Personal Soldier (Nathan Sykes Fanfic) - Ch.23

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 “Wha- ... I-I-I... Why-... bu-....” I stuttered, not able to understand what I was seeing, or if I just didn't understand. The man who'd been drinking earliar, pulled on my hair and I yelped slightly. “Come on talk properly we can't understand...” he said mockingly. “Let go of me” I replied strongly, my fear couldn't show now. They just laughed at my response. I looked up to the man in front of me. “Why? .... Greg, I don't understand .... What's going on?” He smirked again. “Have you been behind all of this? ... How?..” I asked in disbelief. “Stop asking questions..” said the man who had returned to his seat and was flicking his knife about again. Greg pulled on my chin so I'd look at him. “All I've wanted, all of my life, has been to stop being seen as second best, always stuck behind someone who's on top.... And the best way to be seen as the best? .... fear. People respect those who bring fear because they'd never go against them.... And what brings fear?...” he questioned rhetorically, moving over to pull a chair in front of me for him to sit on. He leaned forward with his arms on his legs.

“war.....war Kit-Kat-” he smiled. “I'd have everything I've wanted, the world falling at my feet.... And after your dear father was out of the way .... I was left the money I needed to finally get on eith my plans-” he smirked again and this time it brought so much anger to me that I pointed my gun at him to shoot, before my hand was kicked and the pistol flew away from me, crashing to the ground by the door frame. “Woah-now Kit-Kat.... not very polite to be pointing guns at family-” he stroked my face and I pulled away at his cold touch. “Don't call me that.... And we're not family, you're nothing to me now... you fucking bastard” I lunged at him again but was pulled back by the man who still gripped my hair, sending pain to my head and down my neck. Greg shook his head like he was talking to a naughty child. “Of course we're family Kit-Kat, I took you in remember? .... without me you'd have been nothing-” “You killed my father!! .... He was your best friend.... You've been around since I was born, you- .... you told me you cared.... a-a-and I believed you....” I yelled at him, louder then I ever have before. He didn't even flinch. If I wasn't being held back I would have killed him. He disgusted me. For almost 10 years I had taken to this man like another father, he took care of me, and now... h-.... he's the reason my father is gone?

“My Kat..... I always thought you were soo polite .... what happened?-” He smiled again and shook his head. “-You know I could have just left you .... you remember when you tried to kill yourself and I took you in? .... I could have left you but I didn't and this.... this is how you treat me, for giving you a life. ..... And then you go and put up a fight up, to come here with this boy .... you should've never been here.... I told you all those years ago Kat. ... this wasn't the job for you, but you put up a fight for almost a full year ..... I gave you what you wanted but. .... you're getting cocky you know. ..... you're so much like your father ...... and I won't have you taking the spotlight again..... I've worked far to hard to just give everything up-” he stood up and made his way over to where he was stood at the wall next to the window. “-you're a lot stronger then I thought you were you know ..... and you've obviously had an impact on Nathan .... All those things we threw at you and yet we're still forced to come to this....” he sighed. He turned back to look at me and had his eyebrows furrowed. “Nathan's with you, Kat? ....” He sounded unsure, he didn't take notice that I was alone until now.

I scoffed “Of course not..... I have values Greg.... I'd never give a vic up like that, especially Nathan....” “Especially Nathan? ..... ahh of course.... you and him are .... what? In love? .... meant for each other Kit-Kat?....” He gestured at the man behind me and I was pulled up and standing, him taking hold of my arms, behind my back. He was strong. Greg walked up close to me and I looked at him. “You think he really cares ... Kat? .... if he wasn't in this situation.... do you think he'd be with you, and not out shagging anything with a pulse..... like the real Nathan?” he scoffed, I glared at him, I almost burst I was furious. I went to kick him in the knee, but he dodged quickly and stared at me. “You know nothing about the real Nathan ..... nothing ..... he loves me” The three of them laughed and then I was hit. Punched across the face by Greg and I fell to the floor, blood trickling down my face.

I felt someone lean down beside me, I kept my eyes shut as I held my nose in my hands. “You shouldn't have disobeyed Kit-Kat” Greg breathed. “If you're no longer with Nathan .... I guess you're out of the way. It was foolish of you to leave him-” he chuckled “-I think you're slipping...” “He's not alone, he's safe ..... I'm no idiot, I wouldn't just leave him” My eyes snapped open and I wiped the blood from my face with the back of my hand. “Oh ... really? ... and where exactly is he .... safe?” As if I'd tell him. In the letter I had left Nathan this morning I had told him to get in contact with the American agency and they'd sort out him getting back home, I knew the boys would take care of him for me. Of course..... I never knew Greg was behind all of this .... maybe the agency couldn't be trusted at all ...... no .... no .... it's just him. The others wouldn't.

I didn't respond and kept my face blank. He stood up over me and I went to jump up but was kicked back down, Greg keeping a firm hold on me with his foot. He was handed something by one of the others. A gun. He had it pointed at me. It was over. “I suppose there's no point to you anymore Kit-Kat” he sighed and I closed my eyes.

But no more pain came, in fact, the pressure on my chest was lifted away. I opened my eyes and he was gone. I looked around, they were all gone, they'd run out of the building. And then I heard it, the commotion outside. I jumped up from the floor and grabbed my pistol before running to the front of the house. There was 3 black vans parked in front of the house, it was the agency. I didn't even have time to question what was going on. I saw people running everywhere, then stop in front of the house, their guns pointed forward. The two guys from earlier had been captured, I could see them struggling to be kept a hold on, beside one of the vans. But .... no Greg. I looked up to the people all lined up in front of me, with their guns. I realised they were focused on me.... or something behind me.

I cautiously turned on my heel, holding my own pistol forward. I was met with a more than angry Greg. “You shouldn't have gotten involved ..... Kit-Kat” and BANG. A searing pain cut through me below my chest and I flew backwards, my back colliding with the sharp gravel. All I could see was people rushing past me, I could hear running, screaming. I was struggling to breath and I felt wet trickling down onto my arms, I had been shot. I looked helplessly up to the sky above me, my vision blurring then coming back clear again. And then I heard the gravel crunching beneath someones feet, as they called my name.

“Kat .... K-Kat” they dropped to their knees next to me, their hand flying to my wound and putting pressure on it. I reached my hand up to their cheek, making their familiar, beautiful, green eyes focus on me. They glistened in the light as tears spilled over and down his face. “Nathan” I smiled weakly, though my voice surprisingly still came out strong. I didn't even pay attention to the pain anymore. His breathing was irregular and he shook his head as he struggled to speak. “Kit-Kat ... y-y-you'll be fine y-y-you know .... please ... d-don't leave me ... K-K-” “Nathan-” I cut him off and he leaned over a little to look at me properly. “-I love you” he grabbed onto my hand which was still on his cheek and he kissed my lips. He stayed close to my face. “And I l-love you, more than a-anything Kit- Kat” I smiled again. “But I'm tired Nath...” my eyes started drooping instantly. I tried so hard to keep looking at him. “No-no-no-no .... Kat, p-please, stay with me ..... Kat... Kat?” He stuttered out. I finally let my eyes fall, I just couldn't do it anymore. I was so tired. Once everything went black, I heard more sobs and a few more calls, until it was gone. I was left in silence. But I was happy, I was calm and it was peaceful.

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