Why Do You Stay Here? - Chapter 9

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Basically POV

We're sitting in our normal hangout. Or also called "base" as people like to say. But it's nothing special though. It's just a full blown tree house that occupies 3 trees. It was really big, and awesome looking! If you couldn't tell already, we put a lot of work into this tree house.

I don't really want to get in to much detail, because it's literally just a house but bigger, and in a tree. There's 4 bathrooms, a large gaming room, a kitchen, dinning space, a small gym area to work out if we want to, and a living room where the couch and TV is.

'How did you afford all of this Marcel?' You might ask. Well, that's a story for another time. Right now your're probably wanting to know what happen to Jonathan? Well I'm not tellin'... Luke will.

"A-and Jon just broke down, it was terrible to see him like that... And that Eric guy just hugged him! And had the nerves to smile an evil grin at us!" Luke said frustrated. I looked over at Evan who was sitting down on a wooden chair with his head down. We were in the kitchen area.

"And then Jonathan just... ran away, crying. Leave us with Eric." Luke's voice saddened when he talked about Delirious running away crying. "I was going to go after him, but I wanted to have a little word with Eric, and so did Evan." Luke motioned his hand to Evan. Evan only nodded his head, not even looking up to face everyone.

"What did you guys do?" Brain questioned, Brock nodded. "Well I'll tell ya!" Luke said with his voice raised slightly. "He had the nerves, once again, to tell me it was my fault Jonathan ran away!" Luke pounded his fist on the table besides him.

"Well was it?" Lui asked in a more serious tone. Luke looked at him, "No! Why would I? And that's what I asked him." Luke continued and looked at Evan. "He said it was something we'd done to him, or somethin' like that. But I say B.S!" 

"He mouthed the words to me: 'I. Won.'" Evan said finally. Everyone looked at him. "What did he mean by that?" Ohm asked. "I don't know. But all I do know is, he said something to Jon that wasn't true." Evan answered. Ohm quietly asked, "Then what are we going to do?"

"We're going to follow through with the originally plan of course!" Luke said with his fist raised in the air, triggering us to do the same. "Yeah! For Delirious!" I yelled out. Everyone stood around in a circle with their fist in the air. "But wait..." Brock said cutting in the celebratory cry.

"What?" Brain said looking at Brock. "What about Delirious? Where did he go? Shouldn't we go find him?" Brock exclaimed. Everyone eyes widened. We've forgotten all about that fact. We all headed towards the door, Evan was the first one out.

We ran down the street calling out Delirious's name. "Jon! Jon!" David yelled followed by Evan and Luke, "Jonathan!" We searched everywhere he would be. We checked his house, the school, the park, back at the "base", and even the beach.

We rested on a bench in the park, trying to catch our breaths. Where could he be? David and Lui started to walk back to us with water bottles in their hands. "Thanks." Everyone said when they received their water.

"Where could he have ran off to?" Ohm asked what was on everyone mind. Lui and David finished passing out the water to everyone and sat down next to each other. I looked over at Evan, he looked so sad. He didn't need to say anything, I could tell he liked Delirious and he misses him.

For the past couple of days, him and Delirious always would do flirty things. It was cute at times. Evan is probably really affected by this. I continued to look at him worriedly, I guess he saw me starring.  

"What? Is there something on my face?" I snapped out of my cute little shipping thoughts. I thought up a ship name for them, H2OVanoss.

"Ah.. No no I'm- your good! Ha ha..." He looked at me weirdly, then shrugged his shoulders and looked down again. He looks sad again.. 

The Streets Of New York - UnfinishedOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz