Personal Soldier (Nathan Sykes Fanfic) - Ch.17

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Blurred images of pedestrians, buildings and cars surrounded me. I winded through the streets at high speed, luckily there was little traffic around here. The car still behind me, not far. Thoughts raced around my head, thoughts of a possible outcome. None were good. I focused best I could on where I was going, what I was doing, but everywhere was unfamiliar. I just kept going, hoping we'd somehow lose 'em.

“Kat-” Nathan whispered, as though speaking at a normal level could be somehow catastrophic. “Kat h-he's gone...” I slowed instantly at the words, but still kept a speed above the cars around us. “Y-you sure?” I took a chance to look at him briefly, he nodded. I let out a nervous chuckle, still holding far too tightly to the steering wheel. Nathan slumped down into his seat and I looked at him, seeing what kind of emotion he showed.

He eyes widened and he shot forward. “KATRINA” He yelled. I turned back to the road, the breath catching in my throat. My brain quickly reacted, sending my foot down on the brake, the car turning to the right slightly as we abruptly came to stop, narrowly missing a collision with the black SUV that blocked the way. I hadn't even realised we'd turned down a deserted back street, inbetween, what looked like two apartment buildings, their red brick walls towered above us and left little room in this alley. No escape.

My instinct took over, grabbing my pistol from the bag which lay in the backseat in a rush. I pushed everything else from my mind and at this moment and all I thought was – survive. Having my mind shrouded with worry, anger or fear, wouldn't help in this situation. Heck, it's what got me here in the first place. Nothing came from the van. No movement evident, no one stepped forward. I opened my door and stepped onto the path. “Kat, stop.... don't” Nathan hissed behind me. “STAY” I shot back, not even looking at him and shutting the car door.

I held the gun up, pointing it forward as I warily walked towards the van. No one was sat in the drivers seat so I walked towards the back seat. I reached out for the handle... “Put it down ...” A husky voice said. I tensed at the sound and it took everything in me to look at where the sound came from. I looked to my left and kept the firearm in front as I turned. I was faced with a tall, muscle built man pointing a shotgun towards me and a smirk evident on his lips. He had the upper hand, he knew it too. “Who are you” A confidence shrouded the fear that should have laced my voice. I hid my emotions well. “Put it down, you have no where to go, little girl, you're dead...” His deep voice and the words he muttered sent an anger pulsing through me. Little girl? I'll show him little...

As I was so close to pulling my trigger, a gunshot echoed through the air. I stiffened. It came from neither of our guns and I didn't even think before I looked to my car, it's darkened windows stopped me from seeing inside it and to the other side. A sharp pain came fast on the side of my head, sending me to the ground. A strong arm took me by the neck, pulling me to my feet and pushing me against the SUV. He laughed, “Should've listened, you bitch, you and your boyfriend had no where to hide...” All that flashed in front of me was images of Nathan. Adrenaline pumped through me and I battled the light headedness that was coming to me from the man choking me. I jumped, kicking both of my legs into his stomach, forcing him back and he lost his grip on me. He snarled and he cocked his gun, firing it and barely missing me as I fell to the floor, kicking forward and tripping him. My fast movements had taken him by surprise. Now who's the little girl?

His gun flew from his reach and a low growl passed from his mouth. He jumped to his feet and went to grab me. He punched me in the stomach, the pain surging through me, but I wasn't gone. I swung my fist to his face, then again. He reached for my hands, trying to cease the blows but failed and with that distraction I kicked him in the crotch, sending him to his knees. He was strong though and tried again to get up, but I beat him to it with a kick to the jaw. He fell back on the ground, eyes drooping but still just barely conscious. I leaned onto him to look at his face, blood streamed from his nose and from a slit on his lip. “Yeah, I'm so dead aren't I...” I whispered harshly. He had it coming, for him ... I had no mercy and the anger hadn't subsided which probably fuelled the last blow I threw to his face.

Personal Soldier (Nathan Sykes Fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz