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Lol you guys probably hate me.

Nico's POV

     I was silent as I walked the streets of Star City, I left no trace but the sounds of my breathing and the occasional gush of blood running from my leg. I needed to find shelter, and soon. I was starting to feel faint after what had to be two hours of stumbling along the streets with a torn up ankle. Let's just say it hurt like Hades. I decided to take a break from walking to who knows where when I came across a dark alleyway. Not the best place to rest, but, in my current situation, it would have to do.

      While I sat there, I took in all the different things that had happened in the past week. Firstly, I had discovered that my sister, the one who had been a mother to me as long as I could remember, had died. Bianca was gone, forever. A couple of tears slipped down my cheeks. Monsters had been after me all week and I had no way of defending them off, I had no choice but to run away from them. They beat the living hell out of me and I had no way to stop them. Then, I discover the HADES the god of the UNDERWORLD is my dad. At first, I thought that I had finally found a place to call home when he told me this, when he brought me to his palace in the middle of the night. But no. he told me that he had wished that I had died instead of my sister, that she could have done far better things in a week than I could ever do in my whole waste of a life.

      At some point while I was slumped against the wall, I started to hear a couple distinct sounds getting louder with each passing second. Gunshots, yelling, the twang of a bow, screaming, crashes, silence.

     The noises repeated for a while until I could make out what the people were yelling, and I could see the ten different people fighting in the alley I was in.

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      Within eight minutes, only four people were left fully alive, (the rest were half dead with the stench of their wounds thick in the air). ((What a phenomenon))

       I had no energy left in my pathetic excuse for a body whatsoever to run or hide so I laid there, hoping, that they would just leave. I guess the fates hate me as much as they hate Percy. Not a minute after the fighting ceased, I saw the blurry outline of a man dressed in orange and blue gear step in front of me and look me down straight in the eyes.

"Yo Hoss you need to come check this out!"

      Gods-dammit why did he have to call even more attention to me. I tried to get up to run away, but the man grabbed my shoulder and shoved me back to the ground before I could totally stand up. I yelled out in pain as the guy kicked the side of my head and I fell sideways on to the pavement. I saw a couple of masked and hooded figures surround me and mutter a few things to each other before one of them stuck something in my arm and I blacked out.


     Hey, First(ish) chapter of the new beginning, I've been working on this since I published the last A/N and I hope you like it. like I said before (I think I'm too lazy to go back and check) I didn't really like the other plot that much so I changed it. Allsssssoooo instead of him being ten I'm bumping his (and technically his sister's) age up two years because I can. So he is.... two years younger than Percy instead of four years younger. I think. I really don't care if it's wrong you check if it's that important to you. ANYWAYS,


Ghost King meets Oliver Queen Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt