Question: How about that debut?

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(Note: Parentheses () mean that they are speaking in English)

Question: Xiu-Mine

"On the 3rd of August, we debuted with our first song, Out," Ti clapped with a toothy grin plastered on his tan face. "It was honestly the best moment of our lives!"

"Eh... I wouldn't speak for me," Sam glanced at Ti. "It was honestly so boring for me... we had to sit there for like weeks..."

K-min gave him an look. "It was only for an hour, Sam."

"Whatever." Sam crossed his arms and leaned back into his soft chair.

"Oh, Ti! I thought it was amazing!" Rye exclaimed with an excited glint shining in his chocolate brown eyes. "The interviewer was so nice too!"

Ti patted his head. "I'm glad, Rye!"

While Rye was pushing his hand off, J nodded. "I like it was pretty good, we had a lot of viewers and they seemed to enjoy it."

"What did you think K-min?" Ti asked the silent man with a prodding tone.

"It was fine," K-min gave him a slight nod, his monotone voice slightly holding a hint of exhaustion.

"Welp, I'm going to bed!" Sam said, leaving his chair. He turned back and asked with a coy smile on his face. "Anyone want a good night's kiss?"

Everyone immediately got out of their chairs and ran to their rooms. The end.

1 vote = 1 good night's kiss for Sam :'(

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