chapter one

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He had flowy blond hair, which kind of fell into his eyes. He felt that eyes were the main weakness any human has, so he hid his sky blue eyes. He sat leaned against the wall of the ally smoking the last cigarette from his pack. He took a big puff adding smoke to the already cloudy vapor that left his mouth. The air was chilly and dull coldness already predominating his pale skin.

 It was chilly outside but I waited. My friends were supposed to come with liquor, and today was the perfect day for drinking; liquor would warm me up perfectly. I had decided to skip school again, honestly there probably really isn't much of a reason for me to go to school anyway, I really just go for the kicks of it. I've never liked school, the only fun things to do there is either aggravate the teachers, sometimes until they cry, or hook up with some chicks. Everything else is just a drag.

My parents have tried all types of attempts to get me to go to school and behave, but I think they pretty much gave up around the time I started middle school. I appreciate that they finally acknowledged that they shouldn't expect too much, but it still doesn't stop the fact that every time I get home either my mom or dad has to start nagging about stupid shit. It truly annoys me to no end, and when I raise my voice at them to shut the hell up, my mom always has to come out with the fake tears, then dad suddenly feels the need to butt in and raise his voice. The only way I can tune them out is when I shut my door, put my headphones on, and crank my volume on full blast. They seriously have no right to tell me what time I should come in at night or tell me how to act and behave. I am almost 16 years old, I'm more than old enough to dictate what I want to do.

My attention got pulled away from my thoughts as I saw my friend walking towards me.

My best friend's name is Gabriel, he's just a little taller than me by a few centimeters. He has dark black hair he seriously has been refusing to cut since the start of middle school saying that he wanted to live more freely, or whatever that means. He has dark brown eyes and has pretty decent looks going for himself. He also usually skips a lot of school, maybe even more than me. But in comparison to me, he's a huge party animal, and maybe just a little more popular with the ladies, while I'm more of a loner, and labeled bad boy.

He was the first to show up to the back ally, where I was waiting. No one really comes back here so we always meet here to hang out or skip school. He had three bottles of liquor in hand. I stomped out my cigarette before we did a little handshake bumping shoulders; he wore a smirk, and his eyes were a little red.

I sighed rubbing the back of my head, "Dude are you high? I thought we were going to wait until Mia got here with the weed, so we could smoke and get high together? What the hell man?!"

Gabriel's face twisted in confusion before grasping on to what Emmett was talking about, "Ay, dude calm down man! Geez, I'm not high. At least I don't think so, I can't really remember much of last night at all. All I really remember was having fun, and getting wasted last night, then next thing I know I'm waking up in some chicks bed." Scratching his head, he let out a laugh of disbelief.

"You wouldn't even believe how hard it was to get out of that house. Her parents where home and everything, plus I couldn't freaken figure out where I was. But I managed to steal three bottles of liquor from that chicks dad's office, He wasn't even there! And after that, thanks to Google Maps I found a bus stop, caught a bus, and ta-da, here I am safe and sound!" Smiling he made a stupid face wiggling his eyebrows around.

I felt a bit stupid, but after hearing that story and seeing his stupid face, I let a grin take over my face and let out a laugh.

"Sorry man, I just assumed things. I'm not even surprised that you were stuck in that sort of situation in the first place; I just can't fathom how you can get black-out drunk at a party and manage to make it here and still want to drink and smoke some more?"

Gabriel let out a chuckle, slapping my back.

"Please, today's a new day! We still have to live while we're young. But anyway, seriously, how can Mia be so late? I'm ready to get this party started."

I shrugged my shoulders,

" I don't know how she could even manage to be later than you" Sighing I said, "Whatever I'm tired of waiting, let's start on the drinks until she gets here."

We walked to the side of the building that made up the ally and grabbed the chairs I always kept folded and leaned against the alley's walls. I usually keep a minimum of three chairs there for  Gabrial, Mia, and me but since Mia was late she can grab her own chair. We brought our chairs to the middle of the ally and unfolded them, but before we could sit down, we heard Mia's big mouth from a distance. I rolled my eyes and started walking in her direction when suddenly some big, weird man stood at the entrance of the ally. I couldn't really make out his face because of the distance, but he was seriously offputting. I looked at Gabrial and moved my head in a signal to walk with me to the back ally. We needed to meet up with Mia before she bumped into that weirdo. 

Gabrial took a swig of the alcohol he had brought, before nodding his head and getting up. We started off towards the exit of the ally at a fast pace, but before we made it out some other guy stood at the exit, blocking the way out. We were stuck, and before I could scream about what the hell was going on, I heard a muffled scream beside me. When I turned around, I was horrified at the sight of my best friend with a rag over his mouth, being dragged away. I didn't even have time to try and save him or myself, because next thing I know I feel an arm wrap around my waist, and a rag put over my mouth as I'm being dragged away. I didn't get to put up much of a struggle, because I start to feel dizzy and everything just goes pitch black.

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