Chapter 22

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I was looking thorugh the book of shadows when Chris ran in and lightly pushed me out of the way.
"Sorry, I just need a spell fast."
"Demon's onto you?"
"Yeah, how did you know?"
"Because you were in such a hurry, you havn't changed yet." I said and laughed a little. He looked down at his clothes.
"Quiet." Then he went back to the book. When he was down stairs. I closed the book and followed after him.
"Hello, Chris. Can you hear me?" I heard when I was half way down.
"Is someone calling me?" Chris said.
"Yeah, uh, sweetie, could you come here a sec?" Mom said.
"Geez, he can come out?" I heard. I got to the bottom when Chris went into the livingroom.
"Can we air this out, 'cause I gotta... Grandpa! KC Grandpa's here!" Then I ran into the livingroom and saw grandpa.
"Grnadpa!" I ran over and hugged him.
We all ened up in the kitchen sitting at the table.
"So we're close?" Grnadpa asked.
"Yeah. You're awesome, Grandpa." Chris said.
"Did you hear that? Awesome." Grandpa said to mom.
"Yeah, after the event happened, we got really close."
"What event?" Mom asked.
"I can't tell you."
"Is this, um, event my fault? Is that why you're treating me like a non-person?"
"I can't talk about it, it will mess with the future."
"But you did say I was awesome, right? You can talk about that?"
"Yeah. You're the best, I love hanging out with you."
"Yeah I used to stay at your house all the time." I said.
"I gotta admit, I'm a little surprised. I mean, it's no secret I wasn't the greatest dad. It means a lot to me that I could do something to make up for it." Grandpa said.
"You do." Chris said.
" After the event." Mom said.
"Right." I said.
"That you won't tell me about."
"I told you, we can't talk about it, okay?" Chris snapped.
"Hey, don't talk to your mother like that, okay?"
"You're right. I'm sorry."
"Piper!" Paige called.
Mom ad Grandpa went to see what was going on and Chris and I followed.
"What happened?" Chris asked.
"Well, you've heard of recapturing your youth, I think Phoebe's youth is trying to recapture her." Paige said.
"Explain." Mom said.
"I don't know, it's like one minute she was totally normal, the next it's like she's freaky Phoebe." Paige explained.
"Great. Who else saw?" Chris said.
"No one. She changed back before anyone noticed."
"I'm having a little trouble keeping up here. Phoebe's being chased by, what, demons?" Grandpa asked.
"Maybe inner demons or a spell gone wrong? It seemed to happen after someone named Paula Marks called her 'freebie'."
"Oh, yeah, that'll do it." Mom said.
"You wanna go upstairs with me and check the book, see if there's anything?"
"You two go ahead. I need to get back to the Scabbar demons before they know I'm missing." Chris said and went to leave.
"Hey, wait, what, and leave your awesome grandpa alone? Grab a sandwich, grab a beer, get an answer." Then they left and Grandpa pulled out two cigars from his coat.
"Cubans?" He offered one to Chris. He thought about it for a minute before taking one.
We went out to the conservatory Where Chris and Grandpa started smoking the cigars. Chris tried his and started coughing.
"Sorry, bad idea." Grandpa said.
"It's cool, it's just strong."
"I was just trying to help us bond a little, you know."
"We don't need help bonding, we're cool."
"In the future, but I haven't been there yet, you know. I'm feeling a little out of sync here. Um, well, are you guys hungry? Do you wanna grab a bite?"
"Yeah. Yeah, that'd be great. Just, um, let me change first, okay?"
"Uh, listen, about those things, you might wanna pick up a different habit. To avoid future problems if you know what I mean."
"Oh, geez." He quickly put the cigar out. "Thanks for the tip."
Then Chris went to change.
"So how old are you?" Grandpa asked me.
"I'm twelve. I'm almost thirteen."
"Really? How come you're so much younger than Chris?"
"A lot of stuff happens."
"Oh, well alright."
When Chris was ready we left with Grandpa.
"Uh, what is the gi-got?" Chris asked the waiter.
"Ze gigot is your choice. Leg of lamb or mutton." He said.
"Oh, what is that, meat?"
"Yes, is meat. Comes from a sheep, you know? Baa-baa."
"Why don't you just bring us a couple of steaks, please. Medium. Thank you." Grandpa said. Then the waiter walked away. "Sorry, I thought you might like a fancy meal."
"Why?" Chris asked.
"Trying to live up to my rep."
"With cigars and mutton? Sorry, grandpa, that's not how you did it."
"Did I take you to batting cages?"
"Strip clubs?"
"God, no."
"What did I do? You gotta tell me because I am crashing here."
"Nothing. You just... we talked."
"Or in my case, we just did stuff together when I was little."
"Look, we should just get back. I'm under cover with some demons who are gonna be looking for me very soon."
"No, no, no, wait. Let's talk. We need to talk."
"Let me guess. Piper asked you here to find out what's wrong with me, right?"
"She just wants to know why she's such a terrible mother."
"She what? No, no, she's great."
"Why would she think that?" I asked.
"Then why are you treating her like she doesn't exist?" Chris was silent. "Chris. If what we do is talk, talk to me."
"KC, can you go to the bathroom please?" Chris looked at me. I nodded my head befor getting up and leaving.

