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Hello! Like most of the art this is not mine. I still don't own the characters or places. I hope I'm getting all the characters right. This story will also have Kieran x Mark, Gwynn x Diana, and Julian x Emma. Enjoy, my friends!🙃

*Kit POV*

I wake up to smell of pancakes. I look around expecting to see the ocean out of the big window in my room. Instead I see the bottom of a four poster bed. I sit up fast wondering where the hell I am before I remember. Ty is lying on his back staring at the ceiling. His headphones are on his ears still playing. He probably hasn't slep all night. I get out my phone. The time is 10:23. "Ty,do you want some food?" I ask quietly.

He looks at me blankly and nods. I motion for him to follow me down the stairs to the kitchen. He does so slowly. I can't blame him. He lost he only person who understood him. That happened to me with my father and it was hell getting through it. Ty still isn't here weather I'm going to stay or not. I made up my mind that I would before we went to England, but convincing Ty that it's true is hard. Too many people have left him because of his autism.

"Hey," Jules stays, "how many pancakes do you want?" Ty stares at him with a regretful face. "Right. You want three. You always have three. How could I have forgotten?" He looks so dispairing and disappointed in himself. He puts three pancakes on a plate with loads of syrup and two strawberries. Exactly how Ty likes it. He does the same for me. I thank him quietly and he goes to work washing dishes.

"Do you want some help, Julian?" I mutter tentatively. He says that he doesn't need It. Julian Blackthorn is a worker. He ignores the pain he's feeling inside by working it off. I'm learning more than I want to about the Blackthorns, and it's more than I think I should know at this point. As for me, I'm a thinker. I think about other people's problems to try and shrug off my own.

After I eat, I decide to look around the city. I probably won't ever be able to come back here, or at least not be here without being in shadowhunter prison. I take the winding streets all over the city. I find a statue depicting Clary, Jace, Simon, Izzy, Alec, and Magnus standing ready to fight. I wish I had a parabati. Having someone who knows exactly how I feel right now and how to help would be so helpful. I keep walking down allies and side roads before I realize that I'm hopelessly lost.

I sigh walk off the street into a field. I lay down in the grass and just watch the sky. In the distance I can see mountains tiled with snow. I want to go up there, and see the world stretch out around me. I know that nothing stops me from doing so, but I can't. Ty needs me, and I promised I wouldn't leave him. I sit up quickly. I left him. I knew he was in pain, and I walked away! I need to find him!

I dash back into the city center and try to find Council Hall. I know my way to the Penhallow's estate from there. It takes me about an hour but I find it and in no time at all I'm standing in front of doors. I check my phone to see how long I was gone. 4:57 god I was gone for five hours! I feel horrible, but I can't go back in time so forward it is. I push open the door gently and poke my head in. No one is there, so I slip in and make my way upstairs carefully just to go unnoticed. A door opens behind me, and I know Ive been found out.

"Kit! There you are!" Ty shouts, "I thought you'd-" he breaks off apparently unable to even finish the idea. He wraps me in a tight hug obviously not wanting to let me go. I hug him back tighter then nessesary, but I just really missed him. Which is odd considering that I've only been gone for a few hours.

"I went out to get some air and got lost. You know I wouldn't leave for that long on purpose right?" I need to convince myself as well as him. At the moment all I want is to go home. Back to my life in California where I was alone and at peace, but I love the Blackthorns to much to do that. I've even grown to like Kieran. That's saying something he is an asshat. Ty nods and I smile.

"Can you show me where you went?" He mumbles. He looks me in the eyes and smiles. I nod slowly unsure of why he wants to. If we leave early enough we could probably make it to the mountains.

"Of course. We have to go tomorrow though because it's far." He smiles even wider. For a brief second he looks happy, but then he turns to the right. His face falls dramatically. He wanted to tell Livvy. "Ty," I whisper. He walks to the parlor and sits down heavily on the sofa. I sink next to him, and he rests his head on my shoulder.

We sit there for a long time in silence. The Penhallows must not use the parlor much because it's covered in a layer of dust. [I don't know what season this happened in so I'm going with fall] The sun starts to set and turns the sky a billion shades of orange and pink. Julian calls us for dinner and Ty leaves without a word.

We set into the dining room and are met with an unpleasant sight. Everyone sits in silence. There is a plate made for Livvy in her normal spot. When I can bring myself to look away from it, I see Mark. He is still crying and obviously hasn't slept. Helen has a hand on his back and the other being held by Aline. This family is broken, but nothing is beyond repair. It won't be anywhere near better, but it won't be like this. Mark's mood probably isn't helped due to the fact that Perfect Diego took Kieran to the Scholomace. There hasn't been any word since he left. Mark must be worried sick.

Diner is spaghetti. We eat slowly, and in silence. Most things are in silence these days. "Does anyone want cake?" Emma says, "I baked one this morning." We look at her. She smiles like nothing is wrong but it quickly turns to the brink of tears.

"I'll have some cake." I mumble. She nods and motions for me to come get it. I follow her into the kitchen. She puts a slice of cake on a plate then promptly breaks down in sobs. I hug her awkwardly. I don't know what to do.

"I'll be fine. Take your cake and go. It's alright." She chokes between tears. She says she wants to be alone, but she's hurting. I don't want her to be alone, but she probably doesn't want to be seen like this. I take the cake and sit back down at the table. Julian goes to the kitchen. Good. He knows how to comfort her. I think. What are we going to do?

This chapter got a little out of control. I want to bring in the other characters, but I have no idea how. \_(-_-)_/ if you think there is anything I can do better please tell me! Have a great day/night, friends!

Kit x Ty (Dark Artifices)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora