Not So Different

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After Ratchet explained everything to Knock Out he was introduced to the Decepticons of the shattered glass universe. And became fast friends with all of them. And was now talking to Breakdown ,Arachnid and Flame War.

"So what happened to the me from your universe?" Asked Breakdown. "I know he died from the way you acted when you saw me in the med bay." "But how?"

"He was killed." Said Knock Out who didn't want to lie but also didn't want to tell Breakdown that it was Arachnid who killed him in his universe because he could see that here they were in love. And knew how strange it would be for them both to hear that she killed him in his universe.

"Who killed him?" Asked Breakdown.

"It's complicated." Knock Out told him. "So what happened to me in this universe?"

"You were killed by this universe's Arcee." Arachnid explained. "And the one who killed Breakdown in your universe it was me wasn't it."

"How did you figure that out?" Asked Knock Out. "And Arcee killed me here outch."

"I saw how you looked at me and tried to change the subject." Arachnid told him.

"Yes." "I know your nothing like the Arachnid in my universe and you would never hurt Breakdown." Knock Out said to the spider femme. "And don't want you two to think differently of each other because of it."

"Are you going to think differently about your universe's Arcee?" Breakdown asked him.

"No." Said Knock Out. "I know she isn't this universe's Arcee and would never do that to me."

"Good." Breakdown told him. "I feel the same about Arachnid."

"Glad that's all cleared up." Knock Out said feeling relieved.

"Me too." Added Breakdown.

"So what's the Arachnid in your universe like?" Asked Arachnid.

"Not so different from your Arcee." Said Arcee who had just walked in.

"So what am I like in your universe?" Asked Starscream who was now up and around but still being told to take it easy.

"You don't wanna know." Both Arcee and Knock Out told him at once.

Later Ratchet, Knock Out, and Shockwave had been working on a way to get Ratchet, Bumblebee, Arcee and Knock Out back to their own universe. They were trying to make a stellar spanner to get them back home but it would take a few days to get it working.

Then Ratchet called Bumblebee and Arcee aside while Knock Out was talking to Shockwave.

"What is it Ratchet?" Asked Arcee.

"I think we should leave Knock Out here." Said Ratchet.

"What do you mean?" Asked Bumblebee.

"Knock Out seems happy here and he's been accepted by the Decepticons in this universe." Ratchet explained. "And in our universe he's still having trouble being accepted by the Autobots."

"There are some Autobots on Cybertron who'll probably never accept him." Arcee added.

"We have to let him decide." Bumblebee told them. "Only Knock Out can decide what makes him happier and which universe he wants to be in."

"But on Cybertron in our universe I don't think a Con will ever be accepted by Autobots." Said Ratchet. "I think Knock Out is better off here."

Then they went back to help with the stellar spanner but didn't realize Knock Out had came next to the hallway they were in and heard them.

"Maybe I should stay?" Knock Out thought to himself sadly. "Sounds like they don't want me on their team."

Then he suddenly heard a boom! "What's going on!" He asked as he ran to see what happened.

"There's been an accident with the stellar spanner!" Flame War yelled in a panic. "Breakdown and Arachnid are in the room where the spanner is!"

Knock Out didn't think twice and ran in to see if they were OK. And was greeted with the sight of Breakdown laying on the floor badly injured and unconscious with Arachnid trying desperately to revive him and on the verge of tears.

Knock Out's medical training kicked in and he started working to treat Breakdown's injuries.

"The spanner blew up and he pushed me out of the way I just heard the boom and saw Breakdown on the floor!" Sobbed a panic stricken Arachnid.

"He's alive but we have to get him to the med bay where there's proper equipment." Said Knock Out. Just then Ratchet and Bumblebee showed up and were helping Knock Out get him to the med bay.

But suddenly shattered glass Arcee showed up and held a blaster to Knock Out's back. "Stop or I blast him to bits!" She hissed.

"Please we have to get Breakdown to the med bay or he'll die." Begged Knock Out. Breakdown had already died in his universe he wasn't about to let this universe's version of his best friend die too.

Knock Out surprised Arcee's evil double by jumping her and making her shoot the celling and the two were now struggling with each other.

"I'll deal with her you guys just focus on saving Breakdown!" Cried Knock Out. The others obeyed knowing Breakdown needed medical attention now. But none really wanted to leave Knock Out to deal with the femme who killed that universe's version of him.

The others raced Breakdown to the med bay while Knock Out and shattered glass Arcee continued to fight.

"It'll be fun to kill you again." Hissed shattered glass Arcee as she continued to punch and kick Knock Out.

Knock Out was trying to use his saw or drill on her but she was to fast. then he tried his energon prob but she knocked it out of his hands and grabbed it then zapped him with it and kept zapping him.

"Oh great she's gonna kill me with my own weapon talk about irony!" Knock Out thought as he closed his optics knowing she was getting ready to stab it in to his spark chamber from the way she drew it back.

But the blow never came. Instead he heard a boom and when he looked shattered glass Arcee was dead on the floor with a hole in her chest.

"I'm not watching another version of Knock Out die." Said Steeljaw who had shot Arcee's evil double and saved Knock Out's life.

Then Flame War helped him up and they went to the med bay to help save Breakdown's.

Knock Out helped Ratchet treat the injured mech and a few hours later came out and said he was going to be fine much to everyone's relief.

"I noticed there were webs over his biggest wound." Knock Out explained. "Did you put them there Arachnid?"

"Yes I saw a lot of energon leaking from it." Arachnid told him.

"Great job if you hadn't used your webs to patch that the way you did he would have bled out." Knock Out said to her. "You saved his life not unlike something Arcee would do." "Well my universe's Arcee not her psycho twin Steeljaw scrapped earlier."

"Where is our Arcee?" Asked Ratchet.

Just then Arcee, Starscream and Bumblebee walked in. "Arcee and Starscream were lock in the brig." Bumblebee explained.

"Yeah my evil twin knocked me out." Arcee explained. "Do you how strange it is to be knocked out by yourself?"

"Then she threatened to kill her if I didn't get in the brig and left us both there." Starscream added. "Till Bumblebee finally found us and let us out."

"She's the one who sabotaged the stellar spanner now we have to redo it." Said Ratchet. "This'll set us back a bit."

"I think I might stay here." Knock Out told them right before going out for a drive. He didn't really want to stay but didn't think the others wanted him to return with them. Flame War could tell something was wrong so she followed him.

To Be Continued.

Well that's it for chapter four hope you all liked it. Feel free to send feedback.

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