Chapter 6

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"I really don't think you should go to school today honey, it would be better if you just stay home and rest." My mom led me back to my inside room and sat me on my bed

"But mom, I have a lot to do at school today, plus I need to talk to Adrien about the hat I'm making for the show. It's already three days away!"

"Whatever your plans are for it I'm sure are great, you can just work from home. Saturday isn't creeping up on you yet."

"Yeah, I guess so..."

"Why don't I just make you some chicken soup while you chill out and gain all your energy back?"

I felt prepared to fight back but I stopped myself. I felt fine, but I really didn't feel up for school today after everything from yesterday... Nevermind that! "Ok sounds good, thank you, mom, love you."

"Love you too, dear." My mom got up from my bed and started for the door. "I'll let you know when it's ready." She shut the door behind her and Tikki came out from hiding.

"Ughhhh. What did I do, Tikki?" I fell back onto my bed.

"It's wasn't a bad idea Marinette, you'll just have to be careful if you and Chat Noir start dating."

I grabbed my pillow and screamed into it, "WERE NOT DATING!"

"If you say so." Tikki giggled.

My voice was muffled from the pillow. "How could I do this to Adrien? I feel like I ruined everything."

"Remember, you and Adrien aren't dating."

I sat up when she said that. "But something happened between us, right?"

Tikki was about to contradict but then she stopped herself. After all, I was right. Something definitely clicked in that classroom, but then the Akuma appeared... "ugh, Hawkmoth really does ruin everything."

"It's okay, Marinette. Just talk to Adrien at school tomorrow."

"Okay... I will. But today we gotta do something more important."

"Marinette, your soup is ready!" I heard my mom calling from downstairs.

"Coming!... after breakfast we'll leave. I need to find out what's happening to me."


I looked all around the area as I walked down the street. I didn't want to run into anyone I could know; especially Adrien. I peeked into my jacket, "We have to be quick, Tikki. I don't want my mom thinking something's wrong." I stopped outside the door and did one last check all around me. For once, I was in the clear.

I opened the door and I called out. "Master Fu? It's Marinette."

"Ah, Marinette. Come in." Master Fu was on the ground mixing some kind of herbal tea. "Is something the matter?"

"Yes actually, I came to ask you a couple questions."

"Hmm?" He seemed intrigued.

"Well, for the past couple of days I've been having a reoccurring dream where eventually me and Chat Noir show each other our true selves, and we're about to be akumatized... I think? But then it ends. And that's not all, the other day when he touched me I had the same dream; only it was like a flash and it wasn't really a dream cause I was awake. And I don't know what it means, I feel like something is going wrong."

Master Fu blinked at me a couple times and then spoke, "So, what are you asking?"

"I guess I'm asking... WHAT?!"

Master Fu clinked the spoon he was mixing the herbal tea with against the mug and set the spoon on the table. "Here, drink this."

"What is it?"

"Just drink. I think I can tell you more information about your strange dream." I took a look into the mug, it seemed like normal tea. I took a sip and set all my attention on him.

"You're not the first Ladybug to have this sort of experience. The Ladybug miraculous is very special indeed, in fact, it was the first Kwami to ever exist. Because of this, it is very special and has a more important power than all the rest." Tikki smiled at me, I realized that there still wasn't much I knew about her and the rest of the miraculous. "The miraculous holds the power of creation and luck, all that is good. Your visions could be a sign of preventing future danger."

"So I was right... This is going to happen to us?"

"Not exactly, time is strange, it can reverse its course from the smallest of changes."

"But it keeps happening, how do I stop it?"

"You must act on it."

I gasped, "But master, you told me that I should never reveal my secret identity to anyone, not even Chat."

He smiled, "In time you will know what I mean."

"Whaaa..." Master Fu was always so open-ended, I could never understand what he met. But, I did know that I could trust his judgment. "You can count on me."

"I know I can, you're a very responsible young lady. It seems you've finished your tea." He took the mug from me and placed it on the table.

"What tea was that, Master?"

"Chamomile, I heard you were feeling under the weather from your visions."

I almost choked on my spit. "How did you know about that?! Chat said that no one saw me!"

"I was the one who called for assistance. Don't worry Marinette, it will never be that easy to reveal yourself to the world." He chuckled.

I felt a weight release from my shoulders... sort of. "Thank you, Master Fu. I think I know everything I need to know." I rose up from my seat and suddenly I remembered something. "Um, do you think I could see the book again, of the history of the miraculous?"

"Hmm... I don't believe that you are ready for that yet." I frowned. "Don't worry, the time will come soon enough."

I nodded at him. I walked out the door and took a shortcut through an alley so no one would see. "Tikki, how come you didn't tell me about all this?"

"I'm sorry Marinette, but the Kwamis' must be sworn to secrecy as well. It's the only way we can protect ourselves from evil."

"... You're right. In the meantime, I need to figure out what Master Fu meant by what he said." I carefully made my way back home.

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