Chapter Four: Damon's Party

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I sit on my bed worried as hell for Ashlee but then I remember the game. Ash would never miss the game, so decide to look for her there. I start running to the school. I make it there and straight away start looking for Ashlee. I call her name and ask around to see if anyone has seen her. No one knows where she is. I go to the team and ask them and see if she is around. I can't seem to see her anywhere.  The cheerleading team doesn't even have their cheer captain on their first performance. 

"Hey! Everyone hello, Ashlee just texted me she couldn't make it tonight and wishes you the best of luck and that I will be taking over for the night," says Hannah all proud and excited. Everyone moans in disappointment. While everyone continues on with there night I walk over to Hannah.
"Hey! Where is Ashlee?" I yell madly at her.
"I don't know!" She replied with sass.
"Why did she text you and not me?" I ask. "She is my best friend and you two hate each other!" I say. "Start talking now!" I point my finger at her aggressively.
"Okay Joyce calm down and breath before you do something you regret!" Threatens Hannah.
"I doubt it now talk!" I say taking a stand.
"Fine. I don't know where she just texted me but like you know I threatened her this morning and I guess she understood I was dangerous. Maybe you should realize that too." Says Hannah while showing me the text. Then she Stomps off in the crowd.

I sat behind the bleachers with my phone in my hand and my earphones in listening to music. I think about my best friend and I'm worried sick. What if she's dead! Someone sits next to me and pulls my earphones out my ears. It's Damon and he's shirtless with his footy shorts on. "Hey what are you doing here, gorgeous?" He asked but I didn't even hear him because I was focusing on his abs. "Joyce!" He calls.
"What?" I reply blushing.
He laughs and gives me a smirk. "What you doing here?" He repeated.
"Oh. I don't know if I can tell you, it's confusing." I say while checking my phone.
He slowly moves my face to face his and stares straight in my eyes and says "you can tell me anything"
"It's Ash, shes in something and I don't know what!" I inform him. "For all, I know she could be dead!".
"Look if I have learned anything about Ashlee it's that she is tough, she will be okay," Said Damon.
That's all I needed to hear, that she will be okay. After that one sentence, I felt less worried. "Thank you!" I say while hugging him tightly. He hugs me back and then we smile at each other.
"That's the jumper I found for you?" Said Damon. I look down at my jumper that I wore the first day back. 
"Yeah, maybe I should stop wearing it because whenever it's near us we hug," I say with a little giggle.
"Hey, that's one of my favourite things about it gorgeous!" Flirts Damon. "So what's so important about it anyway?"
"Well, my dad gave it to me before he died and told me that it's a very important clue to the life I deserve, whatever that means" I explain.
"How did your Dad die, if you don't mind me asking?" He ask.
"Animal attack, wolf attack actually," I tell him.
"I'm sorry!" He says. "The symbol, it looks kinda familiar." Says Damon.
"I have no idea what is so if you find out tell me!" I demand.
"Sure thing gorgeous," He says while putting a piece of hair behind my ear. We just stare in each other's eyes for what seems like forever but then we get snapped back to reality by a loud sound.
Damon headed to his team and I headed to mine. I was so excited to cheer for the first time.

First up was the cheerleaders to cheer the team to hype the Panthers up and we did perfect with no stuff ups. The whole game was great Jordon kicked four goals and Damon kicked three. Every time the team kicked a goal the crowd cheered and so did we. It was so exciting! The game ended and the Panthers won. Everyone from our school cheered and us cheerleaders headed to the middle of the oval for our final dance. When we finish the footy team joins us in the middle. Jordon runs up and hugs me while twirling in circles, then Damon hugs me too.
"Good job guys! It was incredible!" I compliment them.
"Not as good as your cheering gorgeous" flirts Damon with a wink.
"You did perfect," Jordon said, flirting with me.
Damon rolls his eyes and chews his gum. "Party at my place!" Yells Damon and everyone cheers.
"You have to be there!" Orders Damon while pointing at me.
"I can't I got homework"
"Just lie to your mum and go to the party"
"Fine but if I get in trouble-" I say but get cut off by Damon
"I will take the blame"
We shake hands on it then we head to the party.

I head home first since I'm next door and I need to change into something more party like. I put on a half shirt that's red and my leather black jacket with black shorts along with my black and white sneakers. I head down to the party and reach Damon's door. I've been his neighbour since forever but I have never gone into his house...never! The door was wide open and the music is loud and the house is filled top to bottom with drunk teenagers. I walk in and dawdle my way to the kitchen and pour myself a drink. Normally I would have Ash to drink with but I'm solo tonight.
"Hey, gorgeous!" Says Damon putting his arm over my shoulders.
"Hey, look I need to make sure I don't do anything stupid since there is no Ash will you be my "don't be stupid" buddy?" I ask while leaning into him.
"I don't know stupid might just be the thing you need right now?" He tells me.
"Don't worry fun is not stupid, stupid is making out with an ugly guy!" I explain to him.
We laugh then after him thinking about it he replies, "fine but, then you have to hang around me." He says.
"Deal!" I say taking a drink.
"Well you owe me a dance," He says.
"Do I now?!" I reply.
He took my hand and drag me to the dance floor, the music is fast and loud. We dance crazy and jump up and down. Then we started dirty dancing, but I was so drunk and pumped with adrenaline to care. I got up on the counter and started twerking and dirty dancing. I slowly take my shirt off and throw it in the crowd. The crowd cheers me on while I twerk and some girls join me twerking.
"What are you doing?" Asked Damon. "Get down, this is crazy!" Explained Damon.
"Ahhh!" I say in pain.
I drop to the floor but Damon catches me instead, I lay in his arms. He slowly puts me to my feet. Everyone just continues cheering the other girls on.
"What happened you okay?" He asked me.
"I don't know what happened but my head hurts!" I tell him.
He picks me up and carries me in his arms bridal style. I snug into his warm chest. He brings me upstairs and then takes me to a door that says "DON'T ENTER!". He goes in and he puts me on the bed. He tucks my hair behind my ear and holds my face in his hand. He sits down next to me on the bed and I sit up and lean on his shoulder.
"I have to ask is it because your drinking, have you never drunken before?" He ask me.
"I have had a beer many times before" I reply.
He looks at the roof then at me and smiles. I lay down on his pillow and he lays next to me. We stare at each other for a bit then "what type of drunk are you?" He asks me.
"Sadly when I get drunk I turn confident, meaning stuff I'm too shy to do, I do. Which is embarrassing!" I tell him.
"So when you dirty dance with me, you're just to shy to do that every day?" Asked Damon while giggling.
"Oh no, don't make a big deal out of it! Look drunk me is also flirty," I explain to Damon.
"Do you like me?" Damon ask.
I go to answer but Jordon swings the door open and you can tell he drunk. He has no balance and has a bottle in his hand.
"Hey sexy, I've been looking for you!" He yells while pointing at me with the bottle in his hand.
"Wow, you're drunker than me!" I say then I do a little giggle at the end.
Jordon walks over and lifts me up to my feet. He pushes me against the wall. He goes to kiss me but Damon pulls him back and leads him to the door.
"You're both too drunk for your first kiss!" He states.
I roll my eyes as he locks Jordon out, who doesn't seem to understand what happened.
"But I want to kiss him," I whine to Damon.
Damon looks at me in shock with his eyes wide open. He fakes a small smile at me then it drops straight to a sad face. He sits on his bed with his face in his hands. I walk over and hug him from behind then he looks at me curiously.
"What's the hug for?" He asks. "You're not even wearing your jumper." He jokes with a small laugh.
"Because I can," I reply still hugging him.
We lay down so now we're cuddling in bed. I rest my head on his hot smooth chest as he wraps his arms around my waist. I get goosebumps when his cold hands touch my skin. He leans his cheek on the top of my head and his other arm over my body.
We lay there for a bit, then I'm fast asleep.

The Other Worldजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें