Inspirational Message 1.2

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        When everything seems so vague, so clear that you wouldn't be sucessful then stop. It isn't your loss, by the way. Sometimes in life you have to choose a path, to where you are really for. You woulnd't know, you won't have any idea. In just a day, a month, or a year, you'd come to realize that there's something different from the beliefs and ideals you had once. You changed, you unknowingly changed. And it's normal, I tell you, it isn't a thing that special people only has, because in the first place, everyone has their own fate. You just have to believe in your own happily ever after.

       Stay strong, my friend. Life would be really boring without problems to be solved. It would be just a plain picture with you and a certain group of something or someone with you... but take note, without problems, there wouldn't be new discoveries and changes, thus, it would be a plain black and white moment in your life.

        Perhaps, you could give me a small smile. No, make it a bigger one.

        Good job.

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