Waiting - Chapter 34

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Evan POV

I watched Luke pace back and forth, trying his best to process everything that was told. I'm not quite sure I understand everything. To recap everything that "sprite" said:

Luke and Jonathan's family are the last descendant to the Atlanteans. This necklace that Jon has holds the power of water and to heal which was a gift from Poseidon himself. These random people are after Jonathan for his necklace and it's power, and they plan on using him to probably do some really bad stuff. Much worse then what our gang has done in the past.

I look around at the guys. Its been 2 hours since the appearance of the sprite and everyone else has returned back from school. We have already explained everything to them so now all we wait for is Jon.

"I still can't believe this.." Lui whispered to David while sitting in the kitchen nibbling on a sandwich. "I know right? I didn't know mermaids really existed!" David responded, he flung his arms up to exaggerate. Lui furrowed his eyebrows and looked at David with a "wtf?" expression.

"You're more amazing about the fact that mermaids existed and not the fact that there is literally proof that God, er, Gods exist?" Lui said. David turned to face Lui with an eyebrow raised, "Yea?" Lui face palmed.

"You don't think that the fact that Greek Gods from Greek mythology actually exists, is the coolist part?" David just shrugged at Lui's words. "There're both pretty cool." He snatched up Lui's sandwich and took a bite. "HEY!" Lui yelled.

"Yo! Guys calm down." I yelled back at them. They both turned to look at me. I eyed over to Luke who was continuously pacing and clearly stressed. Lui got what I was inferring and he shut up. David, did not.

"What? Why you eyein' Lu-" David started talking but Lui immediately shut him up by covering his mouth. "MHM!" David mumbled out in confusion. Lui just shushed him and whispered the reason in his ear. A little 'oh' came out from him. 

I just rolled my eyes at the two. My eyes roamed around the room. It was a tense and awkward silence among the room and among the guys. Brock was busy mindlessly cleaning, Brian just played around with his hands, Marcel and Ohm just silently sat on the couch just looking off into space (a different couch than where Jon was), Tyler was sitting in a two sitter couch watching Luke pace, Craig just fiddled around sitting next to Tyler, Lui and David were in the kitchen now silently watching Luke, I was sitting in a chair and occasionally looking out the window.

I've been lost in thought. I thought I had known these brothers so well. All of us, we're family. We all have sucky up-bringings and we rely on each other for mental and emotional support. We're just some troubled kids who do, sometimes, not the best of things but we still manage. We've faced many problems in the past but...

This isn't the problem I thought we would ever face. This is... other worldly.

I mean how is this even possible? I thought these things where all fairy tales that you're told to try and scare you into being a good kid. But this is all real... How much else is there that's real? Are all the Gods real? Are the myths real too? I don't get this...

Even though that sprite explained a lot, it still feels like nothing was answered. I still feel so confused. And I bet Luke feels even worse. If I were in his shoes, I don't know how I would handle this news!

You are just now finding out that your precious little brother has been the chosen person of his family of fish people from the sea to be this wielder of a powerful sprite. How the hickity heck are you suppose to take that news calmly?!?

I sigh while looking out the window. I take my mind off the situation for a bit and focus of what's happening outside. I watch a squirrel hop around and quickly grab a grape from a family who were picnicking. I watched as the father quickly get up and flare his arms around while yelling at the squirrel. The squirrel seemed unbothered and just nibbled on the grape. The father than ran to the fury creature, chasing it off. 

I chuckled a little bit at the scene that took place, then sighed once again. A normal calm life... Must be nice. 

I could never get a nice day out picnicking with my family. My parents are too busy for me, all they did was lock me up in my room and forced me to study. Ahhh what a pleasant life. Of course there was much more than just that but... I don't want to think back into my past...

I glanced back at the family who were now calm. Then all of a sudden, not one but several squirrels came back to the family! My eyes widened at the scene. I tried to hold in my laughter. I watched as a pack of squirrels attacked the plate of grapes. The dad was freaking out! I couldn't wait to see what he would do! This is actually better than TV! The dad got up and-!

"Jon?!" I instantly spun my head around to the couch where Jon rested. And surely, he was awake. The guys all snapped out of their thoughts and their own little world and all their attention was on Jonathan.

The one who first noticed Jonathan waking up was Ohm. I watched as Jon slowly sat up while rubbing his eyes. I looked over to Luke who was immediately by Jon's side, his eyes full of worry. I got up and quickly rushed to where Jon and the guys were.

Jon was fully sat up and done rubbing his eyes. He opened them and there were those calming beautiful electric blue eyes. I felt a strong feeling in my stomach, butterflies; and my heart skipped a beat. I felt so... relieved.

"Uggggggggggghhhhh..." Jon groaned, "What... happened??" He said, looking very confused. He looked around at everyone. He made eye contact with me, again butterflies. Luke then held his hand making him turn to look at Luke. I pouted slightly at the loss of our eye contact. I missed him and I really wanted to hold him in my arms after what happened, but when I looked at Luke and the expression on his face, the pout left my face. In turn my face turned into a sad expression.

Luke had tears streaming down his face. Before Jonathan could question, Luke pulled Jon into an embrace. Jon was shocked at first but immediately hugged him back. After a little while of Luke crying on Jon's shoulder and Jonathan rubbing Luke's back for comfort, they let go. They looked into each other's eye then Jon broke it by looking around at the guys.

"What happened?" Jon asked again. The guys looked nervously at each other. They were looking at each other as if asking which out of them was going to break the news to Jon. I then stepped closer.

"Jon... We need to talk..."


I'm sooooooooooooo sorry for the long hiatus and it propbaly will be slow sailing from here on out

Doubt anyone is still reading but I'll still put this out here

tbh though, I have all these ideas and stories but writing all of it down is really tiring and hard. especially because I have a lot of work from school

Who would have thought?? ughh... but I'll try my best

But if you wanna still follow me (for some reason), I'm more active on my Instagram where I post art stuff. Not much bbs stuff anymore, I've branched out and started drawing other things, as well as occasional fanart for people I really like!

Sorry again and hope you have a great day/night :D

Bye Bye!

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