Dances and Jerseys

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"You names both of them, the first one was Bacon, and the other one was Jeff or something."

"Excuse you his name was Sir Jeffrey Jefferson the Possum the third."

"You remember that? You dork."

"Shut it punk, I can remember what we named all the capilitters in my backyard." Bucky replied.

"It's caterpillars."

"And I still can't pronounce that for some reason so it's capilitters."

"Let's go eat." I jokingly hit his shoulder.

"Took you two long enough." George laughed.

"Steve was busy making fun of me." Bucky joked.

"You can't say caterpillar and I think it's funny." I defended myself

"Sorry I'm late." Mom called from the front door.

"You're fine Sarah." George replied.

"Dinner is ready whenever you are mom." I told her.

"Thank you Steve." She replied walking into the kitchen, "My god, Bucky, you've grown up so much."

"Steve did too, that kid used to be half Bucky's size now he's bigger than me." George chuckled.

"So Bucky, why'd you grow out your hair?" Mom asked.

"I don't really know, just got tired of cutting it I guess." Bucky explained.

"I like it, I think it suits you." Mom told him.

"Thank you." Bucky smiled. Why is his smile so cute. Steve focus, not on Bucky.

"Steve, what have you been doing, any sports?" George asked.

"I do football, and I do wrestling in the winter." I explained.

"Not just that, he's the captain of the football team too." Bucky added.

"Wow, you have any games left in the season, I'd like to come support you." George told me.

"One more, Friday, before the dance." I told George.

"Speaking of the dance, are you two going with anyone?" Mom spoke up.

"I'm actually going with Sharon." I told her. To be honest I'd rather be going with Bucky. "What about you Buck?"

"No, I don't have a date. I wasn't really planing on going." Bucky answered.

"Oh, alright." Mom replied smiling.

We finished our dinner, mom was practically attacking Bucky with questions the whole time. Mom and George stayed inside to talk, Bucky and I had gone onto the roof.

"So you're really not going to the dance?" I asked hoping he was going.

"Probably not." He answered.

"Come on, it'll be fun." I was practically begging.

"I'm not really into the school dances." Bucky sighed.

"Well, you haven't been to a SHIELD dance. Just come for a little bit, you'll have a good time." I continued to pester him.

"Fine." Bucky finally gave in.

"Good." I smiled, Bucky shivered, "Are you cold?

"A l-little." Bucky replied.

"You know if you had some meat on your bones you wouldn't be so cold." I told him.

"Sh-shut up." He stuttered.

"I have lots of sweaters and stuff if you are."

"I-I'm fine Steve I ha-haven't even given you back the other one you loaned me y-yet."

Stucky High School AUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora