Well this was unexpected

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"Derek Shelton Hale don't you dare leave me alone to care for nine two-year-olds! What is wrong with you?! You don't just write a note and leave!"

"I left groceries on the counter?"

"That does not make it BETTER!!"

~Present time~

"Well this was unexpected." I couldn't help the giggle that escaped my mouth, Derek huffed and tried to pull a de-aged Boyd from his leg.

Let me explain, we were going on a raid in this witchs hut because she was killing innocents as sacrifices. I was of course behind the scenes, I had bought these cool ear pieces, so I could communicate to the pack. The witch unfortunately cast a spell turning everyone that was under 18 into a toddler, luckily Derek was able to get them out of there and back to the loft where we currently stood. Derek in the door way, toddlers climbing all over him.

"Stiles! Just help me!" I chuckled, taking Scott, Erica and Isaac into my arms. The twins quickly shuffled away from Derek, attaching themselves to one of my legs each.

"Okay lets... make a list of things we may need - Oww Erica no biting! -, then we'll go to Deaton and see how permanent this is." Derek growled as Boyd tried to take a chunk out of his leg, Erica growled back although it came out adorable!

"You have to work with me here Sourwolf, Pick up Lydia, Jackson and Allison. Let's put them down on your bed." He huffed unhappily but still followed behind me. The pack was so small, they couldn't have been older than two.

I entered Derek's bedroom and placed Scott, Erica and Isaac on the bed. Picking the twins up and placing them on as well, the I took Allison, Lydia, Jackson and Boyd form Derek placing them on the bed as well.

"You should call your dad."

"Why?" I questioned turning to look as Derek.

"Because there is no way you are leaving me alone with these... children." He replied making a face of disgust, causing me to laugh loudly.

"What's the magic word?" I sung jokingly.

"Please." He replied grumpily, I hit his chest lightly.

"Not so hard is it?" He rolled his eyes just as Isaac began to cry.

"Scott! Don't bite Isaac!" Scott looked down, I picked Isaac up and placed a kiss on his arm where Scott had bitten him.

"Sowwy." He replied guilty, I sighed and ruffled Scott's hair gently.

"Just be careful with him Scotty." I shifted Isaac onto my hip, swaying gently. Slowly he stopped crying and sticking his thumb in his mouth, leaning his head on my chest.

"Okay Der, I need you to make a list for me."

"Don't call me that." He grumbled while grabbing a piece of paper and a pen.

"We need nine pairs of pajamas, at least two pairs of clothes each, diapers, baby food, baby shoes, bubble bath -Yes I need it Derek- baby cage baby and a really big crib." The pack were all squirming on the bed, rolling over each other and laughing loudly. I smiled and walked over to Derek handing him Isaac's sleeping form, re-positioning his arms so Isaac wouldn't fall. He looked at me panicky, I just sent him a re-assuring smile.

"Now how are we going to get them to Deaton's?" I mused, speaking to no one in particular. I assumed Derek understood that, as he didn't answer. Derek looked so cute holding Isaac, I quickly snapped a picture much to Derek's horror. That's going on the Christmas cards.

"It's not that far we could walk? Yep! we'll walk." Derek looked skeptical, but I ignored him, instead thinking in my head how many children I can fit on Derek. I nodded satisfied and began to pick up children. I placed Erica on Derek's shoulders, lacing her hands through his hair. Next, I put a twin in each of Derek's arms taking Isaac into my own. Scott climbed onto my shoulders, Allison held my hand, Jackson grabbed a handful of the bottom of my shirt and Lydia's hand, Boyd also grabbed some of Derek's shirt then we were ready to go. Derek looked uncomfortable, but he was going to have to deal with it.

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