A Good View

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Hello, friends! Sorry this took so long. The art is mine this time. I know it's bad. Please enjoy this part. I think I know how to get Kieran in there somewhere for next time. Ignore my blabbing and get reading!

*Kit POV*

Something shakes me not so gently, and I jolt awake. Ty is inches from my face. I shout and fling myself backwards. "Kit," Ty whispers excitedly, you said you would take me to that place." It makes my heart smile to see him happy despite what happened. His heart is still in shatters. That much is plain as day.

"Yeah," I mumble with a smile, "let's get food first." Ty nods in agreement.

"I am kinda hungry." He says. We rush down the stairs. Actually Ty rushes, and I fall. Once I stumble my way into the kitchen, I grab some plates and some eggs. I throw them into a pan and make the only thing becides instant ramen: scrambled eggs. I'm sort of worried that Ty won't like it. Julian makes amazing scrambled eggs, but my eggs are burnt. They also probably taste horrible.

He eats the eggs without hesitation or complaint. Suprisingly neither of us get food poisoning. I ask him what type of sandwich he wants for lunch. He is confused, so I tell him that we might not be home in time for lunch. I end up making two peanut butter and jelly sanwiches. I toss them into a backpack along with a first aid kit and my phone. "What are you guys doing up so early?" Mark mutters tiredly.

"We're going hiking." I tell him. It's not a lie. We are going to make it to the mountains now that I know where they are. Mark seems to snap awake in an instant.

"Not alone you're not." He says. I make another sandwich, and Mark writes a note to Julian. The sun starts to rise just as we leave the house. Mark had no idea that there were mountains in Idris. Now that I think about it there might not be. Idris is so small that those mountains could be in France or Germany.

That will be even more of an adventure if the mountains actualy aren't in Idris. After about half an hour, we reach the field where I fell asleep yesterday. Ty's jaw drops in awe. "This is," He seems to search for the words, "amazing." A smile spreads wide across his face.

Mark and Ty turn to face me, "Race you!" They shout in unison. Mark takes off sprinting with Ty close behind. I try to catch up,  but their head start was just enough. Even the eighth grade track star can't beat excited Niphilim. Mark stops far ahead of me and doubles over to catch his breath. Ty pauses for a second to let me match my pace with his. Mark is laughing when we get there. His laugh sounds like millions of tiny bells ringing in my ears.

"They are farther than I had expected." He tells us. I tilt my head to the side and try to judge the distance. It looks like it's about two miles, probably less. Either way we should get going, so we have time to summit. My legs are burning by the time we get to the base of the mountain we're going to climb. I glance behind us, but all I see is trees. I don't know what I expected.

"How much farther do you think it is?" Ty asks after what I think has been three  hours. I shrug, but Mark thinks for a second. Is he gonna do some creepy Hunter nature thing? I wonder. After a couple minutes he just says he doesn't know and keeps going. Ty smiles at me and keeps on at a brisk pace.

We stop for snacks and water every half hour just for safety. Julian is going to kill us for taking off anyway. He'd kill us twice if someone fainted. "By the Angel," Mark breathes. I glance at him from my position ten yards below, "you two have got to see this." Ty and I charge up the large slab of rock. Mark points into the distance. He was right.

What I see is more beautiful than anything. Over the tops of the few trees that can grow this high, the tops of the Guard Towers shine different colors when I look at them at different angles. That is not the beautiful part. Ty's mouth is resting slightly open, and his eyes are wide. The mountain breeze ruffles his hair gently making him look like a god on Earth. The sun reflects in his bright blue eyes giving them an all knowing look. He looks in my direction, and his eyes meet mine. The rest of the world seems to vanish. All I can see is Ty. Ty's eyes. Ty's hair. My shining blue eyes fall to his lips slowly. My thoughts wander to kissing him.

I snap back to reality and look away. I can't have thoughts like that. Not after Livvy kissed me. It wouldn't be right, and I'm not gay. At least I think I'm  not. I walk away. "We should keep going if we want to summit before nightfall." I said far more harshly than intended. I know I shouldn't have, but I look back only to be met the confused, sad grey orbs I've memorized. It takes me longer to look away this time. When I do, it breaks my heart. I shouldn't make him sad like this. Not after everything he's been through.

"Kit, what's going on between you and Ty?" Mark pulls me aside.

"I don't know."

He raises an eyebrow, but nods anyway. We hike for maybe another hour before the trail ends. The three of us pick out our own ways through the undergrowth. Above me I see bare rock traveling steeply into the clouds. Ty is next to me, and he looks overwhelmed. I grab his hand without thinking. He looks at me and squeezes back.

"Damn," Mark says before starting, "follow my path. I don't want you to get hurt." I let Ty go in front of me just in case. The path Mark takes is winding, but much safer than just straight up. When we reach what I thought was the clouds, it turns out to be snow. Shin deep snow.

"We're so close. I can see the top." Ty says and starts sprinting. I chase after him and after fifteen minutes of jogging the snow gets deeper. We have to stop running because we are up to our hips in solid white snow, but we reached the summit!

"Oh, wow." I breath. Idris spans out below us for miles. I can't find the tree where I slept, but I do see the field. Lake Lyn shines bright in the noon sunlight. I take a few pictures on my phone to show Dru. Mark closes his eyes and smiles. When he opens them, the gold eye appears to be glowing. I understand what Kieran sees in him, but I don't see it myself.

We eat our lunch up there. We have to leave sooner then I would have liked because Mark was worried that we would get hypothermia. We go down the same way we came up. Going down the rock face is harder than it was coming up. Honestly, I'm a little scared I might fall. We reach the bottom faster then I expected. I try to check the time, but my phone died on the way down.

"I kinda wish we had a car." Ty says. I do too. My legs are sore and cold. I guess that happens when your legs are wet in the fall. We walk slowly until we reach the borders of Alicante. I glance behind us, and the sun is setting. I walk faster despite how much pain I'm in.

"Where did you go hiking?" Julian demands when we step through the door, "You're soaking wet, you've been gone for ten hours, and I don't know if you've eaten at all today." He's shouting at us now. Mark looks ashamed, and Ty looks disappointed.

"I left you a note."

"Saying 'gone hiking'! Like that's good enough?" The rest of what he says is lost to me. Ty fumbles up the stairs to our shared room. I follow him tiredly, but Julian grabs my arm. Pulling me aside he talks low and quiet enough for it to be a growl. "Why are you still here, Kit? You don't need us, and we don't need you. You're making things so much harder than they need to be for Ty and for the rest of us." Tears burn behind my eyes, but I don't let them fall.

"Ty is my friend. You're my friend too, Julian." He shakes his head and walks away. I let the tears fall once I know he's out of sight. I climb onto the roof of the Penhallow's house. I spend the night up there ignoring my problems. The sunrise has never looked more bitter.

Hey, so sorry it's been so long. I got caught up in school work and kind of forgot about this. Anyway. . . Hope you enjoyed it! Ta!

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