Chapter 41 / Everybody Leaves

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A/N: Wow, it's been a while since I updated. I know, I'm sorry my dear readers, I've just been so busy and while I've been busy I've been writing. Except I didn't realize how long this chapter was but I think you guys will enjoy it. There is another thing I do want to talk to you guys about though, the last chapter of Chapter 40. Please realize that this book is not going to be a cliche romantic story, I want to make this book as raw and realistic as possible. The drama that I have created in this book about love is very realistic in real life and portrays what actually happens in relationships or crushes, etc. I'm not trying to foreshadow anything but stay tuned for what's happening next and keep an open mind on the character feelings. Much love xxJess.

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Word of the Day:

Liberosis (n.): The desire to care less about things.


Chapter 41 / Blake's P.O.V

Three weeks have passed and I was recovering from my father's beatings along with Brianna, her eye seemed to heal as well. All I know from the business that I was doing was importing drugs here and there and filling out paperwork, I mean I didn't do the hard labor. I simply just managed where it went from afar but I mean typically this was the dirty work from my father's well being. How could I have end up here? I'm supposed to be with Olive and now she probably hates my guts more than ever!

Brianna was always by my side and I was watching over her, she was having nightmares most of the time. At least we got to stay in a pretty nice area which was mostly deserted but soon enough my father is going to have to go back home to visit the courthouse. They need to check up on how he is doing and he must have a job within the next thirty days. I groaned loudly and laid back in my chair while my fingers ran through my hair. Do you know what that means? Another month without Olive . . . I wonder how she was doing. I started to feel tears reach the corner of my eyes and I quickly wiped them away. Everything will be okay . . . Soon enough the plan I have in my head will settle into place.

A knock on my door rung and I didn't respond for them to enter but the person willingly did. I turned around to hear the door creak and found Brianna standing there looking upset, I motioned for her to sit down next to me. She sat in the chair and brought her legs up into her chest while resting her head down on her knee.

"When do you think this will end?" She mumbled with a shaky voice.

"In about two years?" I questioned.

"Two years?!" She raised her voice while sitting up straight in her place.

"Sh, keep your voice down damn it. You know we have people hovering over us making sure we won't run away plus my father is a couple room down from me."

"S-sorry . . . Just why so long?" She looked at me with tears already streaming down her face, I know she didn't want to be here. She didn't deserve to be here, this was my family issue and she was dragged into it, I felt terrible and I wanted to embrace her into a hug for everything she's done for me. Brianna has put up so much with me and now this? I scoffed slightly and looked at her but she was wiping away her tears roughly with her sweater.

"I have a plan that might take a while, but it'll be activated when we go back to New York for my father's court date. We have to make a delivery there anyways for twenty pounds of cocaine for some guy named Austin."

"I still can't believe we're drug smugglers . . ." Brianna scoffed a laugh.

I laughed at the thought, I told myself I would never follow my father footsteps but here I am. I mean technically it was by force but if it prevents to hurt Olive and my mother than fine. I know I'm not too fond of my mother but in this case, it is very important that my father doesn't just waltz back into her life in this situation.

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