Calum smiled down at her as she put her other headphone back in and continued her relaxation.

Calum heard footsteps a few moments later. He looked to find Ashton approaching him.

He met Ashton half way. They stood a little ways away from Sienna.

"What's she doing?" Ashton asked.

"Tanning her back." Calum said with a grin that was a little too big for Ashton.

"We've got to talk." Ashton sighed.

"Oh, boy." Calum said, crossing his arms over his chest. "What did I do this time?"

Ashton looked at Calum then looked back to Sienna.

"You think I did Sienna?" Calum asked with wide eyes. "Tell me how you possibly think I would've had a chance-"

"I wasn't saying you two were..." Ashton sighed. "Look, I'm talking about your feelings for her."

"My feelings for her?" Calum raised an eyebrow at Ashton as if he were a complete fool, but his heart was racing.

"I'm not blind Calum. I-" Ashton began, but Calum held a hand up to silence him.

"When are you going to get over this stupid theory that I am in love with her?" Calum asked in fake frustration. "Why is it I have to either have nothing to do with her or I have to be in love with her? Why can't I just be her friend like you and Mike?"

"I can see it all over your face, Calum." Ashton crossed his arms again.

"See what?" Calum scoffed. "See that I care about her?" He questioned. "Yes, I care about her! Yes, I give a damn what happens to her! I didn't realize that meant I had to be in love with her!" Calum didn't know he had it in him to pull this off so well.

"We're brothers, Calum." Ashton sighed. "You think I can't tell when you've got feelings for a girl?"

"I seriously doubt it given I've never had feelings for a girl." Calum laughed.

"Exactly." Ashton nodded. "I can see it. I'm sure I'm not the only one."

"I don't see anyone else out here asking me to confess my love." Calum grumbled.

"So, there's nothing going on then?" Ashton asked, staring into his eyes in hopes of seeing some glimmer of fear.

He found none.

"No." Calum said more calmly than even he expected. "I'm just her friend, Ashton."

"Fine. Then there's nothing going on, " Ashton shrugged. "but that doesn't mean you don't have feelings for her."

"It wouldn't matter if I did," said Calum. "Would it?" He dared.

Ashton didn't respond.

"That's what I thought."


"Get dressed." Luke said as he stood next to Sienna's beach towel.

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