Chapter 41 / Everybody Leaves

Start from the beginning

Soon enough three more weeks had passed and it was a week until my father's court date. Brianna and I were working non-stop with papers and keeping track on where things go but I was slowly losing faith that I was ever going to see Olive again. I had time to look through magazines though and Lydia made the cover of being my back up on Keeping Minutes. I was proud of her until I flipped the page to see a photo of Olive and Lydia holdings hands in public. My heart churned at the thought, I walked outside with two security guards next to me and popped open a metal trashcan.

I threw the magazine in it and asked the guard to give me his lighter, I knew Paul always had one on him. He smokes outside when he's off duty but he always has two on him so this one that I'm taking would be going into smithereens. I flipped the silver lighter on and threw it in the bin while I slowly watched it burn, I felt tears running in the corner of my eyes. How could Olive not notice I was gone? I mean she probably does but she thinks I probably left her for good because of my selfish actions in the past.

Brianna came outside and held me while I cried, the two security guards just watched us awkwardly and I flipped them off. They turned around and just started to smoke a cigarette, it didn't bother me I was feeling to numb for anything happening around me. I didn't even feel Brianna arms around me, all I know was that my tears were falling onto her arms. I needed to get back to New York and possibly talk to my mother on what's been going on.

After my breakdown I decided to sleep, I was too tired to function and my father started to pick up on it. He entered my room with pills in his hands and a glass of water, he sat on my bed and stared at me, "You should take this," He mumbled to me while my face was buried into a pillow, I really didn't want to see his face right now.

"Take drugs from a drug addict? No thanks," I rolled my eyes and turned my head away from him.

"They're antidepressants, they help me every now and then."

"I'm not depressed."

"Honey, they can help you and forget about home . . ."

"I'm not depressed!" I sat up from my place and yelled at him.

He sat in silence and I could only give him a hard stare with my light brown eyes into his dark hazel eyes. "You really miss home that much?" He asked.

"No shit, you took me away from it forcefully . . . I can't even see the person I love because of you, she's in love with someone else and that's all thanks to you."

He stood quiet and stood up from the bed to pace back and forth, I was getting annoyed of the echoing of his footsteps. I decided to get up and walk out of the room but before I could reach the door he stopped me in his place. "How about we go to New York tomorrow instead? We can meet your mother and have a good time but that means you go straight back to work and come back here for me."

I had to take a second thought of it and maybe just maybe I could swing by to see Olive and explain everything to her. I just needed a chance to explain myself and then I will let her go to be happy. Also talking to my mother would help me a lot out of this situation and she could maybe talk to the cops for me and get me out earlier than expected. My plan was drastic and long but this could be beneficial as well.


The next day came faster than expected, I was excited to see Olive but also nervous about what was going to happen. She could hate my guts forever or come back to me, I mean for heaven's sake this was the only woman alive to keep me sane and from losing my shit. I packed a bag for a week and decided to take a first class plane, I have to admit working as a drug dealer behind the scenes can make you a shit load of money. Except not as much as I was before, my father has been saving up for this moment and has made at least three million dollars for himself. I already made about five hundred thousand.

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