Silence Says All

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"So, that was quite...something," Ron stated awkwardly.

They were still in the sitting room, alone. Draco had stormed off with Blaise and Pansy following him in an attempt to calm him down. It was tiring, peeving off the blond. He already upset him twice today, and both because of something Harry so stupidly said.

Hermione shot him a look, then looked back at Harry. "Are you alright?"

He nodded. He was fine, of course, only his pride was hurt, and he had to admit, so were his feelings. He didn't blame Draco though, he probably shouldn't have hid the fact that Draco was in possible danger. Harry just didn't expect him to be so upset over it.

Then again this was Draco Malfoy he was talking about.

A literal queen in drama.

The time they've lived together gave Harry a deeper look in how Draco functioned and behaved. In other words, Harry knew how Draco liked his coffee (sweet, surprisingly), how he always tried to express as little emotion as possible, but would let loose whenever Harry had gotten him to smile, or laugh. Then his hard-cover façade would just melt away, and Harry would feel strangely happy when that smile was directed towards him, and those pearly eyes glittered like they did that one starry night playing Quidditch.

He sighed, "I didn't want to tell him because he was already going through a complete loss of memory. Merlin, you should've seen him..."

His mind flashed to the morning Draco had first woken up, afraid and confused. Then to the night he had a nightmare, so shaken and panicked, clutching Harry's torso, tears slipping down his eyes, and Harry holding him tightly and protectively.

Suddenly a very specific memory emerged in his mind. Draco sobbing in the Hogwarts bathroom. Looking so broken and exhausted, his reflection so ghastly and sickly.

Their mini battle in the bathroom...then Draco on the cold marble floor...bleeding out...struggling to breathe...hurt and injured because of Harry....

Merlin, what was wrong with him?

His stomach twist and turned, his heart fluttered like the wings of a hummingbird, and his mind was jumbled like a broken puzzle. 

Draco Malfoy

Perfect, attractive, conflicted, Draco. With his perfectly combed and neat soft hair, set jaw and pointed yet defined features, those eyes that Harry seemed to never get bored with, tall slim body, and pale soft skin Harry found himself liking. 

Draco Malfoy

Perfect smile that always got wider when Harry made him laugh, cheeks that filled with color when he would randomly compliment him, eyebrows that furrowed deeply yet adorably when he was in deep thought or immense concentration when working, soft pink lips that Harry found himself wanting to meet again.

Suddenly, it came over him, knocking him off his feet like a large wave. Washing over him strongly in realization, filling his lungs and suffocating his mind. He was drowning in what it was, what he felt. He didn't dare fight it, because he knew he'd only end up drowning faster, swallowing him up whole in the ocean of strong emotions. Diving deeper...and deeper...

Hermione nudged him."Harry what's going on? You're spacing out again, and don't say 'it's nothing', because it's obviously something. You know Ron and I are-"

...until he realized that he didn't care just how deep he dived.

"I think I'm in love with Draco Malfoy."


"Well I admit I didn't expect a full out argument today between Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy,"Blaise said, walking side by side with Pansy and Draco at the park.

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