Chapter 6 : She Could Never Love A Monster Like You

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     I walked into the old house like a zombie. I don't remember much but I know I grabbed a six pack and whiskey and went to go hide in my room. I woke up the next morning just like the last, head pounding and my body sore. I ran down to the kitchen, no one was awake yet. I plugged in the coffee pot and made some pancakes and bacon for everyone. I pulled my mug steaming from the counter and splashed in some whiskey. Hair of the dog and all. Sam was the first up as he came into the kitchen he gave me a gruff hello as he grabbed the coffee from my hand that I had ready for him. It was like a pitstop and he was off to the library for lore.

"Foods almost done."

"Mmmm." He said lost in thought.


"Something has to be here." I left his comment be. I didn't want to talk about Luke seeing as he was going to be the only topic of conversation for the next ten years or till we broke his deal. I still couldn't think about it, I pushed the thought of him from my mind knowing I would break down if I hadn't. Bobby came down stairs and pulled me in for a big hug. He said nothing as he grabbed his coffee and joined Sam. I continued cooking, sipping my coffee hoping Luke was taking his sweet time because I wanted to hold on to the peace as long as I could. I heard the flopping of feet down the old stairs and the roll of the wooden door.

"Hi." Dean said almost sounding he was out of air.

"Hi." I avoided eye contact. "Here." I said as I handed him his coffee as he placed a hand on my hip and a kiss on my cheek. I blushed a little not expecting it. I could feel him holding back from saying something. I was about to press him on it when he spoke.

"I got a call from Luke." He said timidly.

"What?" Why did Luke call him?

"He wanted to tell me himself but... I said some things to him Em. I was pissed and went off on him a little." Oh god Dean. "He wasn't gonna come but Sam fixed it. He called him and did... what ever he does. He should be here soon... I'm sorry I didn't mean to."

"What did you tell him?" I was nervous. When Dean got mad he had no filter and things don't always come out... accurately.

"I didn't really tell him anything as much as imply something."

"Dean." I said turning around to him with a furrowed brow.

"He may have guessed that we... ya know. Spent the night together."

"Okay... and did you try and explain what really happened?! That we actually slept?"

"He didn't give me the chance really...."

"Goddamnit. Add that on the list." I said with anger in every piece of my voice. I slammed the remainder of my coffee back and poured myself another cup, sneaking whiskey in so the boys wouldn't see as Dean began to ramble.

"Emma I'm sorry. All I said was that he screwed up and said shit he didn't mean... I told him if he was the brother he was supposed to be he would have been there for you. That if he was a real man he would have owned it. But because he was such an asshole... I had to be. That he should have been the one to comfort you not me. I was pissed. What he did... I mean I-"

He stopped himself, stumbling over his own words. How could I blame him? Knowing Luke did this, sold his soul. I'm sure it brought back what he went through, all the pain he suffered in hell.

"Hey don't. I get why you went off. You made the same deal he did. You know what it really costs. Everyone here as a right to be mad at Luke. Honestly if Luke hadn't have done it... I would have done something stupid eventually to get her back. We have all gone too far for someone we loved. Everyone in this house. But right now I want to focus... I need to focus, on fixing this."

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