Lesson 9.0

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"Everybody’s been there,
Everybody’s been stared down by the enemy
Fallen for the fear
And done some disappearing,
Bow down to the mighty
Don’t run, just stop holding your tongue

Maybe there’s a way out of the cage where you live
Maybe one of these days you can let the light in
Show me how big your brave is"

- Brave, Sara Barielles

Bravery is one of the hardest thing a man can do. We are imperfect creations, we have our flaws that sometimes we forget to look into. Yeah, it's good to think positively but knowing our inner selves - our negative traits as well as the positive ones - would lead us to self-discovery. We should know in what fields we are weak at, we should know during what times we tend to break down, everything about ourselves. We might be strong when someone sees us physically but we might just be hiding something in ourselves that we are afraid to show others. We can't make everyone like us - there'll be people who'll love us for the way we are, there'll be people who'll judge us because they think we are better off to become just like others. Remember that we are not living for others, we are living for Him.

Be brave. Know your limitations as well. When we say limitations, it is making sure that you are not stepping down on the rights of others.. you are not depriving him from his own rights. Do unto others what you want others do unto you. Make them happy, smile always because it might be the greatest gift you can ever give to someone.

Bravery is when you step down outside your own circle to experience something new. When we say something new, it's being able to discover some things that you haven't experienced before. But be aware that there's always a right time for everything. If now's not the time, then don't force yourself 'cause it may not only harm you but also everyone around you. Bravery is when you don't care about the society's norms. You are not like anybody else, it won't benefit you if you fit in.. well in some ways, it might but not completely. Everything's temporary just like you yourself.

So be brave, put in mind that you're not the only person who falls down.. and be firm, stand up and continue your journey. Life doesn't end by the time you trip down.. it ends when it's finished. You may not know.

Chin up and as Sara Barielles wanted you to do.. show us how brave you are.

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