Chapter 2 - The box under the bed

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When I went back to my room after dinner I wanted to see what Noah had left for me under my bed.

There was a box covered in black wrapping and beautiful silver decorations on it and in the middle of the box stood the words

New Memories”. 

When I opened the box, there was a letter, it looked like it had been read a few times and when I opened it, I saw my mom’s handwriting, instantly I went cold, my heart felt like it dropped to my stomach.  I started to read it;

Dearest Noah

I have always seen you as the big brother to my Shelly, Brad and Lee. 

You have always been there to protect those two “Dorks” as you so often called them.

The time has come for you to now go into the world without them for a while and to build on your dreams and your future.  I know they are going to miss you very much even though they might not show it all the time, but deep down in their hearts I know and you know, you guy’s will grow up loving each other and will always, always be a part of each other’s lives.

So Noah, in saying that, I have something to say to you and if you are reading this in my letter it means I am not here to say this to you in person.

Noah, I have watched you grow the time has now come for you to leave your childhood behind. 

I have so many wishes for you.

I wish you confidence to face challenges, wisdom to choose your path, adventure and joy to fill you, I wish you happiness and satisfaction from the simple things in life such as friends and cherished moments.

Most of all I wish you LOVE. 

Noah, please know that I am so, so proud of you, now go out there and make your dreams come true.

With all my love, your second mom, Joni XOXO

Tears, tears and more tears………..

Well, needless to say I was in tears, firstly because of the beautiful letter my mom left Noah but also because he felt that he could share this with me and leave it with me. 

There was a second letter in the box, marked “Shelly”

Dearest Shelly

I have left this “New Memories” box for you to show you that yes, I am going away for now not only to build on our future and follow dreams but to also let you know that I am making a promise to you now, that where ever I am and until we are back together again my future not only has my dreams in it, it also has you in it. 

Shelley, you have always been apart of my heart and dreams and without you, my future will not be fulfilled.

Shelly, I Love you and I promise we will work on this together, we will build on this memory box and fill it with not only joy but with LOVE……..

Love you my “Forever Angel”

I love Noah so much, this letter makes me so proud of not only the man he has become but the man he wants to become.

There were some beautiful pictures of the last few weeks Noah and I spent together and one in particular was a picture of him and me together at his favourite place behind us in the background the “holly wood” sign. 

The Holly wood sign will always belong in our new memories box as that was the day that we became Noah and Shelly as one.

Text from Elle to Noah

Noah, I have no words…………..😓

Another text from Elle to Noah

All I can say right now is Thank-you and that I do truly, truly love you.  Goodnight my love……Shelly

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