(Chris' POV)
"Chris, talk to me." Grandpa said once KC was gone.
"Because she doesn't exist in my future, okay? She dies when I turn fourteen. KC, she was barly five."
"That, that's the event? How?"
"I can't, alright. I've already said way too much. The point is after I save Wyatt, I have to back to where she isn't. I can't get close to her because I don't wanna lose her again."
"Maybe that's all the more reason to get close to her. I mean your sister is."
"She doesn't really remember what it was like having mom around."
"Maybe you just need to spend time with her while you have her."

(KC's POV)
Chris orbed us in the attic. Grandpa had a sick look on his face.
"You're okay." Mom said.
"Who says I'm okay." Grandpa said.
"Don't worry, you'll get used to orbing in the future." Chris told him
"I thought something might have happened to you." Mom said.
"No, we're fine, we just talked. Really, I'm fine."
"Yeah, well, Phoebe's not. She's out there running around with her old gang." Paige said.
"I thought she was downstairs." Grnadpa asked.
" No, she's out the window." Mom said.
"And even worse, she's under the influence."
"Of alcohol?" Chris asked.
"No, adolescence."
"She stole a cop car as a prank." Mom said.
" That's not a prank, that's a felony." Grandpa said.
"Yeah, well, teen Phoebe also happens to have her adult powers and she cast a spell on her entire reunion class." Mom said.
"What?" Chris and I said.
"Don't worry, Paige was able to reverse it all, but" Then mom stumbled and Chris and Grandpa caught her.
"Are you okay?" I asked.
"Yeah, I'm just a little light headed."
"Sorry. You know, about me." Chris said and pointed to her stomach.
"Huh. Must have been some hell of a talk there."
"Yeah. Go get off your feet, honey." Grandpa siad and the two of them left the room.
"Look, we need to stop Phoebe before she gets into some trouble we can't get her out of." Chris said.
"I'm trying, she keeps moving, she keeps moving. Uh." The crystal pointed to a place on the map. "I got her". Then two Scabbar demons appeared and Chris orbed us out and behind Paige. "Glass!" A piece of broken glass orbed into one of the Scabbar demon's stomach. It just melted away. He spit more acid goo and it his the table, melting it away. Mom and Grandpa ran in.
"Get back!" Mom yelled and pushed Victor back out the door. Piper tries to blow one of the demons up. The other demon spit towards Paige.
"Icky stuff!" She yelled and the yellow goo orbed back to the demon, vanquishing him. The other ones disappeared.
"Icky stuff?" Mom asked.
"It worked." Grandpa walked back in. Chris handed Paige the Book of Shadows.
"Here. Sorry about all this." Chris said.
"It's okay, kids are messy." Mom said.
"They'll be back."
"Then we'll handle it."
"Uh-oh." Paige picked up the melted scrying crystal. "Any idea how we're gonna find Phoebe now?"
Mom put a crystal on the window sill.
"The crystal's should protect you. They won't be able to find you as long as you stay in the attic." She told Chris.
"You sure about that?" He asked.
"Well, I'm pretty sure."
"Okay. Well, you and Wyatt need to go some place safe. I'm gonna go get him."
"No, you are not leaving this room."
"What about you?"
"What about me? I have to stay here and help Paige summon Phoebe."
"KC and I part witch, remember?We can help Paige do that."
"You can't vanquish the demons if they come and attack again."
"Well, I can try."
"Listen to your mother, Chris." Grandpa said from the door.
"What if something happens to her?"
"Nothing's gonna happen to me. Unless you know something that I don't."
"Nothing's gonna happen to you, honey. Not now."
"Oh, so when? Chris? Is that what you've been living with, knowing that something happens to me? I see. Well, does it happen soon?"
"I can't tell you that. It could change the future in even worse ways."
"Right. But isn't that why you came here in the first place? To make the future better? How do you know you haven't already changed mine?"
"She's got a point." Grnadpa said.
" Well, whatever it is, it obviously doesn't happen until you're born or even KC is, so save it. You got it?"
"I got it, mom."
WE were in the attic and we summoned Phoebe. Phoebe appeared in a swirl of bright lights.
"Honey, are you okay?" Grandpa asked.
"No, I'm not. You have to send me back." Phoebe said.
" You're not a teenager anymore." Paige said.
"Very good, Paige. Now please, send me back."
"But wait, we need the power of three to vanquish the demons that are after Chris." Mom said.
"No, Piper, it's gonna have to wait. There are innocents in danger."
"Well, what if you revert back?"
"I won't. Look, there's a crazy man with a shot gun, now please send me back." Then the girls sent Phoebe back.
"Is she gonna be ok?" I asked.
"Yeah. If ther'es any problems she'll call for us." Mom siad.
After everything was taken care of, Phoebe's friends, Chris' demons, all that Grandpa was leaving. I said goodbye and went to the conservatory to play with Wyatt. I saw Chris was playing with him too.

(Nobodys POV)
"Next time I ask you to drop by I promise I will keep the demonic drama to a minimum." Piper said as she and Victor went towrds the front door.
"Yeah, now you know why I don't come around that often." Victor said.
"Just kidding." He hugged her. "Sort of. Take care of yourself. You've got a great kid growing inside of you. Look forward to really getting to know him someday. KC too."
"I still can't believe you like orbing in the future. Do I live to see that?"
"Ooh, nice try. Don't worry so much about the future. Spend time with them while you can, talk to them."
" Every moment counts, is that it?"
"Yeah, something like that. Uh, Piper, be careful."
He left and Piper walked in the conservatory and saw Chris, KC, and Wyatt sitting on the floor, playing with toys. She felt baby Chris kick and she smiled. Looking at her two future children and her son. Something she couldn't wait to have in teh future.

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