Female Hawlucha X Male Reader

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Requested by @DaHenatiSci


There is bullying, some violence, and swearing, if your not comfortable with this then please don't read.


It was a beautiful day and I was up at the park with my girlfriend Hawlucha. She was one of the first Pokemon I had ever caught and when she was turned by the cures she became my first girlfriend. She was always so sweet, but man could she pack a punch. Her strength impresses me I must say, yet she looks so good. We were sitting on a park bench looking at the sky when I heard the faint sound of music down the path.

"Hey Hawlucha I can hear an ice cream truck over there. Want me to go get some?"

She turns from the sky and looks to me, one of the strips from her focus sash falling over her shoulder.

"That would be wonderful _____, i'll stay here."

She gives me a peck on the cheek and I go to get my sweet some sweets. The man was nice and gave me Hawlucha's for free since we were sound so cute apparently. I pay him and say thanks before making my way back to Hawlucha when I hear a familiar voice.

"Hey look, it's the cunt with a bird, YO BITCH COME HERE!"

I sigh and keep my eyes trained on the path as I walk back the the park bench. I really don't want my good day to be messed up by them.

"Come on _____ show us you aint a little bitch, or do you need your pokeslut to fight all your battles!"

I bite back the grow in my throat and just keep walking. I'm use to them by now, this group constantly harass me because of my Hawlucha. I care a lot about my girl and i'm really proud of just how strong and calm she is. Since i'm a dude though, others love tormenting me over it. I take a deep breath and continue to the bench. As it come into view I can see my darling sitting, waiting for me. She had her hands folded in her lap, allowing her wing like draps to rest by her side. She was watching the sky, her shash flowing in the wind.

"Hey Hawlucha, i'm back"

She turns at my call with a calm serenity in her eyes. It falters slightly at the sight of the boy behind me but she pushes it away.

"Welcome back ____ thank you for the ice cream."

She gives me a smile and I return it, sitting beside her. We eat in gentle silence as Hawlucha examines the world around us. Without warning someone grabs my head and yanks me from my seat. I hear laughing as i'm then dragged across the sidewalk and grass before being thrown to the ground. I scramble to get up but I freeze as a shoe is placed on my neck keeping me down. I feel my airways close and breathing becomes painful as I shift to see what's in front of me. I grimace as I see it's the boys from before, why can't they just leave me alone!

"I must ask you to unhand my trainer before I am forced to battle you."

I strain my eyes and see Hawlucha standing in front of the group of guys, a calm yet tough look in her eyes.

"Or what? Your nothing but his little bird bitch. You don't even look like you can right now. If he was a real trainer he should be stronger then there pokeslut."

Hawlucha was unfazed by their words and remained collected as they spoke, that was something I was always proud of. I feel the weight of the foot leave for a moment but before I can move a hand replaced the presser. I'm lifted from the ground and an arm slipped behind mine, pulling them back. The hand on my neck moved from the back to the front, closing once again as oxygen is one again withheld from my lungs.

"Well let's see just how tough you pathetic bitch of a trainer is huh?"

With that the hand clamped hard and I try to struggle as I can barely breath. My struggling was stopped as one of the other members came over and hit me square in the gut. I desperately gasp for air as more punches are thrown. It didn't last long however a massive gust of wind threw the group and they let go. When I hit the group I gulped down the air as I gingerly place my hand to my throat, trying to ease the pain. I look up and see Hawlucha was now standing in front of me her arms out by her side, her wing sleeves flowing by her side.

"I tried to warn you but you left me no choice. I will not stand anyone hurting my man. You have a problem with him, them get through me."

The gang staggered back to there feet and the leader was pissed. He yelled and ran towards us, Hawlucha jumped and landed a down kick to his head. He landed with a thud and Hawlucha kept the fight going. She jumped from one to another, punches, kicks, and claws flew as she fought the group. In no time she had them all on the ground as she stood victorious.

"_____! Are you ok?"

Hawlucha dashed to my side checking over my body.

"I'm ok Hawlucha, just some bruising."

I winced as how horse my voice was and I knew I was bleeding but I didn't want to worry her anymore. She still had a look of worry but it switch to determination as she stood up. I was about to ask what she was doing when she reached down and scooped me into her arms.

"Ah! Hawlucha what are you thinking! Please put me down!"

She said nothing as she walked out of the park. I just close my eyes as she takes me back to what I can assume is our home. I open them when I feel the plush overs of our bed on my bad. As I look I don't see Hawlucha at first but she soon enters the room carrying a first aid kit. We sit in silence as she worked to clean and tend to my wounds, the only sound was when something hurt.

"I'm sorry I didn't act faster _____"

I sit up as she puts the supplies away.

"Your fine Hawlucha, i'm glad you were there for me."

I give a week smile as I can't help but think about what those guys said.

"Of course _____ I will always be there for you, and I like you just the way you are. If i'm being honest i'm happy I can protect you, it makes me feel like I have a purpose."

She leans in and give me a kiss, to which I match it with equal love. She crawls into bed and draps her wing like sleeve over me and places my head on her chest.

"Now rest _____, you need to heal"

I nod and closes my eyes, the smell of the ice cream I had gotten her fantly wafts from her as I allow the hands of sleep pulls down. The beat of her heart lulling me into peace.


Ok so I know this is probably nothing like what you were expecting but this was a strange pokemon request. My inspiration came when I looked up "Hawlucha personality" and what came up was "Personality. Hawlucha is a type of Pokémon that has a remarkable sense of honor and a strong will to protect anyone from danger. Just like Sceptile, Buizel, Snivy and Greninja, Hawlucha is very cool, calm, collected, serious and greatly determined to never lose hope during a battle." so I used that as my inspiration.

The rest is up to you...anyhoo toodaloo my lovely trainers

1331 words

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