys later," Joey said the grouped chorused a goodbye, and Katrina whispered in Chandlers ear, where the bathroom was. He pointed it out the her, and she excused herself leaving Chandler, Monica, and Phoebe.

"Guys can you do me a favor?" Chandler asked
"No I am not taking off my bra for you!" Monica exclaimed.
"No no no. Uh, I would really appreciate it if you would look out for Katrina, she was in a pretty serious relationship and Sam, the guy cheated on her with her best friend. And I like it if you tried to get to know her."

"Yeah, of course." Monica assured him.
"Pheebs?" Chandler asked
"Yeah Yeah, I'll do it." Phoebe answered.
"Thank you." Chandler said as Katrina walked back to the trio.
"Hey what do you say we go to the apartment?" Chandler asks clapping his hands together nervously.

"Yeah. Sure, that sounds great." Katrina smiled rubbing Chandler's arm reassuringly he smiled and they said goodbye to the Monica and Phoebe and they left for Chandler and Joey's. 

As Chandler let Katrina in the apartment, she exclaimed,
"God Chandler this is a nice place!"
"Really you think so?" he asked placing down his keys after shutting the door.
"Yeah, totally! It's super homey, and you've got great friends." she sighed taking off her coat which Chandler took for her and hung it up.

"Hey I've got an idea." he introduced turning around and looked at his sister.
"Why don't you come stay with Joey and I?" Chandler wondered.
"What..? Chandler I couldn't."
"No really it's fine, for a while till you find an apartment. It's really no big deal."
"What about Joey?" she asked.
"I'm sure he'll be okay with it."
"Thanks Chandler!" she exclaimed hugging him happily causing Chandler to smile to himself.
Chandler decided to go back to the coffee house and hang out with his friends and let Katrina rest.

fc: Chloe Bennet

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