A Hollow Victory

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"Fuck," I hiss, as my back makes contact with the rough ground. A flaring pain shoots through my shoulder blades and towards the centre of my back. Angel's lying on top of me, her arms wound tightly around my neck. Her breaths are coming out in quick succession, eyes squeezed shut.

"I told you that I'd not allow for anything to happen to you." I say, letting out a sigh of relief. Angel opens her fear clouded eyes; a perfect reflection of the emotion that my heart is beating with. 

"I'm alive," she whispers. "You're okay. We're okay!" Planting her lips on mine, Angel conveys her gratitude through this action. "Thank you." 

"Roll these formal words into a ball and trash them. I didn't help you because I wanted to save you. The truth of the matter is, had anything happened to you, I would've suffered. So just to save myself, I decided to keep you out of harm's reach." Smiling knowingly, Angel gets off my front. The shift in weight causes me to wince as another burst of pain spreads through my back. At once my gaze darts towards Angel. Fortunately, she's bothering herself with picking up the cycle and so my discomfort escapes her notice.

"Ah," I cry out, as I bring myself into a sitting position.

"Manik, what's wrong? Are you injured?" Angel asks, tossing the cycle aside and reaching me in the blink of an eye.

"Yeah," I manage to say through gritted teeth. "Just a tiny scrape." To prove my words, I raise my palm. "The pressure caused the wound to deepen," I lie. If Angel finds out about the muscle I've probably twisted in my back she'll begin to bother herself uselessly.

"Let me help you up and then we can clean that up at home." Angel says, her caring mode turning on. I nod in agreement and with great care, I stand up, trying my level best to keep myself from portraying the pain that's burning up my muscles.


"That's it, Manik!" Angel exclaims, barging into the bathroom. I let go off the sink at once, straightening up my back, regardless of the excruciating pain this action causes.

"W-What's up?" I ask, mentally cursing myself at allowing a slight waver to creep into my voice.

"Don't you dare lie to me this time." Angel shakes an accusatory finger at me. "I've been noticing you for the past two hours and you have most certainly injured something. Is it your hand?" She gently lifts my arm with her warm palms. 

"No, it's not," I mumble, frowning. I tried my level best to veil the discomfort in my back, but Angel has still somehow managed to see through my facade. "It's my back," I admit under my breath. "But don't worry, it's just a minor pull," I add hastily.

"Minor my foot!" Angel exclaims with anger. Her hands wound around my arm. "On the bed," she orders. 

"No way in hell," I argue, although I allow her to pull me along. 

"Now!" The firm tone of Angel's voice has my lips sealing shut. The biggest mistake of my life would be to argue with my lioness. Angel stops me near the foot of the bed and points towards it. 

"Go lie down, while I get some oil." She instructs, pivoting on her heels. "Oh, and take your shirt off." 

"Yes, Ma'am." I mumble, sighing in defeat. Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined Angel to be such a bold lioness - one who orders me to strip.


"Mm," I murmur, as Angel's warm, oil coated hands make their way around my back in circular motions. "You really don't have to do this." By now my complains and cries of protest have become half hearted. Spurts of ease are shooting through me, masking the pain that was riding on my head mere seconds ago. This magic is all courtesy of my beautiful wife's miracle working hands. 

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