Shopping trip

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Derek's P.O.V

"Ok Der-bear, you get the trolley and follow me." I huffed but did as he asked or told really, ever since the pack had turned into toddlers Stiles had been... different. A good different of course, he's more affectionate of the pack than he was when they were teenagers. I have a feeling that Deaton wasn't telling the whole truth when he said the pack accepted Stiles as their mother, like there was something more to the story, or maybe it's just be being paranoid.

I listened half-heartedly as Stiles began to list off things we needed, pulling me by the arm as he rushed through the store all the way to the baby clothes.

"If there is even a slight chance that they will remember this, I am going to make them look so adorable!" He exclaimed holding up an array of tiny cute onesies. I rolled my eyes at his antics, but I had to admit, the onesies were pretty adorable.

Boyd had a fluffy sheep onesie, Scott was Stitch, Jackson was a dinosaur, Isaac was a cute bear, Lydia was a Panda, Allison was a bunny, Erica was a tiger because, and I quote 'She's feisty.' and the twins were unicorns. ^Up the top^

Stiles placed them in the trolley before rushing off again, this time to buy the pack three outfits each of normal clothes. He is so luck I am paying for this or he'd be screwed.

Next, we moved to the food isle since the loft is devoid of food since the last pack meeting.

"Oh! I forgot diapers, give me a minute!" He exclaimed before jogging off in the direction we came, I rolled my eyes and began to pick baby food and normal food from the shelves, placing them in the cart. A blonde woman appeared next to me, wearing a tight shirt that showed a lot of cleavage that I did not want to see.

"Hey sexy, what's your name?" She purred moving into my personal space making me very uncomfortable, I shifted back slightly and gave her a tight-lipped smile.

"I'm sorry but I'm engaged." I lied quickly taking another step back hopeing she would let it go, she didn't. She ignored my obvious discomfort and moved even closer, placing a hand on my chest.

"I don't see any Fiancé." She responded.

"Obviously you're not looking close enough." A voice responded from behind me, I turned to see Stiles standing there with his arms crossed and foot tapping impatiently on the ground. Thank the lord, my gaurdian angel had arrived. Glaring harshly at the women that I suddenly felt incredibly sorry for, he stepped forward placing the diapers in the trolley before yanking her hand away from me chest roughly and moving to stand infront of me, lacing out fingers togther.

"Who is this Babe?" It took me a moment to realize he was talking to me, I decide to play along. This woman was making me seriously uncomfortable, she glared back and wrinkled her nose.

"All the hot guys are taken." She mumbled as she turned and stomped away, as soon as she turned the corner Stiles' icy glare was replaced with a smile. 'He's protecting us! He cares!' Stop it.

"Thanks." I replied gruffly, he just smiled with a slight nod before looking down to his list.

"Now we just need a baby fence and crib!" He said grabbing my arm once again, I honestly didn't mind. I was glad he didn't bring up the women, I held in a smile and walked next to Stiles feeling rather content which was unusual but I let it slip. My pack had been turned into toddlers, today was already a weird day and it wasn't even dinner yet. To be honest I liked it, I like holding Stiles hand and I like that he held into my arm all the time.

"I think this one is perfect." Stiles grunted, attempting to lift a child fence.

(If you don't know what a child fence is here you go!)

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