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Curtis's P.O.V.

        I sat there staring at the boy in front of me. Honestly, when Rene called the rest of us over something, I thought it would be something like a dead body or something closer to the Wild Dog-type-of-interest. What I was not expecting, however, was a half-dead looking kid slumped up against the wall. It- actually wasn't the weirdest thing that I had seen that day and that kind of made me worry about my mental sanity. This wasn't the first time I had worried about something like this.

        Back to the situation at hand, after hearing the sickening cronch ((I typed this, and I was gonna change it buuut....)) of his already injured ankle hitting the ground, I turned to Rene and yelled.

         "Rene what the actual hell were you thinking!?!?"

        Rene took off his mask and gave me a 'I'm-just-doing-my-job' kind-of look. Honestly sometimes I want to b**** slap that bitch.

        Oliver, being the most sensible out of all of us at the moment, gave the kid a sedative shot and threw away the needle. Diggle just stood there looking at the three of us with a what-the-heck-is-going-on look that i could relate to very much at this moment.

      We kinda just stood there in silence for a minute until Felicity cut into the awkward silence.

    "Like, what the hell guys are you going to bring the kid back or not? He's bleeding out and taking him to a normal hospital with all you guys dressed as you are would defiantly not be the best idea."

    "Yes ma'am"Rene replied.

     "You damn right you better call me ma'am after what you did to that poor boy don't think I didn't notice."

     Rene's face went deathly pale to the point where I thought he was about to faint and I swore I heard Oliver chuckled a bit after what his wife had said.

     "Got it Overwatch we're headed your way." Oliver said into his mic.

     I went over to the kid and picked him up as carefully as I could as to not injure his foot any more than it already was. Two things I noticed about him right away: #1 He was extremely light, so either was a homeless kid wandering around streets, or he was anorexic or bulimic. #2, he wasn't even in his late teens from what I saw of his face, probably no older than 13.

     While we were headed back to The Arrowcave, I spent most of my attention focused on not moving the boy as much as possible, yet trying to move as a reasonable pace. All in all, it wasn't very easy keeping up with Rene, Diggle and Oliver.


2nd chapter ala done.

Ghost King meets Oliver Queen Where stories live. Discover now