Chapter Three: New Teacher

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The same dream as before and nothing changes it's on a loop. It drives me crazy not knowing what the dream means. I don't even know if it has a meaning. Why can't dreams just be more simple? I wake up to my alarm buzzing at me. So I get ready for a day of school and drama. yay. I'm walking to school with my earphones in and a smile on my face. Today is my first cheer leading performance. It's also the first football game of the season. I'm not gonna let anything ruin this great day.
I reach school early so I start making some laps of the oval and running through my routine. After a good workout I head to the lockers to clean up. But as soon as I walk in I hear more like yelling. I jog to the people yelling and I spot Ashlee and Hannah Newman. They start getting in a pretty heated argument and then they start pushing each other. Hannah pushes her and Ashlee falls to the ground.
"Hey, what's going on here?" I ask Ashlee who looks like she about to rip her head off.
"Whatever!" Says Hannah shoving past me. But I grab her arm to make her face me.
"You owe my friend an apology" I say while pushing her back to Ashlee.
"Whatever, sorry, now can I go?" Says Hannah and I nod yes.
As Hannah leaves Ashlee sits down and takes a deep breath.
"Ash whats up with her?".
"Nothing shes just mad that I made captain and not her so she's telling me to drop from the team or else," explains Ashlee.
"Well don't! there is nothing she can do that you can't bounce back from!" I say trying to cheer her up, I'm a cheerleader it's what I do. But it's not good enough I can tell she's worried.
"I can't believe you made her apologies"
"Well, no one messes with my Bestie!"
She looks around the room and then smiles as if she just realized something.
"Your right! I can do anything and she will never do anything I can't take!" She says bravely while standing up.
"There you go!" I say hugging her.
"Lets go to class before we're late,"

We sit down in Class and wait for the new teacher to arrive. As everyone is seated a tall handsome man walks through the door. He has short cropped brown hair and blue eyes that are so beautiful you can see your reflection in. He's wearing a light grey suite with a black tie.
"Hi, I'm Luke Tinwell and welcome to English," He says introducing himself to the class.
All the girls are staring at him hopelessly and forget to do work. But Ash and I we keep to our work and before we know it the bell rings.
"Look I got to talk to the teacher for a second I will be right back," says Ashlee as she walks up to the teacher. There were already a bunch of girls hanging around his desk but when ash walks up to the desk, they all leave. They talk quietly and whisper. I wish I knew what they were talking about but I had to keep my trust In my friend and respect her privacy. They shook hands at the end of their conversation and then she took my arm and dragged me out of class.
"Bye mr. Tinwell" I say. He nods his head back at me.
"What was that about? Was it about the Han-" I started but Ash cut me off before I could finish.
"No it's about...homework," she tells me.
I just pretend to believe her, since she looks like shes about to explode with anger. We walk to the cafeteria and sit down with Jordon.

When we sit down a bunch of boys fill the table including Damon. He sits down between me and Jordon. He has a apple in his hand and keeps crunching it loudly and it's so annoying and he knows it.
"Damon can you just eat the apple quietly," I ask trying to stay calm.
"Sure, anything for you, gorgeous," he replies while lowing his head, like I'm a princess.
"Excited for the game girls?" Ask Jordon changing the subject.
We nod then both answer at the same time "definitely!"
We talk for the rest of lunch about the game. Also how it would be good for the team to start off on a good note. It was fun to see all my friends coming together at once.
"So Damon hows Katie?" Ashlee asked.
"Why would I know?" Replied Damon all confused.
"Aren't you two dating?" Ashlee asked.
"I mean we were but I broke up with her during math," explained Damon.
"Really!" Ash says, she has a surprised look.
We continued eating until a girl all in pink with blonde barbie hair walks up and kisses Damon. They make out right in front of us and all of us are surprised about what's happening.
"Hey Hot stuff!" Said the Real life barbie doll.
"Everyone this is Polly, shes my girlfriend," Said Damon introducing her.
"You just said you just got out of an relationship!" Reminded Jordon.
He rolls his eyes and then stands up and keeps kissing her.
"See ya," says Damon.
We're all surprised at what just happened. I'm even surprised and I thought I knew him best. Well I guess everyday you learn something new. 

I jog home getting all stretched and pump for the game. As I get home I spot Damon on his front lawn.
"Hey neighbor," I say.
He smirks at me and walks over. "Hey, aren't you suppose to get ready for a game gorgeous," He reminds me.
"Yeah but I have some free time," I say smiling.
"Well go Panthers! Or go Black and Blue! Which one?" He asked while giggling.
"Well they both work," I reply giggling.
We talk for a bit then I head off. I throw on my cheer leading dress that's black with navy blue stripes on the side and across the middle on an angle. I put my hair in a high pony tail then put blue and black streamers in my hair. I put on my black shoes then do my makeup. I'm all set and head down stairs. There's knocking at the door so I hop along to it. I open it and it's Ash. She's furious and doesn't even talk as she just walks in and gets a drink. She sits down then huffs and puffs.
"What's wrong Ash?" I ask worried.
She takes a drink then tries to steady her breathing. Someone else knocks at the door so I answer it. It's the new teacher from school.
"Hey Joyce I'm here for Ashlee," He clarified.
"See ya Joyce," says Ash handing me the glass and strolling out.
"Wait! What's wrong," I ask following them outside.
"Nothing go away," He says to me acting like I'm a child.
"That's my best friend your gonna tell me why she's so mad!" I demand while pulling his arm so he faces me.
He walks away which makes me loose grip. "I said bye!" He repeats going in the car then he drives off. What the hell just happened, did Ashlee just get kidnapped or something. I run inside and pick up my phone. I sit in my bed and I dial Ash's mum's number. I think for a second and decide to not call because Ash could get in trouble if her mum knew what happened. But she might die, no he's our teacher. Maybe there dating, Ash what's going on!!!

The Other WorldOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora