Depressed Reader x Dominant Female Luxray

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Requested by @DontWorryAboutIt02

WARNING: cutting, Self-deprecation, a little cussing, depressing thoughts

(This is the first time I've ever written characters that are dominant or submissive so please bare with me)

I let out a soft cry as I watch the crimson liquid fall from the fresh cuts, this is the first time in quite a while that I have cut. Luxray would get upset with me anytime I did it, I always listen to her. But recently I don't think she loves me anymore, just the thought of it had me trailing a few more cuts. Recently Luxray met this guy and she has been hanging out with him a lot. Every time she came home she would tell me about the fun day she had. She was the one who always lead so I never really took her places, she always took me. The more I thought, the more I cut, she must hate me. How could someone so outgoing and strong as her ever love someone so shy and weak. She probably goes out with him because he's actually strong. Sobs rack I continue to cry.

Luxray was the first person to actually care about me, she was always beside me when I was upset and when anyone tried to say anything she'd always protect me. But now she's always out with that guy and I dread the day she tells me she doesn't love me anymore. She's out with him again today they're probably going to be gone until late at night, they're always out the whole day. Blood had begin to pool underneath me now but I don't care, I know I'm pathetic and I deserve this. I miss her hugs and her kisses, I miss the way her hair would fall on my shoulders when we hugged. This was the first time I finally had feeling on my skin during the day.

I don't know how much time passed but eventually I had littered both of my arms in cuts, I lost count after 50. I just cut for everything that was worthless about me, every reason why she would leave. I was about to start a new series of cuts down my leg when all the sudden the bathroom door slammed open. I jumped, dropping the razor, and snapping my head to see who just entered the room, it was Luxray. She took one look at me and a mixture of anger and sadness filled her eyes, I knew I fuck up.

"_____ what the fuck do you think you're doing!"

Before I could react she picked me up bridal style and carried me out of the bathroom. She took me downstairs and laid me on the couch before running back upstairs. I couldn't help but cry more, I messed up again. She was definitely going to leave now she's seen how broken I still am. She came back with a first aid kit and crouched beside me. immediately starting to tend to my cuts.

"what the hell were you thinking doing this to yourself! I thought we talked about this _____, what's wrong."

I couldn't bring myself to look at my beloved electric type, I didn't want to see the disappointment in her eyes. I heard an angry huff before I felt a hand on my chin turning me to look at her.

"_____ You better tell me what's wrong."

I could never deny her when she spoke this way.

" I-I thought you were going to leave me, you've been spending so much time with that guy and I was almost certain that you no longer loved me."

Shyly I glanced over at her to see the shock and sadness in her eyes.

"Oh my word love I would never leave you, I'm so sorry I made you feel that way."

She pulled me to her chest and held me, she had finished my bandages a bit ago so I hoped I wouldn't get blood on her outfit.

" I didn't realize what he was doing until today."

I looked at her confused not understanding what she meant, she must have seen the confusion because she continued to explain.

"Apparently he was trying to take me on dates and I didn't realize what he was doing until he told me today, that's why I came home earlier than normal."

I couldn't stop the tears from rolling down my face, I just held on tighter and cried in her shoulder as I spoke.

"But why would you leave someone like that for me, he was tall and strong and outgoing. He had confidence, he would take you places, while I just quietly follow behind you. I could never be someone like him, why would you choose my pathetic self over-"

My words died off as she kissed me. She was sweet and gentle as if trying not to startled me. After a moment she pulled away and looked at me With soft yet powerful eyes.

"Now stop it _____ I don't want to hear those words again, you're perfect. You're so sweet and kind and I adore Your shy little smile. the way you would blush every time I flirt with you and how you get so flustered by it, I find it adorable. I don't want someone outgoing and strong, I love my adorable submissive boyfriend, and I always will"

She pulled me into another hug and held me in her protective embrace. I just let the tears roll down my face as I hugged her, afraid that if I let go she would disappear. She pick me up with my arm still around her neck and instinctively I wrap my legs around her hips still clinging to her. She gave a soft chuckle, and I blushed.

"There's my cute little koala"

I squeaked and buried my face and her fluffy collar earning a laugh. she took us upstairs and into our bedroom. I still clung to her as she grabbed the remote and a fluffy blanket before making her way to the bed. She gently lifted me off of her and placed me on the bed before climbing on herself. She turned on the TV and flipped it to a random channel that I enjoyed before pulling me into her lap holding me close, wrapping her arms around my waist. She placed a kiss on top of my head before resting her chin on it.

"I love you _____, you are mine and will always be mine and I will never love anyone more than you."

I blushed again, and snuggled into her embrace before turning my attention to the TV. I never realized until later that while she went to get the first aid kit Luxray also cleans the blood. I looked around until I found the razor picking it up, and throwing it away.

"What's taking you so long koala."

I blush a little at the nickname.

" Just taking care of an old problem."

She smiled, most likely knowing exactly what I did, before patting her lap and opening her arms. I crawl back into her embrace settling back down. No matter how many fears I have, no matter how many problems there will be in the future, I know my beloved Luxray will always be there to protect me.


The rest is up to you...anyhoo toodaloo my lovely trainers

1232 words

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