02| Batman And Robin

Start from the beginning

Suddenly, I remembered the events leading up to where I was now. I looked down at my clothes that seemed to be sticking on my skin from all my sweat. Reaching up to move the wet hair from my face I winced from the needles in my arm. Without thinking I ripped them out of my arms, holding in my scream. I had to get out of where ever I was now.

Although I knew that the Batman was good and that he wouldn't hurt me, it didn't change the fact the he scared the hell out of me. I jumped down from the bed my legs instantly giving out under me. I felt tears of frustration slip down my cheeks as I continued to try to get on my feet, now I was hopeless holding onto the edge of the bed to not fall over again.

"Excellent. We were wondering when you would wake Miss Freemont." A voice said, and I turned my head to find an older man standing behind me holding a tray of towels. I looked at him in confusion he was dressed as a butler, and I could only wonder who even had butlers anymore.

"Who...how do you..." I began to say realizing that I hadn't asked a question at all. "where am I?"

"Let me assist you first. And then I will get someone who will answer any questions you may have." The older man assured me as he helped me back onto the bed. "To answer what would have been your first question my name is Alfred Pennyworth. But you may simple call me Alfred."

"Thank you Alfred." I said my throat still raw, every word was becoming more painful. Though all the pain made sense considering that I had been electrocuted last night. Yet, something that I still wasn't able to find an explanation to was how I was able to do what I did.

"Now sit tight. I will only be a moment." He replied before heading across the room and into a bright elevator. I sat there in silence taking in the sight of the room I was in. Of the cars, and a collection of what seemed like a dozen variations of the Batman suit. Although I knew I couldn't all I wanted to do was walk around and take everything in. I had never seen anything like this before.

"You're finally awake." Someone said as they entered the room, and I watched as a boy who seemed to be around my age walked towards me. Unconsciously I pushed some strands of hair behind my ear, but if I looked the way I felt this action was completely pointless. "I was wondering when you would."

I was speechless for a couple of moments as I took him in, wearing the Robin suit. He was Robin and I didn't know how I was supposed to react to that fact.

"Right." He said as he suddenly remove the black mask that was covering his eyes, and I wasn't sure if it made me feel any better. It actually made me feel more nervous that before.

"Robin." A deep voice scolded as suddenly a figure emerged from the shadows. I felt myself jump slightly causing me to wince in pain. The sight of the Batman made me believe that I was dreaming. He is someone that everyone talks about, yet hardly anyone has ever really seen him. He was practically a myth. Or an urban legend.

"It's okay Batman. I don't want to scare her anymore than she probably already is." Robin assured him before turning back to me. "I'm sure you're really confused."

"Where am I?" I asked trying to keep my voice as steady as possible.

"I call it the Batcave. But he doesn't like it when I do."

Although that wasn't the answer I wanted, I simply nodded as I continued to look around the room feeling extremely awkward. I knew this probably wasn't the reaction that they were expecting, but I wasn't sure how I was supposed to act.

"How many hours have I been out?"

"Hours?" The boy repeated as he looked back at Batman who hadn't spoken another word. "You mean days?"

I opened my mouth about to repeat what he just said, but the words wouldn't come out. Almost like they were stuck in the back of my throat. I didn't understand why but this news had my heart beating wildly in my chest. How could I have been conscious for days?

Suddenly all the lights in the room began to flicker uncontrollably. "What's going on?" I asked the panic that I felt increasing.

"It's you." Batman stated as he took a step towards me. "Most likely from the electrokinesis that you inherited from your mother."

"My mother?" I questioned wondering how he could know anything about my mother. Or make assumptions about who she was, I knew that she would never hide something like that from me. "Electrokinesis? I'm sorry but you're not making any sense. I think I would know if I was a meta-human."

"You wouldn't if your meta-human gene was dormant." He replied, being someone who wasn't anywhere close to being an expert in anything that had to do with science it felt ridiculous of me to try to counter what this man was telling me. Especially when he clearly knew what he was talking about. But I just refused to believe that it was true. "A gene that was activated by the events of last week. And one that grants you the ability that allows you to manipulate electricity."

"So, your saying that my mom was hiding the fact that I have powers from me my entire life?"

"Your mother did much more than hide that you inherited her meta-human abilities."

"Batman maybe we shouldn't throw all of this at her now." Robin told him, and I was beginning to feel insane. At this point I just wanted to stay unconscious or continue to be blissfully ignorant of whatever the situation was with my mom. "It's a lot to process."                 

"Sir, the young Master is right." Alfred agreed, and I looked at him just noticing his English accent. "She has only just awoken. Maybe it would be best if we let her rest before you explain everything."

There was a long stretch of silence before the man in the black cowl only offered a simply nod. I wondered about the man behind the mask, and what could have possibly turned him into Gotham City's Dark Knight. But I guess I had that same curiosity towards the boy who helped him fight crime.

"I'm Dick Grayson by the way." He introduced himself, as he extended his hand towards me. I looked into his dark eyes and shook his hand instantly regretting my decision. Hating myself for having such sweaty hands, I pulled away almost instantly.

"I'm Cheyenne." I said softly suddenly feeling very self conscious about the way I looked. I could only imagine what he thought of me right now, I was a mess. "But you already knew that."

"Yeah sorry about that. We just had to know more about you if we wanted to help you."

"Dick. We have to finish training." Batman said though it sounded more of an order. I looked back at Dick who now seemed to be slightly embarrassed. But I couldn't understand what there was to be embarrassed about.

"Well we got you some new clothes. And Alfred do you think..."

"Do not worry Master Grayson I will help her with anything she needs." Alfred assured him, and Dick only gave me a small smile before he made his way over to his mentor who was waiting motionless but the elevator doors. I watched as the both disappeared behind the large metal doors not able to tear my eyes away. "A very charming young man is he not?"

I looked back at Alfred not sure if I heard him correctly, but from the glint of amusement in his eyes I knew I had. "What?"

"Exactly." Was all he said as he extended his hand, and I took it without a second thought as he helped me on my feet. "Now we must get you cleaned up."


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