never calm after the storm

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In the morning

The doctor walked into the room while vilu and Leon was getting up and said “you can go home today Violetta, you have really improved in your condition, I will explain what happened to you. Basically, you have been very stressed and you have been very active lately, so, cut out all things stressful and Leon will have to do more of the active things around the house”

“ok, thank you doctor” vilu said whilst getting up and left with Leon and went home (vilu got changed into the clothes she went into the hospital in)

When they arrived home, Leon went up to the bathroom as he still had his pjs on, vilu went to the living room and lied down and relaxed in her own home

After Leon finished in the bathroom, he went down stairs and made vilu and him a cup of tea and vilu got up and cuddled up to Leon with the cup of tea in her hand

“since we went to London, I cant get enough or tea, I love it” vilu said whilst drinking the tea

Leon laughed and said “true, same for me to be honest”

“I guess you will have to do everything for me now”

“I guess I will”

“what should we do about the record deal, I can’t dance for a while”

“I will call Collin”

“ok, you can do that now if you want”


Leon takes his phone out his pocket and called Collin

C: hi Leon, what’s wrong

L: hi, me and vilu have talked to the doctor

C: what did he say

L: vilu has to stay away from stress and not be so active

C: I might have to drop you from my record deal company

L: please don’t, you have to understand the situation we are in, please don’t

C: I have to go, bye

L: good bye

The phone call ended

Vilu seen Leon looking panicky so she asked “what’s wrong sweetie”

Leon took her hand and said “he might drop us from the record deal company”


“I don’t know, I am going upstairs, please don’t follow me” and he go’s upstairs and vilu busted into tears

Olga walked into the room and seen vilu crying and hugged her and said “baby girl, what is wrong”

Vilu whipped away her tears and said “I don’t want to talk about it sorry”

“ok, I will cook you something”

“no thank you, I don’t want to eat”, Olga leaves and their was a knock on the door so vilu answered it, it was Tomas, Fran, Camilla, maxi and naty so vilu invited them in and they went to the living room and sat down, vilu said “welcome, make yourself at home”

(im going to go back to script form)

Tomas: are you ok, you seem like you have been crying vilu

Vilu: im fine, don’t worry about me

Camilla: vilu, what’s wrong

Vilu: im fine (she bursts out in tears)

Tomas: (moved beside her and hugged her) its ok, come on, come with me and you can tell me, I wont judge, I will help (and he takes her into his car and drives off)

Vilu: why are we here in your car

Tomas: so we can talk privately without anyone interrupting us

Vilu: I already told you that I don’t want to talk about it

Tomas: please, I just want to help, I care about you

Vilu: me and the baby is healthy but our record deal company wants to drop me and Leon as I can’t perform

Tomas: im sorry vilu, come here (he pulls over and hugs her tightly)

Vilu: thank you, I needed that

Tomas: you know I will do anything for you, I love you Violetta

Vilu: Tomas please don’t do this

Tomas: I can’t hide my feelings anymore (goes in for a kiss)

violetta you never know whats around the corner part 3Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя