Date Night - Chapter 23

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Evan POV

School was FINALLY OVER. Ugh who knew school work was really hard? And the teacher thought she can give me homework? Me? Ha.

I exited the front doors with Jon humming. It was hard to hear his song from the bustling noises from the other students. Jonathan never notices these types of things but still do the students make a giant gap from us to them. It even happened when I was asking Jon out.

But that stuff never really bothered me. I just kept my hands in my pockets and took my time down the stairs. Jonathan skipped right down them. In our same usual spot, the guys were waiting for us. Marcel, Ohm, Brian, Brock, Luke, David, Lui, Tyler, and Criag. 

Jon jumped into Luke's arms and hugged him. He then went on to be tackles by Craig and Lui. I just fist bumped the rest of the boys. 

"Yo, why weren't you here earlier?" Brian asked. "He went to class with me!" Jonathan asked before I could even open my mouth. "Really?" Ohm said surprised. "Yep." I just answered. 

"Well, whatever, just tell me.." Tyler begun with a smug smirk. "What are you and Jonathan doing?" Jonathan gasped. "How did you know we were going on a date?" I mental face palmed. "Oooo~ So that's what you're doing!" Jonathan instantly covered his mouth.

"Yeah, yeah we are, get over it Tyler!" I said looking away from him. I was blushing too much, I didn't want the boys to see. "Well. Have fun." Luke just suddenly said. Everyone was shocked with his words, he never just allows anyone to do anything with Jon that easily. I wasn't fazed though. I feel like Luke trusts me, he obviously trusted me enough to know about Jon's secret.

"Just get him back home at 9 o' clock. Sharp. Any later.. better run son." He said sternly, but lightened up towards the end. Jonathan punched his shoulder softly, blushing hard.

"Well, have fun you too!" Brock chimed in. "Yeah, try not to get into trouble you too!" Brain added. "And watch where you are touchin' Evan!" David teased whist snickered. "Hehe, yeah. Play nice, don't be rushing thing to fast!" Tyler teased as well.

Both me and Jonathan blushed as red as a tomato. "Be nice you two!" Mini pouted at Tyler. Tyler rapped his arm around Craig's waist and smirked. Craig blush and turned his face from him. Lui decided to step in for Craig. 

"Yeah, Craig's right! Be nice Nogla!" The said man tilted his head. "Nogla?" He pouted. "I-I mean D-David!" Lui got flustered as well. David just giggled and pulled the small man into his arms. Lui pounded at David's chest lightly, within fury.

(Cute little MiniCat and DaithiDeCalibrefluff >u<)

"Ok you guys, enough with the cutesy stuff!" Marcel broke the 4 apart. "Just have fun you two." Ohm smiled. His grey mask with the Omega sign covering his eyes, showing only his mouth. "Thanks guys." I simply said with a smile.

"We're off then!" I continued. "Bye!" Everyone sung together. As I was walking with Jon skipping besides me, Luke grabbed my shoulder and yanked me back.

"Protect my little brother, he's all that matters to me." He whispered into my ear. I just nodded and continued on.

--Le Time Skip To When They Reach A Small Dinner--

"So whatcha going to order?" Jonathan asked. We looked at our menus that landed in front of us. "Hmmm, the chicken salad sounds good." I respond. "That's so basic!" He giggled. "Then what are you gonna get?" I smirked. "The Crêpes of course!" He giggled again. His laugh is so precious.

"Hmm, not bad. I like mine plain." I agreed. "Me too!" He giggled once again. He must be in a happy mood. I smiled at the thought. "I mean their ranch here is great!" I retorted to his previous insult. "Ooh, I might just have to try some!" He grinned.


Once we revived our food I began to make my move on getting to know Jon more. I started asking basic questions like you would on any regular date. Like: Do you like animals? What's your favorite color? How can you sit through school without losing your mind?

You know, the normal stuff.

He would answer some of my questions, then I would answer some of his. It wasn't awkward at all, thankfully. It was actually a relaxing date.

We would laugh, crack jokes, tease, you know cute stuff.

We even stayed longer than expected. I checked my watch and it read: 8:30 pm

"I think we should get going." I said, still looking at my watch, trying to plan out how to get Jon back in time. I don't wanna die, not tonight.

"Awww! Fine, don't want Luke to kill you! Haha," He laughed while starting to leave the booth we sat at. I exited as well the squishy red leather seat. I tipped and payed for the meal, and we both exited the dinner.

We slowly walked the streets, laughing and joking. Jonathan's pale skin glowed of the street lamps. It already was dark enough for them to turn on.

We would pass strangers, and they would glare, commenting: "Homos" I would just give them death glares. They would speed up after that. I made sure Jon didn't here any snobby people's comments.

Jonathan skipped next to me. My hands rested inside my signature coat's pocket. Jonathan's constant giddy giggles only left me smiling.

5 minutes or so pasted and we almost made it to his house, but something stopped us. Out of the darkness of the alley net to us, hands leaped out and grabbed me by the arms and waist. A hand silenced my mouth, so I couldn't yelled out. Only muffed yelled could be heard.

I struggled against the force. It felt like 3 built men holding me back. The closest lamp was to far away, since I couldn't see my shadowy captures.

Jonathan shrieked out. He held his hand out to me, hoping that would help get me back. Once the captures brought me back to the end of the alley, probably hoping to lead in Jonathan as well. I struggled, predicting what they were planning.

"J---!" I muffled out a scream to warn Jon to not come closer. It didn't work. "Evan!" He screamed out. I tried to shake my head 'no', but the captures made that hard. I saw tears start to trickle down his rosy checks. 

"NO!" Jonathan yelled out to me, he darted after me.

"Yes..." Whispered one of the male's holding me. His voice was raspy, cold, and deep. It sent shivers down my spine.

This won't turn out well.




(not (¬‿¬ ))



(sorry for being inactiveヾ(・ω・';)ノ)

Unedited =_=

The Streets Of New York - UnfinishedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora