Chapter 23

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Chris orbed us to mom and Paige to see what the doctor said about mom's pregnancy.

"Hey." Chris said and I hopped off his back.
"Okay, if this is about demons, I don't wanna hear it, 'cause I am on my lunch break." Paige said.
"No, no, no, I just wanted to know how it went with the doctor." Chris said.
"Well, you'll be happy to know that you're a boy." Mom said holding up an ultrasound picture.
"That's not what I meant."
"I don't see it." Paige said looking at the picture.
"Oh, see, it's this little thing right here." Mom went to show Paige and Chris stopped her.
"Whoa!" He said as he snatched the picture off her. "Excuse me. Do you mind?"
We walked into the parking lot. I was kind of bored and was messing with one of my pony tails.
"Well, it's not me in there I was thinking about, it's you. I'm just making sure you're okay." Chris said.
"See, that's where I'd ask for money to go to the movies." Paige said and I started laughing.
"Very funny. Actually, in the future, you're the one I go to for money."
"Ooh, why, am I rich?"
"I can't tell you that."
"Nice try there." I said.
"What about me? I'm your mother. Why didn't you come to me for money?" Mom asked.
"Because I don't want to bother you, you'll have too much to deal with. KC's a handful for a while."
"Hey!" I punched his arm.
"Ow!" Chris started rubbing where I hit. I gave him a smile and kept walking. "Evil." I heard him mutter to himself.
"What about your dad?" Paige said. Ooooh. Wrong topic.
"Uh, Leo's not much of a factor." Chris said.
"What does that mean?"
"I'd rather not talk about it."
"Future consequences?" Mom asked.
"More like future issues." I said.
"Ooh, father-son problems." Paige said.
"I have an idea, let's change the subject." Chris said.
"To what?" Mom asked.
Then some woman dropped in front of us from the roof. Chris pulled mom out of the way. The woman scratched Chris's neck.
"Extinguisher!" Paige said. The fire extinguisher flew towards the woman and she jumped over it. Mom tried to blow her up but she turned into a spider and ran away.
Chris and I helped mom up.
"You guys okay?" Paige asked.
Chris touched his neck.
"I don't know. Am I?" Chris asked. We looked at his neck and saw three scratches. "Am I?"
"I don't know." Mom said.
Mom, Paige, Chris, and I were back at the house. Mom was dabbing Chris's wound with a cloth. Paige and I were looking through the Book of Shadows.
"So I'm okay, right? I mean, mini me in there?" Chris asked.
"Well, if he wasn't, I think you'd be the first to know. Now, sit still." Mom said and continued to help with his neck.
"Well, then why were you so worried back there?"
"I wasn't worried. Alright, I was a little worried about the force field."
"What force field?" I asked.
"The one she had when she was pregnant with Wyatt." Paige said.
"Wait, you had a force field with Wyatt but not with me?" Chris said.
"Well, I didn't have one, he had one. It was all his doing." Mom said.
"From the womb? He had powers from the womb? That's unbelievable! It's not like I don't have an inferiority complex with him already. Thank you."
"Did you find that demon yet?" Mom asked Paige and I.
"Yes, actually, we did." Paige said.
"It's the Spider Demon." I said. " An evil creature that emerges from its hidden lair every hundred years, to capture and feed off the most powerful and magical demon it can detect."
"In this case that would be you." Paige said.
"And me. Sorta." Chris said.
"You must be so proud." I said sarcastically.
"It's kinda creepy how she knew to lay a trap for you. Obviously she didn't count on us being there." Paige said.
"Well, at least there's a vanquishing potion here. Okay, what do you say we make this eight-legged freak wish it'd never been hatched." Mom said.
"Whoa, hold it. You are not going anywhere, mom, this is way too risky." Chris said.
"He's actually right. Without the Wyatt force field thing." Paige said.
"Okay, do you have to keep rubbing that in?" Chris asked. I kind of agree with Chris on that one.
"Aren't there any therapists in the future?"
"We need Phoebe."
"No, I don't want to interrupt her date with Mark." Mom said.
"Actually, it's Mike this week." Paige said.
"No, it's Mitch." I said.
"Who cares, we need her." Chris said,
"Ever since she had that vision thing in magic school, you know, the one about a demon-free life, and her being with child, she's kind of been on that whole future thing." Paige said.
"And she wishes to accomplish that by speed dating?" Mom asked.
"I don't know."
"So does that book say anything about that spider being poisonous?" Chris asked.
I looked through the page again.
"Nope. Nothing about it being poisonous. Sorry." I said.
"It's alright." Then mom went back to cleaning his neck. "Gentle, please."
"Oh, quit your complaining, I'm almost done. Paige, could you call the club for me and tell them I'm gonna be a little bit late?"
"No, I thought we already discussed this. You're not going anywhere without a force field."
"Why? Because it's so much safer here? I have to go to work, I booked a band tonight."
"Let Paige cover for you."
"No, I can't, I have to go back to my temp job. I'm already late." Paige said.
"Blow it off. This is more important."
"My temp jobs are important. It's how people who need help find me."
"Okay, I get that, I do, but right now your sister needs your help, okay?"
"Why don't we just call Leo?"
"No, no."
"Why not? He can help us. Besides, Piper's in danger, which means the baby's in danger, which means you are in danger."
"Because we don't need him."
"Yeah, he's right, I don't want to open up that can of worms." Mom said.
"He doesn't even know you're pregnant." Paige said.
"This is my point exactly."
"Look, I'm not suggesting some sort of reunion-"
"He has been gone for six months. If he's not there for us in the future, why is he there for us now?" Chris snapped then mom sat down on the chair.
"Hey, are you okay?" Paige asked.
"Yeah, I just need to sit down for a minute." Mom said.
"Okay, well, I'll go deal with the club, you work on the vanquishing potion and call Phoebe and I when it's done." Then Paige left.
"I'll clean up." Chris said then mom and I left the room.
Chris and I were in the dining room waiting for Phoebe when she walked in from the kitchen.
"Okay, let's do this. I have a future to get back to." She said.
"Who doesn't. You blessed this?" Chris asked motioning to the potion.
"Yes, I blessed it, I sang to it. What's the matter with you?" She asked as Chris sat on the stairs. Then mom came down the stairs. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I think I'm just coming down with something."
"What do you mean? From the attack?" Mom asked.
"Now who's the worry wart. Look, we still need Paige to bless this. Did you call her?"
"Yeah, she's on her way. She was helping me out at the club."
"Who's watching Wyatt?" Phoebe asked.
"Uh, Sheila. He should be safe there until after this is over."
"Okay, well, we gotta get a move on here. Because I need to find my husband, like, yesterday. Seriously." I looked over at Phoebe. "What? I did the math. It's gonna take me like a year to fall in love, and there's the whole engagement and the wedding, and then the year of wedded bliss. And then I have to wait a year to find out if I really want to have his kid, you know, and the pregnancy's, like, nine months. Well, ten months, they just tell you it's nine months. So clearly, let's move on here." Mom started laughing. "I'm sorry, what's so funny?"
"This whole family needs a shrink." Mom said.
"Tell me about it." I said and sat back down at the table. Then Paige orbed in holding a shillelagh.
"Hey. Where'd you get that?" Phoebe asked.
"Don't ask." Paige said.
"You need to bless this vanquishing potion." Chris said.
"Wow. Hello to you too."
"Hey, the book says for all three of you to bless it. Phoebe will help you. Piper, can I talk to you, please?"
"Piper? What happened to mom?" Mom asked.
"How exactly do I bless this thing?" Paige said walking over to Phoebe and me.
"With your blood. This'll just hurt a little." Phoebe said picking up the needle.
They pricked her finger and did everything then we all headed to where mom and Chris were.
"Okay, we got it. She didn't even... " Phoebe said and I looked up and saw the spider demon. "Faint."
Paige threw a potion towards the spider demon and Chris caught it.
"What are you doing?" Paige asked.
Chris knocked Paige to the floor and then attacked Phoebe. Phoebe fought back and he dropped the potion. The potion rolled over to Paige. Phoebe kicked Chris in the head and knocked him to the floor. Paige threw the potion at the spider demon but missed. She turned back into a spider and crawled away.
"Get it! Get it!" Phoebe said but the spider crawled out the window. "Piper." She said when she turned around.
Paige and I turned around and saw mom wrapped in a cocoon against the wall.
"Oh, no." Paige and said.
Paige and I were trying to get mom out of the cocoon. Paige walked up to mom and touched her, only to have the web zap her and knocked backwards.
"Well, there's a force field that works." She said. Then Phoebe walked in.
"Alright, I locked Chris in the basement. What are you doing on the floor?" She asked and helped her up.
"Well, not having a lot of luck, that's why I'm on the floor. I've tried orbs, knives, spells. Nada."
"God, I hope Piper's okay in there. So do you think we should ask Chris for help?"
"Yeah, let's get the mutant who put her in there in the first place to help."
"Missy, that is our nephew, he needs help too."
"I don't think Chris'll be much help though." I said. "The spider demon must of had some kind of toxin when she got Chris. It' pretty obvious he's not gonna help us."
"Okay, fine. How should we help? Uh, how about Leo?" Paige said.
"Are you kidding? Piper will kill us." Phoebe said.
"Well, she can kill us after she's saved."
"Paige, Piper doesn't want Leo to know that Chris is his son, okay? So I don't think I can keep that secret."
"Try. Leo!" Then dad orbed in wearing a gold robe.
"Phoebe, Paige, KC, how are you?" He said.
"Not so good, we have a problem." Phoebe said.
"Perhaps we should meditate."
" No, I don't want to meditate. Piper, right there." Paige said.
Leo turned around and saw mom wrapped up in the spider web.
"Ah, the Spider Demon. She cocoons her victims before feeding on them."
"Great, well, can you get her out of there?"
"Uh, well, the only way to get her out of there is to vanquish the Spider Demon. But it's okay, the cocoon is meant for preservation, so she's safe for now."
"Good, that means Chris is too." Phoebe said.
"Chris? He's in there too?" Dad asked.
"No, he's not in there, Leo, he's in the basement." Paige said quickly.
"Yeah, he was acting a little crazy so I locked him in the basement."
"Yeah, after the Spider Demon infected him, he got a little crazy, went after..."
"I'll talk to him." Leo said and headed for the basement.
"Ay, be careful. Good thinking." Paige said.
"I'm telling you, he has a right to know." Phoebe said.
"No, he doesn't."
"More important thing here." I said.
We heard a door slam and ran into the kitchen.
"What happened?" Paige asked.
"He attacked me." Dad said.
"Shocker." I said to myself quietly.
"I tried to warn you."
"He's got issues." Phoebe said.
"Issues?" Dad asked confused.
"Yeah, from being infected." Paige said, covering up again.
"No, I think his issues precede that, don't you, Paige?" Phoebe said trying to get it out.
"Something you're not telling me?" Dad asked.
"No." Paige interrupted Phoebe.
"Look, he's gonna find out sooner or later and I'm gonna bust."
"Find out what?" Leo asked but the girls kept fighting.
"If he's gonna help us, we're gonna have to tell him."
"It's Piper's business."
"Tell me what?" Dad asked. Phoebe tried to hold it in but couldn't.
"Chris is your son." She blurted out. "Don't we all feel better? I know I feel so much better."
Dad sat down, speechless.
"Uh, spirit realm, six months ago, you and Piper... Leo, she's pregnant."
"Why didn't she tell me?"
"Well, honestly, I think she knows how hard it was for you to leave one son behind. She didn't want to make it any harder."
Then Paige's phone went off.
"Great. Excuse me." She said and left the room.
Leo looked at me and I looked down at the floor.
"Why is he so mad at me?" Dad asked.
"I don't know, sweetie. He's real tight lipped about the future. It's a lot for you, huh? Well, uh, you gotta try to pull it together because we need you. Your family needs you." Phoebe said,
"Right. You're right."
"That's the spirit."
"Well, uh, if I remember correctly, the Spider Demon's last victim was a wizard. So maybe I should go to magic school and see if there's something there that I can use to scry for him."
"Okay, and what about Chris?" I asked. "He's still psycho spider man."
"Check the Book of Shadows, I think there's an antidote."
"Okay. Welcome home."
Dad was about to orb out when I stopped him.
"Can I come too?" I asked. "I know my history. Could help find something." I looked back down.
"Sure." He grabbed my shoulder and we orbed out.
Dad and I found Sigmond and he said he'd help us find the wizard. I was looking for a book to start with.
"Hey um KC." I looked over and saw dad. "Are you..."
"Yeah." I looked down. "I'm your daughter too." I looked up and he was smiling.
"That's why I heard you, when you were lost in the underworld."
"I called for you. I hoped you'd hear me." I smiled at him and started looking again.
Dad, Sigmond, and I were looking through books in the great hall.
"What about this one, sir? "The wizard wrath metre." He created over five hundred spells and potions before mysteriously disappearing in 1904." Sigmund asked,
"Sounds like the right year." I said.
"Any chance you have this wand here?" Dad asked.
"It should be in the collection." Sigmund said.
We turned around to find Gideon standing behind us.
"Would you excuse us please, Sigmond?" He said.
"Of course." Then Sigmund left.
"Not now." Dad said and went to find the wand.
"Leo, this is a serious matter, and one that we have been over countless times. You abandoned the other Elders without so much as a warning."
"Yeah, well, something came up."
"You can't just pop on down whenever you feel the need arise. You're not just putting yourself at risk, you're putting all Elders at risk too."
"I'm trying to save my son."
"Wyatt? Has something happened to him?"
"No, not Wyatt, to Chris." Gideon looked shocked. He glanced at me before looking at dad again. "I know, I just found out myself, I don't have time to explain. If I don't find the demon who hurt him, I may not be able to figure out why he hates me so much."
"Hates you?"
Dad got the wand out of the cabinet.
"Got it. Listen, I dropped Wyatt off in the nursery just to be on the safe side. I hope that's alright."
"Of course."
"Thanks. Come one KC." He grabbed my hand and orbed us back to the house.

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