03 - magic;

419 26 14

Yujin POV

"You know, what you did to Seong Jeun was harsh. I know you can't apologize but at least don't do that again?" I said, tying up my hair into a ponytail while looking at the reflection of Yoongi from the mirror.

Yoongi just put on a straight face, meaning he didn't care. All he wanted was his dinner.

I stood up and faced him. "Come on. You won't do it again, alright?"



"Min Yoongi!"

Of course, he ignored me. It was unusual because whenever I talked to him I would feel like he was human, because he was always nodding and listening to me. When he's giving me a hard time, he just ignores me.


"Yoongi, come on. You're being such a stubborn cat. Why are you always like that? You were in the wrong. He is my friend- actually was. I used to like that guy, okay? So please don't do it again.."

Just then, I realised something glistening in his eyes.

Wait, are those..


Suddenly, the cat just ran out of my room.

"Yoongi!" I chased after it. By the time I went out of my room, he was gone. I saw the open front door and mentally cursed at myself.

Why didn't I lock the front door?!

I grabbed a coat and dashed out to find my cat. I knew I could just stare and enjoy the harsh weather, especially at night, but I love my Yoongi. He was a super good friend to me.

It almost felt as if he were human.


It has been an hour ever since he disappeared. I was getting worried by the minute, thinking that he literally ran away and might never come back.

I checked the time and seeing it made me drop to the floor.

"It's already 12 a.m. and I haven't found him.." I quietly sobbed.

"Min Yoongi, where are you?!" I yelled, through my strained voice due to the fact there was a giant lump in my throat.

I hugged my knees tightly as I looked at the rain which hindered my tears.

Yes, I was apparently crying. My cat, Min Yoongi, was like everything to me. For the past few days since I've kept him, I was always able to rant to him freely and he would always listen like he was my real friend. It felt like I just lost a very good friend.

If only he were human, I'd love him so much.

Just then, when I thought all hope was lost, I felt a viberation on my right thigh.

I looked to my right to see what- or who, it was and it was Yoongi purring against my skin.

"Y-Yoongi.." My voice cracked.

I immediately grabbed him and brought him into my arms.

"You stubborn cat whom I love so much, how dare you leave me like that? Do you know how frantic I have looked for you in this cold night?" I hugged him tightly as I felt his fur rub against my wet skin, keeping me warm and drying me up.

I gently pecked him on his lips. Weird, but hey. It's a cat. It's like pecking a super stuffed toy.

"Don't do that to me again.. arresso?" I held him up, with tears in my eyes.

Like he usually does, Yoongi nodded.


"Yoongi.. I need to go to bed now. Hop on your cat bed.." I said, after washing up.

I checked the mirror while I was in the shower and my eyes were puffy from shedding many tears.

Do I really love my cat that much?

Yoongi hopped on my bed instead and made himself comfortable.

"Oh... you wanna sleep with me? Okay, as long as you don't litter on my bed." I passed him a kumamon plushie and he laid on it.

"Goodnight, Yoongi." I cooed.

the next day

I woke up from a dream in which I lost Yoongi forever. I checked my eyes again and yes, I cried.

I smelt a different scent instead of Yoongi's fishy scent beside me. It smelt of a minty type of perfume... peppermint, maybe?

I then looked at my waist. It had two pale hands wrapped around it.

My eyes widened. Don't scream, Yujin. You're probably hallucinating..

That's when I turned to the other side and saw a bare-chested, pale man.

"AAAHHHHH!!!!" I screamed and jumped out of the bed, holding my pillow in a ready-to-kill stance. The man opened his eyes and jumped.

"AHHH! W-What? I can talk?" The man looked at me.

"Yujin? What's wrong?" He whimpered. Then he looked at himself and screamed.

I tried to process the whole thing when I suddenly said, "Y-Yoongi?"

The man turned to me. "Y-Yes?"

Oh my kimchi! My cat is a human!

But how in the world did THIS happen!?



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