Chapter 8 : Death of Me

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"You know I've tried to be real professional here big guy but this whole playing dumb act is getting tired. It's not the first time I've seen it and I gotta say you're not selling it. So how's about we cut the bullshit and you tell me what I need to know."

"I'm not telling cause I ain't playin'." It spat through gritted teeth.

"Well thats unfortunate because you already got one knife dirty and my other one was a gift. New and improved from the last demon I gutted andI'd hate to break it in on a low level jackass like you. So either you give me a name or I'm gonna get real cranky."

"I'm gonna peel the skin off your bones inch by inch you little skank."

And I'm gonna pull your tongue out of your head with my bare hands. Start. Talking. Bitch." I growled driving the knife across it's skin. Fresh blood mixing with sweat and old wounds as I carved into it.

"Jesus fuck you bitch! I don't know shit!"

"Yes you do! Tell me!" I screamed over and over jamming the knife into its leg and twisting as it howled, my own voice screaming along with it.

"Emma!" Dean screamed. Grabbing my arm and yanking me back. I pulled and fought but he was stronger than I was. "Hey come on take a second!"

"Dean stop!" I huffed yanking away from him and back towards the table, giving myself some distance from that pig.

"No! Look you need to take a break. Go for a walk okay? I don't think he knows anything and we're spinning our wheels."

"I summoned him from the closest crossroads to Lloyds. Theres no way that scum bag doesn't know who's working the booth next to his."

"I get that but you've been at it for hours and none of them have." He tried not to let his eyes wander to the 7 bodies laid strewn around the abandoned barn we were hiding out in. "Look I get you need answers but slaughtering every demon we come across isn't gonna help and its wasting time."

"That's right put a leash on your bitch Winchester." It hissed. Dean whipped around before I could get a shot off.

"Can it ass hat you ain't leaving here breathing." He turned back to me, coming to rest his hands on my shoulders. "Look lets drop this tonight. What ever tip you got wasn't the one we're looking for. Lets get some food and hit a motel for tonight. Take a second to catch up." He looked at me, eyes begging me to just take time.

"Dean I can't I have to-"

"Dead end sweetheart. I'm calling it." I huffed exhaustion hitting me. I nodded walking back over to the demon we had tied up.

"Last chance to say something useful before I stab you in your skull."

"You won't save him. He's gonna die. He's gonna get dragged to hell. He's gonna burn and he's gonna come back for you with black eyes and no reason not to rip that pretty little heart out. Doesn't matter what you do to me. He's marked." It laughed. I grabbed the knife and lodged it in the demon's skull before stomping off, leaving Dean to follow. This is gonna be the death of me.

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