Punishment (Sexual)

Start from the beginning

I woke up in my crib a bit later and looked around the room. The sun was setting and I looked at the clock, is was 7:18. Daddy!
He was probably gone by now and I got sad.
I started crying, not loudly though because I didn't want Calum or Ashton to come in hear but I forgot about the baby monitor. I heard footsteps come up the stairs and Calum walked in.
"What's the matter?" He asked sweetly.
I didn't answer as he picked me up and held me on his hip. I tried to get out of his grip but he was too strong. "Alyssa what's the matter?" He asked again. I finally gave in and held him tightly back. My head was in the crook of his neck causing my cries to be muffled.
"D-daddy!" I whined.
"Aw poor angel, he'll be back soon."
"B-but I want him h-here now!"
He rubbed my back and bobbed up and down.
"I know you do, he'll be back before you know it."
His voice is so soothing, "y-you pwomise?" I say with a sniffle.
"Yes, I promise. Now, what do you want to do sweetie?"
"Dwess up!" I say happily.

I'm glad I was able to cheer her up, I hate seeing her cry, especially when it's because she misses Mike.
Ashton and I have littles of our own so we naturally know how to take care of Alyssa. She doesn't know that though, Mikey doesn't want us telling her cause she gets jealous easily, so we've kept it a secret from her. Luke wants a little, but he's single at the moment and still looking for the right girl to call his.

I brought her into the living room where she keeps her box of costumes and silly clothing.
She hurried over to it without even saying hi to Ashton, she was too excited to play dress up.
She reached in the bin and grabbed out a purple tutu, a cowboy hat, and fairy wings.
"Aton!" She said as she handed them to Ash. He laughed, "oh this is quite the look." She smiled as she went to grab me something to wear. She pulled out a tiara, fancy white gloves that were too small for my hands but I made it work so she could be happy, and a long scarf made out of red feathers. "Well you look fancy." Ashton snickered. Alyssa put on a pair of hot pink cowboy boots, a cute head band with cat ears on it, and a hula skirt.
"We all look so nice!" I said to satisfy her.
She clapped her hands and jumped up and down excitedly.
As she danced around in the living room, Ashton ordered some pizza.

"Uh oh.." she said as she suddenly stopped jumping around.
"What's uh oh?" I asked.
"Nuh." She said shyly.
"Did you go potty?
She hid he face behinds her hands and nodded.
"No worries, let's go get you changed."
"Nuh uh!"
"What'd you mean 'Nuh uh'? You don't wanna be suck in an icky diaper do you?"

Nooooooooo I don't want him to see what Michael left it's so embarrassing. I wasn't a match for Calum though. In one swift motion he picked me up and brought me upstairs.
He took off my bottoms and lifted my legs up.
I noticed he saw it when he raised his eyebrows. "Hun? What's this?" He asked.
"Well- is something wrong?"
I sighed and covered my face, "daddy put it there because I was bein naughty..."
"Ah I'm sorry hun, I'd take it out for you but then he'd kick both of our asses."
I laughed a little because he was right. Michael has rules for me and he demands that the guys follow along with it. That's why they always tell him when I broke a rule, or done something he might not like etc.

When he finished changing me, Ashton yelled for us to come get dinner. We washed our hands and got set up at the table. Ashton put me in my high chair and fed me the pizza slices he cut up into smaller pieces. I clapped my hands after every bite because I love pizza so much, Michael and I have it all the time, they smiled at each other every time I did it.
I loved having them watch me, they're so fun. Calum is good with calming me down and listening to me, Ashton's specialty is making sure I have fun but also not break any rules, and Luke is the best when it comes to play time he's quiet but always makes me laugh bottom line is Luke doesn't mind the stupid games I wanna play and everything but him and Michael are like brothers so Luke is the one who tells him if I broke any rules.

After we got dinner all cleaned up, I went back into the living room with they following behind me. We turned on the tv and the time flew by so fast. We were all still in our dress up just hanging out. Ashton was cradling me in his arms as we watched Peppa Pig. My eyes felt heavy and the last thing I saw was a pacifier going in my mouth.

I felt bad for leaving Alyssa, especially since I gave her those punishments, I bet she feels like shit ugh.

I walked into my house and into the living room after I set my guitar down.
I saw Alyssa sleeping in Ashton's arms.
I looked at them, "pft nice outfits."
"Shut up, she wanted to play dress up." Calum laughed.
"I see she fell asleep pretty early." I say.
"How was she after I left?"
"When she woke up the cried quite a bit but later on we had so much fun." Calum answered.
"Aw my poor baby I'm so sad I upset her. Thank you guys for watching her." I said while Ashton carefully handed her off to me so she wouldn't wake up.
"Anytime mate, we'll get going so you can head to bed too."
After they left I carried April upstairs and laid her in her crib.
She stirred awake as I took off her cowboy boots and her other articles of clothing to get her in some pajamas.
"Daddy?" She said sleepily through her pacifier. God she's so cute.
"Yes sweetie daddy's home now."
Her eyes were still closed as she smiled.
"Can I sweep wif you?"
"Yes baby."
When I got her onesie on, we went into my room and fell asleep in each others arms.

Michael Clifford's little girlWhere stories live. Discover now